Fire risk In VW Group Cars: prompts UK recall of 10,000 hybrid cars

Fire risk In VW Group Cars

Fire risk In VW Group Cars
Fire risk In VW Group Cars

Fire risk In VW Group Cars

This article is now old news, original article was on April 12, 2022. However, we are still hearing about fires caused by the batteries in EV and PHEV vehicles across the world. Most recently, Luton Airport parking area.

“Safety First: A Closer Look at the Recent Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Recall”

It is crucial to keep our consumers updated about the latest automotive world advances in Halifax, where we have been serving the community with our garage business and advertising websites that offer batteries.

Our focus today is on a worldwide recall of around 10,000 plug-in hybrid electric cars (PHEVs). manufactured by Audi, Volkswagen, Cupra Seat, and Skoda due to fire safety concerns. Now that we’ve established that this is a problem, let’s look at additional instances where EV batteries caught fire.

Recall Across the Globe-Fire risk In VW Group Cars

Imagine a fleet of elegant PHEVs from brands like Skoda, Cupra Seat, Volkswagen, and Audi gracefully cruising the beautiful highways of Halifax and beyond. Among our local clients, these vehicles are highly favoured for their fuel efficiency and reputation as eco-friendly options.

A number of worries have been voiced in light of recent events.

Because of a possible fire hazard, the automaker is recalling around 10,000 PHEVs around the world. This recall is evidence of our unwavering dedication to prioritising safety above all else. The significance of our clients’ road safety is paramount to our garage business.

The worldwide effort to resolve any issues with the batteries in these PHEVs includes the recall.

Although these kinds of accidents are very troubling, it is important to remember that the car industry is always working to improve safety standards and quickly fix any problems that may arise.

Interesting Facts About Halifax’s Automobile Past

As we go into this worldwide recall, it’s interesting to consider Halifax’s own automotive past. From the humble beginnings of the motor industry to the cutting-edge, environmentally sensitive cars of today, our town has seen it all.

Lots of influential car dealerships had their start in Halifax in the early 1900s, when the city was still relatively young. Although these garages, the latest being Dews Vauxhall dealership, have closed their doors for good, the creativity and forward momentum that characterised our community are a lasting tribute to their legacy.

Additional Incidents Involving Batteries- Fire risk In VW Group Cars

Although the most recent recall is noteworthy, events involving electric vehicle batteries have garnered attention on multiple occasions. Plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles (EVs) that are part of this recall rely on lithium-ion batteries, which aren’t always trouble-free but are usually reliable.

The famous electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla was involved in one noteworthy event. A London parking lot fire involving a Tesla Model S in 2019 garnered headlines all around the United Kingdom. These incidents are infrequent, but they show how serious battery safety is for both companies and customers.

Conclusion: Making Safety a Top Priority-Fire risk In VW Group Cars

Finally, the recent worldwide recall of PHEVs from Audi, Volkswagen, Cupra Seat, and Skoda shows how seriously the car industry takes safety. If we want to keep our cars on the road in a way that doesn’t harm the environment and doesn’t endanger Halifax citizens, we need to keep up with news like this.

Even though events involving EV batteries are uncommon, they highlight the importance of constantly improving battery technology and safety regulations. Our garage is committed to preserving the quality of our clients’ vehicles, increasing road safety, and adding to Halifax’s illustrious automotive heritage while we adapt to the dynamic world of automotive innovation.

Safety is of the utmost importance when it concerns your car. Keep yourself educated, practise safe driving and continue to confidently navigate the picturesque roads of Halifax and surrounding areas of beauty.

Around 10,000 Audi, VW, Cupra Seat and Skoda plug-in hybrids (PHEV) are being recalled over concerns about a fire risk. It’s part of a global recall which totals more 100,000 PHEVs produced by the carmaker. An insufficiently

Source: Fire risk prompts UK recall of 10,000 Volkswagen Group hybrid cars

car brakes problem

Anti-Lock Brake Systems: ABS

Anti-Lock braking systems

Anti-Lock Brake Systems
Anti-Lock Brake Systems

Anti-Lock Brake Systems

So, this is one of the things that I am most proud of. Of course, I have been a garage owner ! Is when a customer contacts my garage for a brake problem sorted out? Subsequently, it appears not to be the price that the person is worried about. Because they know how important it is to have good brakes on their car.

Before we remove the wheels, we examine the brakes. So, generally, we have a blank canvas to work from. We know that most cars get to the stage of having practically no brakes! Then the braking system will be in pretty bad shape. Believe me, they usually are.

Back in the old days! Then the car’s brakes were a much simpler affair to diagnose and repair. Of course, with only the upper end of the market cars. Having any type of electrical modification in order to aid  better braking. As in almost all the car developments. So, brakes were originally tested and tried on motorsport vehicles. Long time before being tried and tested on average road cars. Including the beginning of the ABS braking systems! Importantly, those are in common use today.

At first, Anti-lock braking systems only came out on prestige cars such as BMW and Mercedes

but many drivers had not heard of them before; in fact, we still get customers today who do not know what it means when their ABS warning light comes on and have to be investigated. Twenty years ago, many vehicle owners were given the option of having ABS brakes or not, a similar sort of thing to fitting alloy wheels or steel wheels; they were an optional extra.

Anti-Lock braking systems: work differently to a standard braking system

ABS brakes do act differently from a normal braking system. The main two advantages are that when you are braking on a wet, slippery road surface, or, say, on ice, your car will stop quicker; this also applies to normal roads, of course. Also, the car will handle much better when the driver has to brake and steer at the same time. Once again, in bad weather conditions, the car will handle much better than when using a conventional braking system.

In any normal driving situation,

such as stopping at traffic lights or at a road junction, the Anti-Lock Braking Systems do not activate, but if you need to brake sharply and suddenly, the Anti-Lock Braking Systems will be activated and assist you in braking more safely.

The Anti-Lock Brake Systems send out pulses of pressure instead of the single pressure that is asserted when braking a normal car. You can actually feel the pulses coming through the brake pedal when you have to exert pressure on the brake pedal in an emergency stop. It’s also crucial to keep in mind that if you do encounter a challenging situation, such as snow or a non-tarmac road, you will still need to slow down because your ABS system won’t be able to assist you.

The main benefit of Anti-Lock Braking Systems is that the driver has full control when braking and steering at the same time, which can help the driver steer away from danger; they prevent the wheel from locking in certain conditions.

Practice your ABS brake system—Anti-Lock Brake Systems

In my experience, it has always been a good idea to take your car and practice with the brakes if you are driving a car fitted with ABS brakes for the first time and get used to the different feel of the brakes when going straight and when steering.

The in-cab ABS warning light may come on if there is a fault with the ABS system or the normal braking system. If the warning light comes on, then you should have the brakes looked at as soon as possible. In our experience it is usually something simple, such as a faulty electrical connection or even that the car needs a set of new pads. You can also find problems with Anti-Lock Brake Systems and other Anti Lock Brake Parts. Once the problem has been found and rectified the ABS warning light can be re-set with a computer.

Also sell Firestone Tyres online from our website By using the tyre selector and choosing your tyre size. We offer courtesy cars to local motorists who need to go to work. Also an official MOT testing station who carry out checks for high standard of equipment and workmanship.

Exploding battery

Exploding battery

Exploding battery!
Exploding battery

Exploding battery

You wouldn’t want to encounter the following in your own garage, by the way. This is a classic instance of a battery that has made the decision to waver significantly. Our customer approached us, slightly perturbed, and stated that the battery was defective. I’m willing to wager that this was not their initial intention when they obtained it.

At this moment, we are examining what is commonly referred to as an “exploded” battery

. It is somewhat misleading in that there is no tangible detonation as depicted in films. Quite literally, it appears to have experienced a calamitous internal hissy fit and been unable to hold itself together. This occurs when the internal components, which are intended to be separate and comfortable, determine they no longer prefer to be apart and combine in an, um, less-than-ideal fashion.

It is, however, extremely uncommon;

When it does occur, there are several potential causes. Overcharging is a prevalent factor; consider consuming an excessive amount of food on a daily basis while expecting your trousers to remain in place; something must yield. Alternately, a short circuit may occur, which is analogous to connecting the incorrect ends of a pair of jumper cables by accident; negative sparks will erupt.

This means that our customer,

as well as anyone else in a similar situation, requires a reliable substitute; this is precisely where we enter the picture. We will ensure that they obtain a high-quality battery that meets their requirements, and we will also discuss maintenance tips to prevent them from ever having to observe the internal workings of their battery externally again.

Keep in mind that the battery is the beating core of your vehicle.

Maintain it charged without overcharging it, and it will serve you with the utmost loyalty of a Yorkshire Terrier. Furthermore, should you have any uncertainties, feel free to visit our garage or explore our battery-selling websites. We have the knowledge and equipment necessary to propel you along the winding roads of the United Kingdom.

Solar Storage Batteries

Battery Storage systems

Battery storage systems

Battery Storage systems
Battery Storage systems

Battery Storage systems

Because of the way that we built our national power plants. Interestingly, in some cases over a hundred years ago. Importantly, will have to change in the future! Of course, to meet our electrical needs. So for the production of solar energy and its distribution. Through our home solar panels collections and solar collection farms. Including the wind turbine installations.

So the original “national grid” plants were originally owned by the government. But in recent times, were privatized here in the UK by the Conservative government. Of course, led by “Margret Thatcher“. These massive coal and gas powered installations distributed power all over the “British Isles“.

Subsequently, many of the power stations were located in coal mining areas of Yorkshire. Importantly, where the coal was transported locally. Resulting in the electricity being sent across the country. Carried on massive power line systems. Then diverted into smaller sub-stations. So, then before distributed to homes and businesses. Of course, usually in an underground power network.

Things are about to change: Battery Storage systems

In recent times we have seen massive investment into the solar energy collecting market. Including, the introduction of new technologies.  Such as wind turbines and solar panel farms that turn the sun and the winds energy into producing electricity. Most people will now have seen these giant turbines across the countryside of most countries.

Technological advances

including battery storage systems will soon mean that things may have to change in the near future. Importantly, for these nationalized electric companies. Increasingly, as the end consumers start to install solar systems to their homes. Including many businesses across the world.

The price of fitting

a solar system to your roof has come down dramatically. mainly because things have become mass produced and affordable. Helping people reduce their electric bills. The only other problem has been that the power produced could not be stored! Until recent years when battery storage systems have become widely available. So, becoming more easily installed using a few simple instructions.

Advantage to isolated communities- Battery Storage systems

This has become of great benefit to cut off people who live in the country. Or in larger countries the “wilderness” . Of course,who are now able to make the production of electricity.  Storing it for the night use when the sun goes down. This can also lower the cost of their energy . Consequently, which has gradually become one of the most expensive household items in recent years.

Interestingly, I have electricity-collecting panels on my roof.

Selling the electricity back to my provider. Thus reducing my electric bills by half. Here in the UK, we are limited to the number of solar panels to one roof. For this reason, I don’t think that we are allowed to be self-sufficient. Of course, by producing all our own electricity. However, some countries are different. Such as the USA, where consumers can go their own way.

In many people’s opinions, the day is not too far away when our roof panels will generate electricity, which will be stored in a battery storage system. The householder will own an electric car, and along with powering the rest of the house, the battery bank will also charge your car battery at night, making you totally self-sufficient in electric power.

As I have said this is a perfect scenario for the perfect little houses in a perfect little village, but what about the rest of the population who live in multiple units and don’t even have their own roofs? Could we be looking at communal units of solar panels and storing the electricity in a battery bank, or is that a dream?

Island communities go solar-sufficient- Battery Storage systems

Perhaps not, because I have heard of some island communities that have become self-sufficient by using this method. The batteries are packed into a 20-foot cargo container, and the battery Storage systems will store electricity to be used at night. This also eliminated power failures due to storms and broken cables causing outages. The sun-reliant system was fitted using up-to-date technology and now works perfectly, leaving the island self-sufficient by using the sun’s energy and storing it in batteries.

My interest in all this is

that I sell solar storage batteries. Subsequently, I am very interested in the whole sun collection project. I cannot see the end of the national grid model! But alterations are going to have to be made in future. So, to accommodate the public’s wishes to produce their own electric power on their own premises,. Neither do we know what new future technologies will be available. Especially for collecting the sun’s power. Significant ideas are coming along all the time.

There is one thing for sure that governments are going to have to face:. Give this greenhouse gas  problem much thought in the years ahead. Of how we use the power of our sun in years to come.

car brakes problem

Brake Juddering Causes: What is it?

Brake Juddering Causes

Brake Juddering Causes
Braking Problems Highlighted

Brake Juddering Causes

Foot pedal vibrations lead to the brake juddering experience

So, one of the first signs of Brake Juddering Causes. Firstly, you can feel a vibration coming through your foot pedal. Secondly, when you press the clutch pedal,. So, brake and stop your car. Some of our customers say that it was a long drawn-out process. Eventually, though, the brake began to get worse. Including the vibrations starting to come through the steering wheel.

Unfortunately, some of our customers think

that the vibration is a wheel balancing problem! We also have to check out the problem with a correct diagnosis. However, a braking problem will usually come through the brake pedal. So then this is a sure sign of a brake problem.

Unfortunately, one of the main causes of brake jerks comes from elderly drivers. Significantly, they always cover the brake pedal with their right foot. This applies to manual gear changes or automatic; they are what I call “ride the brake” Some drivers also do this with the clutch, but that’s a different article to cover.

What happens if you ride the brake? Well, one of the problems is that you are applying extra pressure to the brake pads that are constantly in contact with the brake discs (brake rotors in the USA). These in turn heat the discs, and the discs then warp and go out of shape.

Brake juddering is a bigger problem in hilly areas

In my opinion, though, driver fault is not the main reason for warped brake discs. I think that the main cause is the terrain. We here in Halifax are in a hilly area, and we get a high occurrence of warped brake discs and brake juddering faults from our customers.

In areas where there are very steep inclines, drivers are more likely to keep their foot on the brakes. Some of the hills in the Hebden Bridge area are like alpine passes with 180-degree bends to contend with. When you come down these roads, you have to keep the car in low gear and be prepared for a vehicle coming up the hill without braking all the time.

This constant braking is what overheats the discs and causes them to warp and vibrate, giving your brake pedal. Some garages have a machine that will skim the brakes and stop the vibrating, but I think that once they have overheating, they do not work to their full potential, and a new set of pads and discs is the best option.

Improved brake technology-

Over the years, car manufacturers have brought in new technology to balance out the disc overheating problem and try to eliminate the brake jerks. Including different metals that can stand more heat and also the disc parts

that now come out with holes drilled in the metal at calculated intervals for heat dispersal. This can work very well; you can see brake discs actually glowing red hot on some motorsport cars when they have to brake very often at high speed; some can be seen to be glowing white hot in the dark.

This has the same effect as a regular car driven by a regular driver. So, try to avoid heavy braking, especially at high speed.  Keep your distance, and try not to brake heavily. When you are driving down a steep hill, use a low gear and use the car’s engine as a brake. Try not to press the brake pedal constantly.

Have your brakes inspected at regular intervals

when the car is serviced. Of course, the garage will pick up any worn discs or pads. Importantly, we can even spot a disc that has been overheated in the past.  Because the disc has a blue-colored sheen on it. Remember, like many other things to do with a car, prevention is better than cure.

Pellon Tyre and Auto-centre offer car and van servicing and Car Brake Repairs to all makes of vehicles.

Nissan Navara Clutch replacement

Fiat Punto Clutch problems: since 2004? Popular car in Halifax UK

Fiat Punto Clutch problems

Fiat Punto Clutch problems
Fiat Punto Clutch problems

Fiat Punto Clutch problems 

So, recently, we have noticed that we have done more than our fair share of clutches. Especially on the Fiat Punto model of car. Interestingly, I decided to do a little research. Finding some real horror stories. Subsequently, going back to the 2002 Punto models.

One unlucky customer was in for a car service. The owner of a “52” plate Punto 8 valve version. He complained to me about several problems that he had encountered. Including a very bad transmission judder and other small irritants. Unpleasant things, such as engine noises and various oil leaks,. Recently, he had just had a clutch fitted! But 1400 miles later, the juddering had returned.

Checked out his car on Fiat forums: Fiat Punto Clutch problems 

Inquisitively, he too looked up the Fiat forums. Noticing the number of Fiat owners who were experiencing various clutch problems on their Punto’s. So, the cars came mainly from the main dealers. Coming from different parts of the country. However, it looked as though Fiat knew about the problem. Subsequently, I did little about the Punto problem.

Interestingly, other Fiat owners were experiencing problems. Especially with a low-biting clutch pedal and rattling noises. Increasingly, when changing gears,. It sounded as if there was a broken spring rattling.

This can be a common sign that you have a clutch that needs changing.

But disgruntled customers did not get much joy from Fiat. Indeed, many Fiat drivers opted to have their clutches changed by an independent garage. In some cases, a mechanically minded friend or relative was called in to help ?

Other owners complained about their  pedals becoming hard when pressing to change gear. This then developed into them hearing scratching and clicking noises coming from the pedal area of the car. Once again, this is a sure sign that you need a replacement In fact, this is similar to the latest customer car that we fitted a new clutch to the other weekend, and sure enough, when we stripped it down, the Punto needed a new clutch.

Fiat Punto clutch went again after only 2 weeks: Fiat Punto Clutch problems 

Thank goodness the one that we did the other week was good, and the car ran well after we fitted it with a new clutch, but for some owners, that was not the case. One unlucky gut had recently had a new clutch fitted, only to find that a few weeks later, the same problems had come back to haunt him. The car had also had a new clutch pedal fitted, but after a few weeks, it once again became difficult to change gear, back to the same problem as the pre-new clutch?

The problem turned out to be Fiat Punto Clutch problems ,

with the clutch bleeding. The mechanic who repaired the car did not know how to bleed the clutch because the Punto’s do not have a normal bleeding nipple system as do many other models of cars, and for some reason some air had entered the fluid system of the clutch, making it difficult to change the gears again.

These Fiat Punto Clutch problems were corrected by the garage.

Who had just fitted the new clutch, and the mistake was just put down to a lack of Fiat Punto experience. So, this can very often happen in a garage that repairs mixed makes of cars.

Going back to the Fiat Punto Clutch problems, in my garage. Well, it was only the second clutch that this particular car had fitted since 2004 (ten years), so I do not think that that was at all bad. The job of fitting a Fiat Punto clutch is one of the easiest to do, and the car was back on the road in a couple of hours. The customer was delighted, and off he went, a few hundred pounds lighter, but happy?

Pellon Tyre and Auto-Centre offer car and van servicing and repairs to all makes of vehicles. We are not now members of Unipart Car Care centres and give a nationwide guarantee for all our work and parts.

Daewoo Matiz Engine management light problem

Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems

 TPMS (tyre pressure monitoring systems).

Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems

So, “Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems” have been around for quite a while now. it was developed to compliment  cars that were fitted with run flat tyres or cars that did not have a conventional type spar wheel and tyre.

When a run flat tyre loses pressure, there is no way of knowing so a special valve with a sender, was invented and when there is a loss of air pressure in the tyre the sensor in the tyre valve picks this up and sends a message to the cars computer which lights up a warning light in the cab and alerts the driver that something is wrong with one of his/hers tyres.

The idea is a simple one really,

but it is not that long ago that a driver would not go anywhere without his spare wheel? How things have changed. Now most cars are fitted with in cab warning technologies and it is very common for us to see on a daily basis.

There is however one thing that has cropped up, those drivers may not know. This is that the Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems in susceptible to temperature changes. This is basic science, when the temperature rises then the air expands and when it cools down then the temperature lowers.

Monitoring Systems valves.

When the temperature drops on cold freezing night. Then so does the air pressure in your tyres. Pressures can drop as much as 10 psi on a really cold night. This can then trigger off your tyre pressure warning light in the car.

It may not happen to all cars! But it is worth noting that if this happens to you. So then you will know what has been happening on that cold dark winters night. In some cars the light will correct itself. Going back out as the air temperature rises. Subsequently, you could increase the air pressure in your tyres and this will stop this happening.

The second temperature related part is the way a summer tyre acts when they get cold too!

Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems

TPMS and summer tyres in the cold

This temperature issue is probably a little bit better known, but here goes. Summer car tyres and winter car tyres. Importantly, have different chemical compositions in their tyre compounds. The main difference is the addition of “silica” compounds. Into the mix that makes the winter tyres.

The different compounds are there to give different characteristics to the tyres in different weather conditions and heat and cold. Summer’s will get much stiffer and harder in cold weather, making the tyre more difficult to handle when braking and cornering. This change in character starts to come in when the temperature gets below 7 degrees.

Winter tyres remain flexible in the cold-Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems

The winter tyres with their different compounds will remain flexible and pliable in colder weather and this combined with a tread design that has been developed to dissipate water, slush and snow, makes the winters  the perfect fitment for your car from November to march here in the Northern hemisphere.

If you are looking for a set of tyres for your car at this time of year then I would strongly advise fitting winter tyres, they have been proven time and time again to be the safest option for your car and your family.

As an update then the Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) have increased to nearly all car makes and models. So, the importance of tyre pressure to save fuel and emissions cannot be under estimated! So, moving on a few years since I first wrote this post then a few things have happened! Firstly, as reputable tyre dealers then we have to keep a large stock of electronic valves to replace old ones that break or just need replacing.

Going forward we are finding that most problems are caused by seized up metal valve caps. So use plastic valve caps where possible. Importantly, when the warning light comes on please check out the tyre and the tyre pressures ?

Best tyre pressure monitoring systems, Tyre pressure monitoring systems reviews, Tyre pressure monitoring systems cost, tyre pressure monitoring system warning light.

Broken Spring Problem

Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra
Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

The most frustrating thing about shock absorbers and struts (which are basically the same thing) is that they are sealed units and although they are classified as maintenance-free, they will

very often start to leak. In some countries, shock absorbers are known as dampers because that is exactly what they do: they damp down and level out the bumps that your car is picking up as it drives along the road.

Depending on the model of your car, Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

If you are not sure what this is, then you can perform a simple bounce test. All you have to do is press the corner of your car a few times with your body weight and then stop the bouncing.

Once you stop,

your Nissan Micra should settle back down straight away. If it bounces again more than twice, it will very often start to leak. In some countries, shock absorbers (Nissan Micra) are known as dampers and require changing. You do this procedure on each corner, bouncing the car and then releasing it.

In my opinion, this is not a very satisfactory way of checking your shock absorbers, but at the moment, I have not seen a satisfactory machine that will do the job. The best machine I’ve ever seen and consequently purchased was a tester from SUN Equipment.

You drove the car onto vibration plates

which shook the suspension very violently and then suddenly stopped. The action of the shock absorbers was then recorded on paper printouts via an ink needle, similar to the ones used in hospital heart machines. If the pattern was tight, then the car shock absorbers were good; if they were wide, then the shocks needed replacing.

This was a great machine because it produced a print out so that the customer could see the state that his shocks were in. Ironically, Kwik-Fit scrapped the machine after I sold them the business, and I don’t believe they are still in production.

How do shock absorbers work? Shock Absorbers Nissan Micra

Some cars never have their shocks replaced, but with age, the ride of your car will get bumpier and the steering will be all over the place when cornering, although this is sometimes

blamed on the car’s tyres; it is more often than not the shock absorbers that need changing.

As I have said earlier, the most common problem is the fact that they leak oil.

Of course, this can also be found in a suspension check! If this is the case, then they will need to change. Any kind of shock absorber works on the same basis. There is a piston rod that enters a chamber that is filled with oil. The piston has oil seals to prevent leakage.

The weight compresses the piston, which then absorbs the force of the car and the road. Your shocks take all the up-and-down pressure (bumps), and the car’s chassis remains level, or as level as possible, while driving along.

When the shocks are worn or broken, you will get an uneven ride in your car. I think that the worst culprits for this are cars that are used as taxis. You can often feel the older cars bouncing up and down as you drive along, and apart from alcohol, I am convinced that this is one of the reasons that people are sick in the back of a taxi.

Shock Absorbers- Nissan Micra
Struts are normally fitted at the front of cars and are fitted inside a coil spring unit.
These are known as McPherson struts.

and just like shock absorbers, they can leak oil. These struts, along with the springs that they are inserted into, can very often break, and the symptoms  are rattling and banging noises coming from the car when going over bumps in the road. This is another problem that the potholes can cause. “Broken springs

An old perennial that keeps cropping up is that when a shocker has to be replaced,

should it be replaced in pairs? In my opinion, this is a grey area. The manufacturers always recommend that you fit two, and I think that this is the perfect scenario, but in practice, the customer wants to get away with having to spend as little as possible, and in general, only one is fitted.

The rule to this is simple: if your car is relatively new, then just change the one; the one on the other side should still be good, but if the car is an older model, then you should change the shocks on each side of the same axle, backs or fronts. This will give you an even ride and more stable cornering.

Normal shocks are fairly easy to change for the home mechanic

But the struts are more difficult and require some special tools, such as spring compressors, so I would take your car to a local garage for the work. Shock absorbers, nissan micra Om, Shock absorbers nissan micra cost; Replacement shock absorbers nissan micra.

Nissan Micra shock absorbers, Nissan Micra price, Replacement shock absorbers, nissan micro, Best shock absorbers for the Nissan Micra, nissan Micra shock absorber price.

Block Exemption Regulations: CMA recommends new UK-specific regulations

Block Exemption Regulations

Block Exemption Regulations
Block Exemption Regulations

Block Exemption Regulations

“The Impact of Motor Vehicle Block Exemption on Local Garages in Halifax, UK”

Located in the vibrant town of Halifax, UK, where the past and modernity harmoniously coexist, there exists an inconspicuous saviour dedicated to maintaining the reliability of your faithful mode of transportation. I am referring to the nearby autonomous automobile repair shop, the friendly establishment one frequents when their vehicle needs some tender, loving care.

However, it is important to note that a significant portion of their capabilities can be attributed to a regulatory framework known as the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (MVBER). Let us explore the realm of MVBER and examine its impact on the operational efficiency of our nearby automobile repair shops.

What does MVBER stand for? Block Exemption Regulations

MVBER, although its name may be lengthy, is a revolutionary tool for independent garages such as the one I own in Halifax. These regulations grant garages the authority to retrieve current data from car manufacturers. This implies that they have the ability to effectively repair and maintain any brand or type of vehicle, similar to the nearby car dealership.

Dismantling the Obstacles

Prior to the emergence of MVBER, independent garages frequently encountered a formidable obstacle: obtaining the necessary technical information to effectively repair contemporary automobiles. Automobile manufacturers possessed exclusive access to this valuable collection of data, creating a challenging environment for local garages to compete on an equitable basis. However, MVBER revolutionised the situation.

Currently, independent garages in Halifax and other areas have the capability to directly obtain crucial information, such as service schedules, diagnostics, and repair instructions, from the car manufacturers. This implies that your nearby automotive repair shop is capable of handling a wide range of vehicles, including both classic Mini cars and cutting-edge Teslas. There is no necessity to undertake the lengthy journey to the dealership, as your reliable local technician is capable of meeting your needs.

Community champions- Block Exemption Regulations

Regarding trust, your nearby automotive repair shop serves a purpose beyond mere car maintenance. It is a fundamental cornerstone of the community. In Halifax, where we have a strong sense of pride in our past, our garages contribute to our collective identity.

These establishments are not merely commercial enterprises; they serve as a valuable repository of local expertise and foster social bonds. Your neighbourhood mechanic serves as more than simply a service provider; they are also a companion with whom you may discuss recent repairs and reminisce about past experiences.

The Effect on Halifax

What is the direct impact of MVBER on Halifax? Suppose you possess a vintage Rover, a valuable artefact from the era when the town thrived as a centre of industrial activity. With MVBER, your local garage can conveniently access up-to-date technical data to ensure optimal performance and maintenance of your classic vehicle.

If you possess a contemporary BMW or Jaguar, you can be confident that they are capable of doing such tasks as well, eliminating the need for you to travel to a dealership in a different city.

MVBER has equalised the competitive landscape by equipping autonomous garages with the necessary resources to provide for the inhabitants of Halifax and maintain our cherished vehicles in operation. It is not solely a matter of convenience, but rather a matter of bolstering local enterprises and safeguarding the allure of our community.

To summarise, Block Exemption Regulations

Halifax’s independent garages have a purpose beyond mere car repairs. They play a crucial role in our community, connecting the divide between the past and the advancements of today. MVBER has enabled these local individuals with the ability to obtain the necessary information to maintain your vehicle in optimal condition, irrespective of its brand or kind.

When you next visit your reliable mechanic in Halifax, bear in mind that MVBER is diligently working in the background to guarantee they possess the necessary equipment to maintain our vehicles’ optimal performance and contribute to the prosperity of our town.

The existing Motor Vehicle Block Exemption (MVBER) should be replaced with an updated UK-specific Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Order (MVBEO) and stay in place until 2029, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has recommended. The CMA

Source: CMA recommends new UK-specific Block Exemption regulations

Insane MOT Test Proposals

MOT demand Moderate

MOT demand Moderate -Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown: An Overview of Recent Changes to MOT Testing

The COVID-19 pandemic unquestionably altered the appearance of the world in a variety of ways, and the pandemic’s ripple effects continue to have a significant impact on our lives even as we make progress towards returning to normal. The automotive industry is one sector that has undergone significant transformations as a result of the pandemic.

This is especially true in the United Kingdom, where the Ministry of Transport (MOT) testing has been subjected to significant revisions during the most recent lockdowns. The alterations were made to ensure the continuation of essential transport services while simultaneously protecting the public’s safety.

MOT demand Moderate -Extensions to the Emergency Situation: The Initial Response

When the COVID-19 pandemic was in its early stages, lockdown procedures prompted an urgent need to reevaluate the protocol for MOT testing. Because traditional methods required vehicle owners and MOT test centre staff to maintain close contact with one another throughout the inspection process, these methods posed a risk to both parties.

The initial response from the government of the United Kingdom was to offer an automatic extension of six months for all vehicles whose MOT certificates were set to expire between the 30th of March and the 31st of July 2020.

This decision was an important step in the right direction because it ensured that key workers and those who needed to make essential journeys could use their own vehicles without having to worry about MOT inspections.

The Cancellation of All Future Extensions and the Return to the Previously Scheduled Testing

As the MOT extension period progressed towards its conclusion in August 2020, lockdown restrictions gradually became less stringent. Once again, in order to ensure everyone’s safety on the roads, vehicle owners were mandated to have their MOT tests completed on time.

The growing concern that the extension could lead to an increase in the number of vehicles on the roads that are potentially unsafe led to the decision to resume regular MOT testing. This decision was made because of the growing concern.

This choice did not come without its share of difficulties. The unexpected increase in the number of vehicles that needed to be tested caused backlogs in many testing centres. In addition, the necessary adherence to additional sanitization measures and social distance, which were both required, slowed down the process.

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Testing for the Ministry of Transport in the ‘New Normal’: The Revised Procedure

In order to remain competitive in the market, MOT testing centres were required to implement COVID-19 safety measures into their standard operating procedures.

Commonplace precautions included limiting direct contact with customers, using seat covers, sanitising high-touch areas of the vehicle before and after the test, and cleaning high-touch areas before the test.

In addition, MOT testing services are increasingly turning to technology in order to simplify operations and reduce the amount of face-to-face contact that customers have. The implementation of contactless payment systems, online booking platforms, and digital communication for the purpose of providing results has seen widespread adoption.

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) encouraged drivers to book their MOT tests in advance and to consider getting their vehicles tested even if the expiration date of their MOT was extended. This was done so that the agency could deal with the backlog.

MOT demand Moderate What Should Be Done About Failed MOT Tests While the Facility Is Locked Down?

During the period of the lockdown, one of the most common concerns was regarding the processes that would be followed for vehicles that had failed their MOT tests. If a vehicle failed an inspection, the owner was instructed not to drive it again, with the exception of driving it to a repair shop or to a pre-booked MOT test after the repairs were completed.

However, some garages provided a collection and delivery service for vehicles that needed MOT tests or repairs. This was available to customers who needed to maintain their level of privacy.

MOT demand Moderate


The updates to the MOT testing that were brought about as a direct result of the lockdowns are a testament to the adaptability and resilience of the system in the face of a crisis that has never been seen before. As we work our way through the aftermath of the pandemic, it is unclear what other shifts may take place in the landscape of MOT testing. This is something that will be determined as we move forward.

However, the overarching objective has not changed; it is still to guarantee that vehicles operating on UK roads meet safety and environmental standards. The primary purpose of the MOT test continues to be of the utmost significance in terms of protecting both the general public and the environment, irrespective of whether or not a pandemic is currently underway.

So this attached article follows on from previous MOT testing updates! Of course which were brought about due to the recent “lockdown” due to the Corona Virus. Consequently, in their wisdom the UK Government suspended all MOT testing for a six month period! Un-surprisingly, this meant that there would be a bottle neck for MOT testing stations.

However this article thinks that the back log of test is not as bad as they first thought. Part Worn Tyres

Here at Pellon Autocentre in Halifax UK, we are about three weeks fully book for MOT testing. Importantly, like many testing stations then we have a good booking in system which works really well. This along with a reminder system has enabled us to keep on top of things.

Many of our customers have been very patient and understanding when it came to testing their cars and vans. So, any work that is required to get the vehicles through the test is carried out by our non-testing staff. So far this has worked out fine concerning the problem of MOT demand Moderate and things are moving very smoothly to date.

The number of MOTs set to expire in October and November is less than originally forecast by the DVSA. Data analysis by GiPA suggests that the number of MOTs due this month has decreased by 12.

Source: MOT demand not as bad as expected thanks to ‘beat the rush’ campaign, data shows – Garagewire