All MOT Matters

All MOT Matters

Two Year MOT Tests

Two-Year MOT Tests

Two-Year MOT Tests
Two-Year MOT Tests

Two-Year MOT Tests

So this is about the wrangling that continues about our MP’s trying to convert the MOT testing gap to two years. Utterly stupid, in my opinion! These MP’s should visit testing stations to see how a modern-day car can deteriorate over the current one-year period. So, two years would just mean many more dangerous cars on our roads.

However, as this attached article states, the motor industry are fighting to knock this stupid idea on the head. I drive for my business and often depart at 4.30 in the morning. The roads are very busy and in my opinion, we are heading for a complete 24-hour period of heavy traffic.

Ask any truck driver!

No longer can you drive in the UK through the night to try to avoid heavy traffic. It is with us now. So testing cars over a two-year period is a no-brainer, and the idea should be scrapped immediately for safety’s sake alone.

Along with this article, I can only hope that the recent conservative re-shuffle will kill the two-year MOT tests stone dead and that common sense prevails.

Two-Year MOT Tests
Two-Year MOT Tests

The MOT test is an annual safety inspection that is mandatory

for all vehicles in the United Kingdom that are older than three years. Ensuring that vehicles on the road are in good condition and do not endanger other road users is of the utmost importance. The proposal to transition this to a biennial inspection was made in an effort to alleviate financial strains on drivers and decrease the operational burden on garages. It seems reasonable in theory, correct?

Nonetheless, this is not a novel concept. Similar suggestions have occasionally surfaced, frequently in an effort to cut costs and streamline operations. Recently, a number of members of parliament have revisited the notion, arguing that it might save motorists a little bit of fuel. However, it is not devoid of controversy.

Contrarians express significant apprehensions. Two-Year MOT Tests

regarding the implications for road safety and the environment. They believe that extending the time between inspections could result in a greater number of high-octane vehicles with underlying problems such as worn tyres or faulty brakes travelling around. This has the potential to increase accident rates and potentially impact air quality if emissions are not routinely inspected.

Safety experts and the automotive industry have had a somewhat divided reaction.

While there are individuals who believe that modern vehicles, which are indeed improving in dependability, may not require such frequent inspections, others emphasise the critical nature of routine surveillance in ensuring public safety. It is a timeless struggle between savings and safety, and striking the proper balance is no easy task.

The proposal has not been implemented as of yet. Two-Year MOT Tests

It appears to be in a “let’s think this through” phase as opposed to “full steam ahead.” The government must diligently assess the potential advantages in relation to the potential drawbacks. Before finalising a change, they would also be required to consult with a variety of stakeholders, including automobile associations and road safety charities.

It appears that the concept is currently being deliberated and has not yet been finalised. It is uncertain whether this will transition to a higher frequency or remain at rest. Any change to something as critical as the MOT testing regime, however, will undoubtedly require careful consideration in order to ensure the safety of all road users.

Source: UK aftermarket lobbying intensifies

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Independent garages lead MOT testing

Independent garages lead MOT testing

Independent garages lead MOT testing

Independent garages lead MOT testing
Independent garages lead MOT testing

The Reasons Independent Garages Are Preferable to Bigger Garage Companies in the UK for MOT Tests

Greetings, fellow admirers of automobiles! Let’s discuss something personal today: the MOT test. We are all aware that maintaining our cherished cars’ roadworthiness and safety is an annual ritual. But have you ever wondered why so many of us in the UK choose to take our cars to independent garages for this crucial check-up instead of the big-name chains? Let’s examine the factors that make many people choose our neighbourhood’s independent garages.

The Individual Touch-Independent garages lead MOT testing

The individual attention that independent garages provide is one of their main selling points. You’re not just another number when you visit a neighbourhood garage. The mechanics actually care about giving you excellent service; they frequently recall your car’s peculiarities and know you by name. This tailored approach is really beneficial, particularly for something as significant as a MOT exam.

Transparency and Trust

When it comes to car maintenance, trust is important. Transparency and trust have been the cornerstones of independent garages’ reputations. Local garages depend on word-of-mouth referrals and repeat business, unlike larger chains that could push pointless repairs or extras. They are more likely to provide you with an accurate estimate and reasonable prices, making sure you only pay for what is required to pass the MOT.

Encouragement of the Local Economy-Independent garages lead MOT testing

Selecting an independent garage also helps the community’s economy. Many of these garages are long-standing, family-run establishments that serve the neighbourhood. Purchasing locally promotes local companies, which in turn sustains employment locally and enhances the general well-being of the community. Everyone wins in this scenario!

Knowledge and Background

Independent garages frequently hire highly qualified and knowledgeable mechanics. With decades of experience in the field, many of these mechanics are well-versed in a wide range of makes and models. This knowledge is crucial for identifying and resolving problems that may come up during a MOT test. Additionally, they frequently take a more adaptable and creative approach, coming up with solutions that larger businesses might not have thought of.

Competitive Costing-Independent garages lead MOT testing

Let’s face it, most of us consider cost to be a major consideration. Prices for MOT tests and repairs are typically more competitively priced at independent garages. They can maintain lower costs since they don’t have the overhead associated with managing a massive chain, which is a huge benefit for customers. You receive excellent service without having to pay a premium fee.

Regional Expertise

Local garages are uniquely positioned to comprehend the particular conditions and difficulties of the region. For example, Halifax has its fair share of small alleys, high hills, and erratic weather. Local mechanics can offer guidance and services catered to our particular needs because they are knowledgeable about how these things effect cars. When it comes to making sure your automobile is ready for the MOT test and beyond, this local knowledge truly makes a difference.

Practicality and Adaptability

Booking your MOT test at a time that works for you is made easier by the more flexible scheduling choices that independent garages frequently provide. Compared to larger chains, they are typically more accommodating and recognise that life may be stressful. Your neighbourhood garage probably has the capacity to accommodate you without any issues, whether you require an early morning appointment or a late afternoon one.

Establishing Connections-Independent garages lead MOT testing

You establish a rapport with your neighbourhood garage over time. You get to know them, and they get to know you and your car. It’s difficult to find trust and dependability in larger chains, but these relationships promote them. It’s consoling to know that your mechanic actually wants the best for both your safety and the operation of your vehicle.

Independent garages lead MOT testing
Independent garages lead MOT testing

Final Thoughts

In summary, independent garages provide a degree of individualised care, credibility, knowledge, and neighbourhood support that larger chains are unable to match. Many people choose them for MOT tests because of their flexible scheduling, affordable prices, and local expertise. So why not give your neighbourhood garage a try the next time your car is scheduled for a MOT? You’ll receive excellent service while also contributing to your community.

Let’s keep our local companies prospering and our cars roadworthy!

So, MOT testing has cleared the backlog caused by the pandemic, and we are now testing at a level that is comparable to post-pandemic figures. Of course, it is not all over yet, but as a garage and MOT station, we are all safe and happy to see all our customers again.

This is a great article. Hence, and only emphasises the reason why many small garages are doing so well. Nonetheless, we should keep up with our high standards of customer service. Of course, we would be nothing if it was not for our staff. Staff and training are in my opinion, one of the most important factors. Thus of running a busy successful garage business.

Indeed, without good, reliable staff, you may as well forget it. For this reason, our customers return time and time again. Please read the article; it is filled with many interesting facts about your local independent garage. To be a successful MOT centre, honesty is the key word.

Eric Roberts

Source: Independent garages lead in MOT testing

Another interesting MOT testing article about a dishonest tester working for Halfords.

Audi TT Hand-Brake Failure

MOT tester fined

MOT tester fined

MOT tester fined
MOT tester fined

MOT tester fined

An MOT tester who issued false MOT certificates-MOT tester fined

at a Surrey garage was hit with a £1,300 fine and 200 hours of community service. On January 4, Benjamin Aaron Sinclair pleaded guilty in Guildford Magistrates Court to seven offences of fraud by false representation. I must confess that it must be a nightmare when this sort of thing happens in your garage and MOT centre.

Many years ago, I had to advertise for an MOT tester because the one I had left to go work was in a larger main dealer garage. The grass is always greener! The applicants were not what i was looking for. However, I managed to select one and crack on with the Testing.

At first, I thought he was trustworthy. However, we heard a couple of rumours from people in the trade and discovered otherwise. he was as crafty as a fox. However, we managed to catch him fiddling a non-MOT item and was dismissed immediately.

Since then, I have always trained my MOT testers and promoted within. Ryan Linton and Dale Linton are my long-term testers. Alternating the testing with other management skills.

While employed by Godalming Garage Ltd in Godalming, Surrey,-MOT tester fined

The tester was accused of granting MOT certificates to seven vehicles without executing a test in order to profit financially. The offences happened last year between February 18 and April 6. I am amazed at these people thinking that they can get away with these things. MOT testers are very well monitored at all times. Both by the ministry and also in-house, as in this case at Godalming garage.

Magistrates also ordered Sinclair to pay £1,300 in costs and a £95 surcharge for victim services, along with 200 hours of unpaid labour to be completed within the next 12 months. GW Podcast: Appreciating the influence of data from the garage workshop
The DVSA registered 1,324 incidents of MOT Fraud between 2021 and 2022. Out of these, 351 cases in 2017 and 710 in 2018 were the most serious cases, including dishonesty and negligence, representing a considerable increase.

The DVSA has the authority to prevent anyone from taking tests.-MOT tester fined

This, to me, is the worst part. This type of thing brings shame to your garage, just for a few extra pounds in your pocket. MOT testers are hard to find these days. So, there is no need to try to fiddle your employee’s out of a few pounds. However, some people are like that and are never satisfied with whatever pay they get at the end of the week.

288 authorised examiners were barred from the MOT programme- MOT tester fined

in 2021, and a total of 127 authorised examiners were prohibited from operating Vehicle Testing Stations.

This includes suspensions for 185 tester cases and 85 authorised examiner cases involving the most serious offences, like dishonesty and gross carelessness.

An MOT tester has been slapped with a £1,300 fine and 200 hours’ community service for issuing fraudulent MOT certificates at a Surrey garage. Benjamin Aaron Sinclair admitted seven counts of fraud by false representation at

Source: MOT tester fined £1,300 for issuing fraudulent certificates

New Emissions MOT Equipment

New Emissions MOT Equipment

New Emissions MOT Equipment
New Emissions MOT Equipment

New Emissions MOT Equipment

The Most Recent Equipment Update for MOT Testing: Innovative and Time-Saving

We at Pellon Autocentre are constantly searching for methods to provide our clients with better service. We recently made an investment in some brand-new MOT testing machinery in order to improve the procedure for you by making it quicker and more effective.

If you’ve ever had a MOT, you are aware that the time it takes to complete the tests can seem endless at times. That is, until now! We are currently using the OPA100, one of the most sophisticated diesel testing devices available, as a result of the most recent update. Since it complies with the most recent standards and is approved across Europe, you can rely on it to perform the task correctly every time.

Why is it unique? New Emissions MOT Equipment

It finishes the FAST PASS MoT diesel test in under 3.5 minutes, prints your results, and transmits data wirelessly using an RF receiver. This clever piece of equipment also works in tandem with our wireless MGT300 Oil Temperature/RPM device, which expedites the procedure even more.

That’s great news for Halifax diesel drivers like us who have better things to do than wait around; you’ll be back on the road in no time!

Nor is it limited to diesel-powered automobiles. Additionally, we possess the AGS exhaust gas analyser, which is ideal for gasoline-powered vehicles. It is incredibly lightweight, compact, and effective. It takes exactly 3.5 minutes to finish a MOT (BET) test.

It communicates with the MGT300 device wirelessly, just like the OPA100, which speeds up and simplifies things a little. Being one of the best-selling models in the UK and authorised to the highest OIML Class 0 specification means that you can be sure you’re receiving top-notch quality when you come to us.

New Emissions MOT Equipment
New Emissions MOT Equipment
That’s not where it ends! New Emissions MOT Equipment

The most recent version of this analyser includes the MGT300EOBD, which streamlines RPM and oil temperature readings to further save testing times. Whether you drive a petrol or diesel car, you can rely on us to take care of your MOT promptly and effectively without sacrificing accuracy or quality.

We take great pride in providing the community with this state-of-the-art service that keeps drivers in Halifax safe and prepared for the road. Making your life a little bit easier is the main goal, and this new MOT testing equipment is ideal for that.

Give us a call next time your automobile needs to be serviced! With the newest technology ensuring that everything is tested to the highest standards, we’ll have you in and out faster than before. At Pellon Autocentre, we’ve got you covered as usual.

A Regional Focus on Excellence -New Emissions MOT Equipment

As a long-standing garage in the Halifax region, we constantly strive to provide the finest possible service to our clients. We want to keep local drivers content, safe, and mobile. One way we do this is by making investments in the newest MOT technology.

We’re here to make sure your automobile is in excellent condition with the least amount of effort, whether you’re running to the market, hiking in the Dales, or making the school run.

Our goal at Pellon Autocentre is to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible for your car and your day. You may take advantage of a faster, more effective service without sacrificing quality thanks to our brand-new, cutting-edge MOT testing equipment.

Our improved tools do the task in a matter of minutes, whether you drive a petrol or diesel vehicle, allowing you to return to what really counts. You can rely on us to maintain your car in excellent shape and to keep you secure and prepared for the road!

We’ll see you shortly for a quick and simple MOT. Until then, drive safely!

Equipment purchased from our main equipment suppliers, Transtec Garage Equipment, Hull UK



Motorists Cant Afford Next MOT

British Government MOT Mess: 4-1-1 MOT proposals

British Government MOT Mess

British Government MOT Mess
British Government MOT Mess

British Government MOT Mess

Right, let’s talk about this MOT thing that’s been going around lately.

The UK government is rumoured to be planning changes to MOT legislation, which everyone, from mechanics to the general public, is discussing.

First and foremost, for those who are unfamiliar, the MOT is a yearly test for automobiles older than three years. It ensures that your vehicle is roadworthy and does not emit more emissions than a steam train. The administration is now considering changing things up, and as with any major reform, opinions are divided.

The Benefits of Changing MOT Laws. British Government MOT Mess

Saving a Few Quid: One of the major benefits is that it may save you some hard-earned money. Getting your car MOT’d every year can be costly, especially if you drive an ancient banger that requires constant maintenance.

Modern Cars, Less Hassle: Newer models are often reliable. They have a variety of gadgets and gizmos that alert you when something is amiss. So, some feel that the annual MOT is a tad excessive for this contemporary equipment.

Reducing Backlogs: Due to the epidemic, several MOT centres have had a backlog. The spacing of the MOTs could alleviate this pressure.

Cons of Changing MOT Laws

Safety First: The first concern with modifying MOT laws is safety. The yearly check-up detects concerns that you may not notice in your daily driving. Less frequent checks may result in more cars on the road with faulty brakes or worn tyres.

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish: Sure, missing a MOT may save you a few pounds, but detecting faults early can frequently be less expensive than repairing a severe breakdown later on.

Environmental Impact: MOTs also monitor your car’s emissions. Given the importance of climate change, it is critical to ensure that cars do not pollute more than they should.

So what is the verdict? Isn’t it a bit of a balancing act? British Government MOT Mess

On the one hand, we’re all for saving money while still realising that automotive technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. However, the prospect of more dangerous cars on the road makes you want to stay indoors.

To add some local character, consider how this could play out in good old Halifax. Our roads aren’t precisely the M25, but they get their fair share of traffic. With a combination of rural and urban driving environments, keeping automobiles safe is critical. Plus, with our unpredictable weather, you want to make sure your brakes are up to the task when it starts raining cats and dogs.

Finally, the debate over modifying MOT laws is similar to deciding whether to have tea or coffee in the morning. There are solid points on both sides, and it will take some nattering before a resolution is reached that keeps everyone happy. Stay tuned, and in the meantime, make sure your motor is in tip-top condition. Nobody wants to get trapped on the M62, right?

With all the extra work that Brexit is giving the government,

. Then you would not think that they would have time. Hence, to bother about changing good MOT testing legislation,. Naturally, it is going to affect MOT garages as well as our customers.

Therefore, all we can do is pray  that the big guns in the British auto industry start to fire. As a result, warn off this idiosyncrasy of a new law. Thus, that will be no good to anybody in the long run. We all know that tyres and mechanical parts wear out eventually. Of course, usually before the three year first test is due.

So bringing this article forward to 2024. British Government MOT Mess

This proposal never really got off the ground. The UK will be coming out of the EU due to the massive majority for the Conservative Party giving us Brexit.

So, MOT testing will remain the same for the time being. Going forward again, none of us can foresee what these crazy politicians could come up with. Consequently, at the moment, we are trying to tackle the “Corvid-19 virus,” which is causing a world pandemic.

The government is wanting to stretch this to four years?

Source: BBC airs aftermarket’s fears over gov’s 4-1-1 MOT proposals

Motorists Cant Afford Next MOT

DVSA Reflects on 2022 MOT changes

DVSA Reflects on 2022 MOT changes

The DVSA evaluated "changes and enhancements" it made to the MOT during the course of the previous 12 months.
MOThe DVSA evaluated “changes and enhancements” it made to the MOT during the course of the previous 12 months.

6 Reasons to have your car tested on time

  1. It is a legal requirement to have an MOT test done on your vehicle if it is more than 3 years old.
  2. An MOT test checks that your vehicle is safe to drive on the road, so it is important to make sure that it is done on time to ensure the safety of you and other road users.
  3. If you do not have a valid MOT certificate, you could be fined up to £1,000, and your insurance may not be valid.
  4. An MOT test can identify any issues with your vehicle that need to be fixed, so it is a good opportunity to get any necessary repairs done before they become more serious and expensive.
  5. Having an MOT test done on time can help extend the lifespan of your vehicle by ensuring that it is well maintained.

If you are planning to sell your vehicle, a valid MOT certificate can increase its value.

DVSA Reflects on 2022 MOT changes

The DVSA evaluated “changes and enhancements” it made to the MOT during the course of the previous 12 months.

A new status page for MOT digital services, including MTS and MOT reminders, was introduced at the start of 2022.

The new page displays information on the services in real-time, including whether any of them are down for maintenance or other reasons.

In order to make the AEDM’s responsibilities more apparent, the role was reviewed in March.

More than 97% of MOT testers completed their annual training and assessment in April, which was a record-high completion percentage for the DVSA.

To enable AEs to verify that their testers had finished their evaluation, changes were made to the MTS.

Basic disclosure checks for some MOT testers

Of course, all newly trained MOT testers, were also implemented by the DVSA in the same month.

Prior to conducting a demonstration test, a basic disclosure certificate, often known as a DBS check, must be presented.Additionally, it implemented new off-site inspections and conducted connected equipment research with MOT shops.

The DVSA upgraded and made it simpler to book MOT demonstration tests online in September.

In order to inform drivers of the additional features added to the MOT reminders and MOT history services, the agency launched a new campaign in October.

It is now simpler for drivers to access and print their MOT certificates, as well as monitor and modify their MOT reminders. “We couldn’t have accomplished these improvements without your cooperation and support, so thank you from everyone at DVSA,” a DVSA spokeswoman said.

“We anticipate expanding on this effort in the coming year.”

mot test fruad

The DVSA has reflected on “changes and improvements” that it made to the MOT in the past 12 months. The beginning of 2022 saw a new status page for MOT digital services, including MTS and MOT

Source: DVSA celebrates 2022 MOT changes

MOT Test Bookings Well in Advance

MOT Test Bookings Well in Advance

MOT Test Bookings Well in Advance
MOT Test Bookings Well in Advance

MOT Test Bookings Well in Advance

An Explanation of Why You Should Schedule Your MOT Appointment at Pellon Autocentre in Halifax in Advance

Greetings, fellow residents of Halifax who own an automobile!

On this particular day, I would like to have a conversation with you about something that is just as important as a cup of coffee in the morning: scheduling your MOT in advance, particularly at our reliable Pellon Autocentre, which is located right here in Halifax.

Now, I am aware that some of us have a propensity for putting things off until the very last minute; after all, who hasn’t rushed about trying to find a birthday card the day before a party? However, if you are a little bit ahead of the game when it comes to the MOT for your vehicle, you can spare yourself a lot of stress. Why is it the case?

First things first, allow me to envision something for you. MOT Test Bookings Well in Advance

It is a chilly morning in Halifax, and you are enjoying your cup of tea while gazing out over the rugged grandeur of the Yorkshire moors. Then it dawns on you: your vehicle’s MOT is about to expire! In the event that you call your neighbourhood garage, you are met with the dreaded phrase, “Sorry, we are completely booked until the middle of March.” That is a predicament that you do not want to find yourself in, especially when you have places to go and people to see in our quaint town.

When you make an early reservation at Pellon Autocentre

You are not simply checking a box. It’s all about tranquilly of mind. You have to understand that we are not just any garage; we are a part of the community of Halifax, just like the well-known Piece Hall or the charmingly old-fashioned Shibden Hall. We are familiar with the specific requirements and peculiarities of the area, and we proceed with each vehicle as if it were going on a journey through the breathtaking landscape of Calderdale.

To be sure, there is more to it. If you schedule your MOT in advance, you will have plenty of time to address any problems that may arise during the inspection. To tell you the truth, nobody likes being taken aback when it comes to the upkeep of their vehicle. Finding out that your vehicle needs a little bit more maintenance than you anticipated is something that is easier to accept when you are not under any immediate pressure to get it fixed.

Your question is now, “Why Pellon Autocentre, though?” MOT Test Bookings Well in Advance

I can hear you saying. If you want to know why you would choose a Yorkshire pudding with your Sunday roast, then you should know that it is the perfect accompaniment. We have a group of highly skilled mechanics who are familiar with automobiles and know their way around them like the back of their hands. In addition, we make use of high-quality components and adhere to all of the regulations in order to guarantee that your car is not only MOT-compliant but also safe for all of those journeys it will take across our historic West Yorkshire.

Also, while you are waiting for your MOT

Why don’t you take some time to take in the sights and sounds of the neighbourhood? There is a wealth of history and culture to be found in Halifax. There are many things to discover, ranging from the architectural magnificence of Halifax Minster to the lively market stalls. Imagine transforming a tedious activity into a tiny adventure in your backyard. That’s exactly what it is.

However, here’s the worst part: we are currently booked until the middle of March. This is a demonstration of the faith that the people of Halifax have in us, but it also indicates that you will need to get your skates on in order to secure a spot.

Consequently, let’s conclude our discussion with a kindly prod: MOT Test Bookings Well in Advance

Do not wait until your MOT is on its final legs to get it done. Simply give us a call, reserve your time slot, and then relax, secure in the knowledge that your motor is in capable hands. After all, in Halifax, we take care of our own personal property, and that includes our automobiles as well!

For the time being, farewell, and don’t forget that here at Pellon Autocentre, we’re not only about MOTs; we’re about keeping the heart of Halifax moving, one car at a time.

Vauxhall Zafira MOT Failure

Vauxhall Zafira MOT Failure

zafira worn tyre due to worn track rod end

Vauxhall Zafira MOT Failure

A Day in the Garage:

Dramatic MOT for a Vauxhall Zafira

Recently, the Vauxhall Zafira, a true workhorse of British roads, stopped by my garage (Pellon Autocentre, Halifax, UK) for a MOT. Now, if you’ve ever driven a Zafira, you know it’s a well-liked family vehicle that was designed for practicality—or annoyance. Regretfully, there was some drama involved with this Zafira’s MOT failure.

The MOT: Track-Rod End Wear

A customer brought in their Zafira with the expectation of receiving a simple MOT pass. Nevertheless, we found a worn-out track-rod end during the inspection. The track-rod end is an essential component of the steering system, for those who are unaware. You have issues if it’s not up to par, particularly in terms of road safety.

It was obvious that this Zafira had travelled a fair amount on the Halifax area roads, and wear and tear had taken its toll. But don’t worry! The track-rod end was replaced, and it passed the test with ease. Grinning, the customer headed back out into the hills of West Yorkshire.

Vauxhall Zafira MOT Failure
Vauxhall Zafira MOT Failure

A Brief Overview of the Zafira

Since the late 1990s, the Vauxhall Zafira has been a common sight on UK roads. It’s one of those vehicles that simply keeps going, much like your friend who, after a hard week, is always ready for a pint at the local pub. When it was first introduced in 1999, its Flex7 seating system—which allowed you to swiftly convert it from a spacious cargo van to a 7-seater people carrier with just a few simple movements—helped it gain popularity. Ideal for taking the kids to football practice or for weekend B&Q runs.

Constructed by Vauxhall, or Opel for our European neighbours, the Zafira has undergone multiple generations of development. Though the automobile had gotten somewhat more tech-savvy by the time we reached the third generation in 2011, the early models were still renowned for their dependability. New features included enhanced engines and safety systems.

There are a lot of Zafiras in here in Halifax, simply because we had a Vauxhall franchise garage in the area. These are reliable vehicles that are ideal for the terrain in the area, whether you’re travelling to the Peak District or simply negotiating the unpredictable weather and road conditions that West Yorkshire is so fortunate to have.

Vauxhall Zafira MOT Failure
Vauxhall Zafira MOT Failure
Final Thoughts

Although this Zafira first failed its MOT, a quick fix fixed the issue. It serves as a reminder that even the most dependable automobiles occasionally require some TLC. Frequent maintenance is essential, particularly for elements that wear out over time, such track-rod ends.

Don’t wait until it’s too late

If your car needs to be serviced or if you’ve observed that it’s not handling as well as it should. You don’t want anything as basic as a worn part to catch you off guard, so bring it down to the garage and let us take a look. Halifax’s roads can be treacherous enough without adding auto problems to the mix!




Toyota Aygo Test Failure

Toyota Aygo Test Failure

Toyota Aygo Test Failure

Toyota Aygo Test Failure

MOT Failure:

Brake Pipe and Subframe Issues with a Toyota Aygo

A regular customer of ours, stopped by the garage the other day with his 2009 Toyota Aygo for its yearly MOT test. These little Aygos are quite well-liked, particularly in cities like ours where parking is limited and the streets are very narrow, making little compact cars the norm. However, this specific Aygo didn’t have the best luck throughout its test, so we had to break some unfortunate news, to the unluky owner.

The MOT Outcome

Regrettably, the Aygo’s MOT failed because of two serious problems: a rusted subframe hole and a damaged brake hose. Now, that might not seem like a big deal to those who aren’t familiar with automobile jargon, but if you ignore these issues, they can both be extremely deadly.

The Damaged Brake Pipe

The brake pipe is a crucial part of your braking system, carrying the brake fluid that aids in vehicle stopping. The pipes may rust with time, particularly with Halifax’s salty, rainy roads. In the instance of this Aygo, the brake pipe had entirely passed away. Given that the car wouldn’t stop correctly in an emergency, that is a red flag for any MOT.

Toyota Aygo Test Failure
Toyota Aygo Test Failure

The Rotted Substructure-Toyota Aygo Test Failure

Another serious problem is the rusting subframe. As a component of the car’s structure, the subframe supports the suspension, engine, and other vital components. Rust can eat away at it over time, particularly in older vehicles like this one. Upon closer inspection, we discovered a fairly concerning hole in this Aygo. Rust is more than just an aesthetic issue because a weakening subframe may compromise the car’s structural integrity.

The Correction-Toyota Aygo Test Failure

After a brief conversation, the owner acknowledged that both problems needed to be resolved right now. In order to restore the safety and functionality of the braking system, our experts restored the corroded brake pipe. It was a little more challenging with the subframe. After evaluating the damage, we determined that fixing the rusted region would be the best way to keep the Aygo safely on the road while still meeting MOT requirements.

Briefly Regarding the Toyota Aygo-Toyota Aygo Test Failure

For those who do not know, the Toyota Aygo is a fantastic small city car that has been in production since 2005. It is one of three vehicles—the other two being the Citroën C1 and Peugeot 107—that use the same platform. The Aygo, which was manufactured in the Czech Republic, has long been a choice among consumers seeking a reasonably priced, effective vehicle that can easily manage city driving.

The Aygo is a very well-liked option in Halifax and the surrounding areas, particularly for new drivers or those seeking for a second vehicle. It is quick, simple to park, and fuel-efficient. But as this tale demonstrates, even the most dependable vehicles require some maintenance as they get older. Frequent maintenance is essential, particularly in light of the harsh weather conditions in West Yorkshire that might damage an automobile’s undercarriage. Rust is a common enemy, be it from the continual drizzle or the sporadic snowy winters.

Toyota Aygo Test Failure
Aygo fitted with new brake pipes after MOT failure

The fact that Halifax seems to have history and charm around every corner is one of my favourite things about working here. One may easily forget that we are now working on modern cars like the Toyota Aygo when strolling through the tiny cobblestone alleys. However, the town’s lifeblood used to be iron, steel, and machinery, and we have a strong industrial background. When we go to the present day, it seems like a carryover of that history, albeit with cars of the modern era replacing the industries of the Victorian era.

The owner of this particular Aygo, a young man from the neighbourhood who grew up there, told how his grandfather used to work at one of the ancient mills, helping to make some of the tools that were exported all over the United Kingdom. It’s fascinating to observe how the town has changed from heavy industries to this kind of modern auto repair.


Ultimately, the purpose of MOT tests is to guarantee that our vehicles are safe and roadworthy. Failure is never nice, but it’s preferable to identify these problems early. A broken brake pipe and a rusty subframe could have ended a year or two of safe driving around Halifax, but after some repairs, this small Toyota Aygo was soon back on the road.

It serves as a helpful reminder for all of us to watch out for our cars, particularly as they age. Although the local roads and weather can be harsh, your car can last you for many years if you take proper care of it.


Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail

Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail

Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail
Old broken exhaust system

Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail

With many pupils back at school, then we have had a rush of parents bringing in their broken cars for repairs. This particular Peugeot was in to us for a belated MOT test. Unfortunately for the owner, the car failed the test because of a broken exhaust bracket. So it turned out that the bracket was part of the whole exhaust system and had to be replaced.

We quoted the customer for the job done, and he gave us the go-ahead. The car was repaired, and a new system was fitted. The owner came to collect the car and was unsurprisingly happy. Apparently he knew about the exhaust and had it priced at another well-known fast-fit centre. He told us we had saved him £200 on the price of a full system. This is the sort of thing that we see very often Indeed, I have done some ring rounds to my competition and found massive differences in the pricing of things.

We do what we think to add on a correct margin, to make sure we are not too cheap. These large national companies overcharge some car owners, but they seem foolish enough to pay these silly prices.

Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail
New system ready to fit

Here is my take on this ! Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail

Why Do Some Drivers Feel Content to Pay More Than Supposed for Auto Repairs?

Or Is It Something Else? Is It Snobbery?

As the owner of a garage in Halifax (Pellon Autocentre), I’ve encountered a wide range of customers and heard a wide range of tales. However, one thing that always baffles me is why some drivers appear almost happy to pay exorbitant prices at some of the major national fast-fit shops for auto repairs.

You are aware of the establishments that have a national presence, slick marketing, and shiny flooring. Furthermore, it’s not always a few additional pounds; occasionally, we’re talking about astronomically exorbitant expenses that leave you wondering if the new tyres have gold plating on them.

It’s one thing to be unprepared for a repair cost. But it’s quite another to subsequently boast about it at the bar in your local pub. What is happening here, then? Is it just snobbery? Or is there another factor in action?

The National Chains’ Allure- Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail

First, let’s discuss why individuals visit these locations in the first place. A few factors that can make the large national chains desirable are as follows:

1.  Convenience: You can stop by one while out shopping or on your way to work because they are everywhere.

2. Brand Recognition: Having invested heavily in advertising, these corporations are the first that spring to mind when your car starts producing an odd noise.

3. Perceived Trustworthiness: Many drivers believe they have a higher chance of receiving decent service at a national chain because these brands are “trusted,” and there is a perception that bigger is better.

4. Promises and Assures: Nationwide warranties are a common feature of these networks, and they may be very persuasive. You may get it mended at any of their locations if something goes wrong.

But do these explanations suffice to support the increased costs? It appears that way for some people, and then some others.

The Snobbish Elements

Let’s face it: for many people, cars represent status. Additionally, some drivers are ready to pay extra for the status that comes with luxury, much like they would for expensive clothing or high-tech accessories. It’s the equivalent of ordering the priciest bottle of wine at supper to brag about in a car.

You know, after shelling out a small fortune for an ultra-luxury car, you naturally anticipate everything related to it, including upkeep and repairs, as well as tyres, to be extremely expensive. It seems as though spending more approves of the car’s value and, consequently, the prestige of the owner.

People have been known to brag about the price of their tyres as though it were a badge of honour in bars. They’ll grin smugly and add, “Oh, my tyres cost £300 each,” as if that’s something to be proud of.

But is this merely a case of elitism, or is there another factor at play? Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail

Financial peace of mind or peace of mind?

Paying a higher price can bring peace of mind to certain drivers. Even if it’s not always the case, people think that by spending more money at a well-known chain, they’re obtaining better quality components and service. Fear plays a part; nobody wants to be stuck on the motorway with a flat tyre or a malfunctioning brake system, so they will do everything it takes to stay out of that situation. In this way, the exorbitant costs resemble insurance, although extremely costly insurance.

Some people may just be too busy or ignorant to compare prices. They lack the motivation or the time to shop around for a better deal or find an independent garage. For them, a national chain’s perceived dependability and ease of use exceed its price.

The Influence of Advertising

Here, too, we must not undervalue the importance of marketing. These national chains are experts at giving the impression that you’re receiving something unique when, in reality, you’re not. The waiting area’s coffee, the uniforms, and the overall professional aspect of the establishment all contribute to the impression that you are paying for a premium service. The car equivalent of paying £5 for a cup of coffee at a fancy café is this one, where the barista knows your name and correctly spells it on the cup.

A Reality Check– Peugeot Exhaust MOT Fail

The problem is that you may not always get more just because you are paying more. You frequently pay for the brand rather than the service. For a small fraction of the cost, independent garages like mine can frequently offer the same (or better) quality service. While we may not have the glitzy advertisements or the expensive coffee makers, we do have years of knowledge, a love for what we do, and a dedication to provide our clients with the best value for their money.

So what motivates some drivers to boast about their costly repairs—snobbery? Perhaps for certain people. However, for some people, it’s a blend of ease of use, mental clarity, and the allure of a well-known brand. Ultimately, though, it’s important to consider if you’re paying for the service you genuinely require or merely for the ability to claim you’ve spent more.

Remind someone that sometimes less is more

Especially when it comes to your pocketbook, the next time you hear someone boasting about how much they spent on their tyres. They also know where to contact me if they ever need a high-quality repair at a reasonable price in Halifax. So its always going to be a mystery to me! Why do some drivers pay over the odds for parts and service? Thankfully, we at Pellon Autocentre are busy all the time, so we must be doing something right.