mot testing Halifax

mot testing Halifax

Tyres and brake parts do not last for four years. I think that the British MOT trade must protest. There must be a motoring body out there to represent us. Hence enabling us to launch a massive protest. Have our MP’s forgot about people power and Brexit? This would close many MOT centres down. Many of our businesses have been around for many years. Of course, not only that but what about all the money that we have had to pay out over the years. Especially, to keep up with the new directives and changes made over the years.

Really, where to these people get their ideas?

Insane MOT Test Proposals

MOT Test for White E-Type Jaguar

MOT Test for White E-Type Jaguar

MOT Test for White E-Type Jaguar
MOT Test for White E-Type Jaguar

MOT Test for White E-Type Jaguar


 Of course, it was a sad day when the government, in all their wisdom,

announced that Most vehicles manufactured or first registered over 40 years ago. Hence, will, as of May 20, 2018, be exempt from periodic testing unless they have been substantially changed.

This “substantially changed “part worried some owners at first. many of these cars have undergone some major changes. If parts weren’t available, specialised companies refabricated them.

However, owners fears were quashed-MOT Test for White E-Type Jaguar

when it was announced that their would have to be substantial changes to the chassis, running gear and engine capacity before the car was considered to be re-built in any way. Especially in the past 30 years of ownership.

According to the UK Government web site then the following changes would be fine- The following are considered acceptable (not substantial) changes if they fall into
these specific categories:
• changes that are made to preserve a vehicle, which in all cases must be when
original type parts are no longer reasonably available;
• changes of a type, that can be demonstrated to have been made when
vehicles of the type were in production or in general use (within ten years of
the end of production);
• in respect of axles and running gear changes made to improve efficiency,
safety or environmental performance;
• in respect of vehicles that have been commercial vehicles, changes which can
be demonstrated were being made when they were used commercially.

Of course, this clarified the worries and concerns from the owners of these cars. MOT Test for White E-Type Jaguar

Meanwhile, as it happens, we still get these vintage and classic cars presented for the annual MOT Test. The E-Type Jaguar in my images is a great example. This was the car that every teenager wanted back in the day. I was twenty years old when this car came out and boy did we want one. 

I believe that many of these cars have to be MOT tested for insurance purposes. Importantly, make sure that the car was road worthy or not. Anyhow, the white MOT Test for White E-Type Jaguar, had many admirers from my other customers on that day. Including myself?

Finally, here at Pellon MOT station we recommend Bridgestone tyres for your Jaguar car.

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Annual MOT Testing

Annual MOT Testing

Annual MOT Testing
Annual MOT Testing

Annual MOT Testing

Happily, as I have said before, this is a great time to be involved in the auto trade. Of course, as the owner of a successful auto centre. Then we take every day as it comes.  Consequently, apart from the work that we have booked in for that day. So, we had a run of cars that were all affected by “pothole” damage.

So, the first car was a Ford Fiesta !

Suffering from a broken coil spring . Caused by running into a pothole ! Incredibly, the second was a Vauxhall Corsa, with yet another broken coil spring . Unluckily, the spring had also penetrated the front tyre ! Once again, caused by hitting a pothole !

Thirdly, the damaged car was a VW Sirocco that hit a pothole and bent his steering arm. Urgently, we managed to fit these cars in between our car services. Consequently, those were already booked in . Happily for the customers, we managed to carry out the repairs, and we all had a good day !

After lunch, we had another bit of excitement for me. Annual MOT Testing

Unbeknownst to me, we had two vintage cars booked in for their annual MOT tests. Significantly, the first car was a regular one for us. So, it was a Rolls Royce tourer. It had a 5.6-litre engine and was built in 1936. Of course, the car easily passed the test.

Apart from a brake switch light, which we repaired on site. The company that owns the vehicle always gives their car a pre-MOT test. Of course, before it is brought into us for the MOT test. But the brake light switch must have been overlooked.

The second car that turned up was a black A35 Austin saloon.

It was manufactured in 1958 (I was ten years old then Respectfully, the great, great aunt of the woman who now owns the car was the previous owner.r ?

So, the aunt passed the car on to her niece, who later died. Subsequently, the car was then passed onto her niece, who is the current owner. Incredibly, the car was last serviced in 1990. Having only done 2000 miles, (it was then used to tootle around town. The car has a 948-cc engine

with drums on the front brakes. Including an old-fashioned rod braking system at the rear.

The car was then mothballed for the last ten days in a barn- Annual MOT Testing

So the latest in a line of nieces decided to bring it out and restore the car. She asked for the service of a local mechanic, who looked at the car to assess its condition. Incredibly, the  car only required a new battery and started up the first time. Urgently, the brakes needed some work done on them! Then he handed the car over to us for its MOT test. Lastly, the brakes were sorted using parts from an old MG Midget. Pleasantly, the engine was in immaculate condition and had only done 6,000 miles.

Passed mot test with flying colours

The old Austin had a new 063 ApolloPower battery fitted and passed the mot test in tip-top condition apart from some very slight corrosion I will see it driving up and down the street of Halifax here in West Yorkshire, UK this summer. I just love these cars with a bit of history and a story behind them. The A35 was also fitted with cross-ply tyres to the front and radials to the back.

Motorists Cant Afford Next MOT

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing
MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

MOT Test Combined with Car Servicing

Unlike a vehicle MOT test, servicing is not a legal requirement for your vehicle. However, you will probably find that regular servicing can help to keep everything.

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

We all must be responsible for our cars servicing and  test

Sometimes I find it a great shame. Incredibly, we are in the motor trade. Insistently, you have to keep harping on about servicing your cars. One of the main excuses in recent times! Of course, there has been a recession. Recently, car drivers just haven’t had any spare cash to spend on their vehicles. Consequently, we have all seen people just putting £10’s worth of fuel into their cars at the filling station? Ridiculous, but true !

In my opinion,

I think that these people should have some kind of budget. A sort of “piggy bank” and save to have their vehicle serviced. Including any mechanical work required when it goes in for its annual vehicle test. Incidentally, it is estimated that 4.7 million people miss their mot testing date. I am sure that drivers either just flaunt the law or are not aware that driving your

A car without a valid MOT test certificate is an offence referenced in Section 47 of the 1988 Road Traffic Act.

Also, driving without an MOT test.

will make your insurance invalid, and you may receive a fine of up to £1000. Is it really worth it when you can have a vehicle test and a service for most average family saloons for around £150? If you are not sure where you can go to have your vehicle serviced, you should go online and look for your nearest local independent garage; they will offer you excellent service at a fair price.

Once you have had your MOT test and service you should be safer for another year, although I recommend that you have an engine oil and filter change in between the tests to be on the safe side. Also, do not forget to check your levels at regular intervals, say once a week, and top them up when required.

Here we are now at the back end of 2024, nearing Christmas time, and the price of fuel has plummeted. The only problem is that the price of oil and petrol is not following as fast. The experts say that it may take a little longer for this to take place, but I was just wondering if services for cars would also be coming down. I am not so sure , but I suspect so.

Second-hand tyres

MOT Test for Safer Roads

MOT Test for Safer Roads

MOT Test for Safer Roads
MOT Test for Safer Roads

MOT Test for Safer Roads

Some motorists may think

that the Ministry of Transport (VOSA) is in a money-making  racket. You have to take your car to be MOT tested every year to pass a roadworthy test. But they do not see that having those MOT tests, . Actually, you can help prevent accidents and cut down on road deaths by keeping badly maintained vehicles off the road.

By carrying out an MOT test every year on vehicles that have been on the road for three years from their first registration, VOSA has successfully managed to lower the number of unsatisfactory cars on the road, making things safe for the rest of us.

So if you have had your car for at least three years, then you need to find your nearest MOT test  station and have your car MOT tested. The easiest way is to book online, You can search for MOT Halifax if you need to find your nearest testing station if you live in the Calderdale area of West Yorkshire.

MOT Test Safer Roads-Any testing station? MOT Test for Safer Roads

It is possible to take it to any testing station to have it tested there. Consequently, you can be on your way home soon after you get a test completed. The only thing you need to know. Hence, they are a fully accredited testing station. Able to carry out a thorough and legal test. It is also important that they don’t let you get away with small mechanical faults. Of course, that would affect  the roadworthiness of your vehicle.

After all, this will defeat the whole purpose.

Thus, the tests were carried out in the first place. You want to make sure that your vehicle gets through the test as smoothly as possible. As a result, there are many checks that need to be performed. During the MOT test, your car has to meet the standard.

So, for ,these checks,. Consequently, you will be ready to go home in no time with a pass. The bodywork on your car needs to be in good condition. Therefore, there are no rusting or rotten holes. The fuel system, emissions tests, and exhaust system. All need to be in good working order without any more CO2 than is required.

MOT Test Safer Roads-Your car could fly past the MOT test. MOT Test for Safer Roads

Seat belts and seats must not be rotted and be able to keep you secure. Your brakes must still have enough pads left in them before the next brake check, and your tyres need enough tread to make sure you have the minimum legal requirements. . Make sure your lights and indicators are in good working order, and your wipers must be in good condition to ensure they clear the windscreen when it is raining and the rubber blades are in good shape.

Your steering and suspension need to be within regulation standards to make sure you are able to control the movement of the vehicle with no loose, worn parts. Your registration, plates, and vehicle identification need to be in good order as well. So look after your car, and it should fly through the MOT Test Safer Roads.

Insane MOT Test Proposals

MOT Test Fee: How low

MOT Test Fee: How low

MOT Test Fee: How low
MOT Test Fee: How low

MOT Test Fee: How low

MOT Test Fee In recent times, the price of an MOT test fee has dropped.

So, enabling garages to try and attract the cash strapped motorists. All sorts of deals have been advertised. Incredibly, even “FREE”, testing. Which is allowed under the “DVLA MOT Rules” signs outside garages.

So, as the owner of an MOT test centre in Halifax. I am amazed at the number of garages giving away “cheap MOT tests” . Of course, the official mot test fee should be £54.85 (no vat). As stated on the web-site.

This MOT test fee is only a suggested amount for garages to use; it is not required. So, based on the time and equipment that it should take to carry out the mot test, according to VOSA the government test agency here in the UK,.

Significantly, the Government totally regulate our testing stations.

Including visits by their inspectors ? Consequently, who also make sure that we have the correct equipment and that all our paperwork is in order. Naturally, we have regular updates for testing procedures .

Such as any mechanical updates or different specifications that may have to changed during a test. The ministry guys also check our testers. Making sure that they are carrying out the correct testing procedures.

We have to provide a suitable reception and viewing room for the customers and also use VOSA’s own computer system to register the test results and store all the other information about my garage and the cars that are entered into the system.

In other words, in my opinion, we are controlled by the government!

Ensuring that the testing procedure is carried out correctly and within the law. If we stray from the correct procedures, we are subject to all sorts of penalties. Which would ultimately result in the closure of your MOT station. I am not moaning about all this, to the contrary.

I think that the system is a very good one and is the envy of many countries. Of course, it is not perfect, but then again, nothing is in the world of garages.

The average hourly rate that we charge for mechanical work in the independent garage sector. It is said to be around the £40 per hour mark ! In my opinion, this is a very fair price to charge. The Government maintain that because we here in the UK use the private sector to test cars.

Then the MOT Test Fee is only a recommended fee and garages could charge what they want. So, the problem is that when they visit, they ask you what you charge in your garage. Subsequently, they don’t seam to like it if you discount the MOT Test fee (that’s the impression that I get). However, it appears that they are the ones who believe that the private sector should control pricing.

mot test prices have dropped “big style”

In recent times, the price of an MOT Test Fee has dropped. Enabling garages to attract cash-strapped motorists. All sorts of deals have been advertised. Even “FREE”, testing is allowed under the DVLA MOT Rules. Can be  seen up and down the country. Obviously, this is a move to attract motorists into your garage ! I hope that you may get some mechanical work from a test failure! There is nothing wrong with that ! you may say.

The problem is that we have all made huge investments in these mobile test stations.

Meaning that the price we are getting is far lower than the investment in staff and machinery. I understand that we all have to take the good with the bad ! But I now feel that it is time that the Government step in.

They could do two things, in my opinion. They could have a minimum price paid for a test based on the average hourly rate, say perhaps £40, or make the £54.85 in to a mandatory MOT Test Fee to all motorists, and not just a recommendation.

It will be interesting for some feedback from other garage owners with mot test stations here in the UK. So, since this article first appeared. Computerization has made significant changes to the DVLA garage procedures. In fact testers have now to be examined t more regular intervals that previously. In my opinion this is a good thing ! 

Also, testing procedures are now adjusted more often.

Because of the regular changes to emission testing procedures emanating from the of requirements of the European Union strict emission laws. Of course to bring down the nations “carbon foot print” So, reducing the C02 emissions. Naturally, this has affected diesel cars the most.

We all know about the diesel car scandal ? Most car manufacturers were falsifying the C02 figures of their diesel models. Of course, this brought a clampdown from the regulators.

Significantly turning around the theory that the diesel cars were better for the climate than the petrol cars. Responding to this, the EU came out with much stricter emission rules. resulting in stricter MOT emission testing in the EU member countries.

However, I have recently learned that  VW have been selling older diesel cars to countries like Albania at highly discounted prices ! So much for emission standards !

There are rules for some and rules for others ! Many diesel cars can now be treated to clean the internal workings of the engine. Significantly improving the cars chances of passing the MOT test.

We offer an engine carbon cleaning service for this purpose.

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Rolls-Royce MOT

Rolls-Royce MOT

Rolls-Royce MOT
Rolls-Royce MOT

Rolls-Royce MOT

This Roller will probably be the nicest car that we have had in the garage for its This magnificent car was brought into my garage for an Rolls Royce MOT. We were very pleased to see such a fine specimen of a vintage Bentley Wraith.

This magnificent Rolls-Royce Wraith car, a 1939 drop-head coupe, is one of only 220 in the World. Its designer, James Young and Company of London’s Bromley, is significant. Later, London-based Rolls-Royce dealer Jack Barclay purchased it. This magnificent car was brought into my garage for a Rolls-Royce MOT. We were very pleased to see such a fine specimen of a vintage Bentley Wraith model. Although the new DVLA MOT Rules state that these cars do not have to have a Rolls-Royce MOT any more,. Most owners still go through the procedure for insurance purposes.

It was in 1931-Rolls-Royce MOT

that the then-Rolls-Royce company “bought out ” Bentley Motors” . Consequently, the whole works was moved from the Bentley factory in Cricklewood, London, NW2. Of course, to Derby, in the North midlands of the UK.

Bentley cars that were produced there are were commonly referred to as the “Derby-Bentley s”. These cars were first introduced in 1933. Hence, the first of these Bentley s that were made in Derby was simply known as the 3 1/2-litre. Subsequently, they were very similar in design and look to the Rolls Royce 20/25.

Thus, that was made in the same year.-Rolls-Royce MOT

The Bentley cars very soon became the more powerful and sporty versions of the  Rolls Royce. These 3.5-litre engineered Bentley’s that were produced in Derby were not in the same technology class as the ones produced in Cricklewood, London.

In 1936, the Derby-made Bentley’s and the new Rolls-Royce were fitted with 4.257-litre engine and a four-speed gearbox.

this vastly improved the cars performance giving the owner far more acceleration power and making the car feel very sporty to drive. These cars were made until the beginning of World war 2

Production lasted until the outbreak of World War II, with over 1200 examples produced Many of these cars are still running today, like the fine example that was presented to us here in Halifax, UK. More


Two Year MOT Tests

Two-Year MOT Tests

Two-Year MOT Tests
Two-Year MOT Tests

Two-Year MOT Tests

So this is about the wrangling that continues about our MP’s trying to convert the MOT testing gap to two years. Utterly stupid, in my opinion! These MP’s should visit testing stations to see how a modern-day car can deteriorate over the current one-year period. So, two years would just mean many more dangerous cars on our roads.

However, as this attached article states, the motor industry are fighting to knock this stupid idea on the head. I drive for my business and often depart at 4.30 in the morning. The roads are very busy and in my opinion, we are heading for a complete 24-hour period of heavy traffic.

Ask any truck driver!

No longer can you drive in the UK through the night to try to avoid heavy traffic. It is with us now. So testing cars over a two-year period is a no-brainer, and the idea should be scrapped immediately for safety’s sake alone.

Along with this article, I can only hope that the recent conservative re-shuffle will kill the two-year MOT tests stone dead and that common sense prevails.

Two-Year MOT Tests
Two-Year MOT Tests

The MOT test is an annual safety inspection that is mandatory

for all vehicles in the United Kingdom that are older than three years. Ensuring that vehicles on the road are in good condition and do not endanger other road users is of the utmost importance. The proposal to transition this to a biennial inspection was made in an effort to alleviate financial strains on drivers and decrease the operational burden on garages. It seems reasonable in theory, correct?

Nonetheless, this is not a novel concept. Similar suggestions have occasionally surfaced, frequently in an effort to cut costs and streamline operations. Recently, a number of members of parliament have revisited the notion, arguing that it might save motorists a little bit of fuel. However, it is not devoid of controversy.

Contrarians express significant apprehensions. Two-Year MOT Tests

regarding the implications for road safety and the environment. They believe that extending the time between inspections could result in a greater number of high-octane vehicles with underlying problems such as worn tyres or faulty brakes travelling around. This has the potential to increase accident rates and potentially impact air quality if emissions are not routinely inspected.

Safety experts and the automotive industry have had a somewhat divided reaction.

While there are individuals who believe that modern vehicles, which are indeed improving in dependability, may not require such frequent inspections, others emphasise the critical nature of routine surveillance in ensuring public safety. It is a timeless struggle between savings and safety, and striking the proper balance is no easy task.

The proposal has not been implemented as of yet. Two-Year MOT Tests

It appears to be in a “let’s think this through” phase as opposed to “full steam ahead.” The government must diligently assess the potential advantages in relation to the potential drawbacks. Before finalising a change, they would also be required to consult with a variety of stakeholders, including automobile associations and road safety charities.

It appears that the concept is currently being deliberated and has not yet been finalised. It is uncertain whether this will transition to a higher frequency or remain at rest. Any change to something as critical as the MOT testing regime, however, will undoubtedly require careful consideration in order to ensure the safety of all road users.

Source: UK aftermarket lobbying intensifies

First Time Drivers Guide

Pellon Tyres Remain Open-Garages permitted to remain open during latest lockdown

Pellon Tyres Remain Open

Pellon Tyres Remain Open

So, yet another “lockdown” ! What good did the other two lockdowns do ! Not sure ! However the good news is that here at Pellon Autocentre then we are able to remain open. Presumably it is to keep the key workers cars on the road. Of course all our regular customers  are more than welcome to bring in their cars. of course  we will require you to respect the current rules such  as mask wearing and social distancing.

Should any of our customers wish to stay at home but require their car repairing then we would like help them. Including collecting and delivering back their cars. So, just call us on 01422 351314 to make the best arrangement to suit you. Of course we are also under pressure so our customers visiting us for repairs is still the best option. Importantly, we can still carry out MOT testing.

Lets hope that the government get the vaccines out quickly and we can get back to normal in the near future.

A new lockdown ordering people to ‘stay at home’ in England and Scotland is now in force but garages are permitted to remain open. The latest government guidance for England states that “vehicle repair and MOT

Source: Garages permitted to remain open during latest lockdown – Garagewire

Insane MOT Test Proposals

MOT Testing Re-starts- After lockdown restrictions relaxed

MOT Testing Re-starts

Drivers can have there cars tested

Despite the government giving motorists a six-month extension to their MOT due date, Of course, during “lockdown.” Importantly, many people want to keep their cars in good, safe condition. So, it is possible to still have your MOT test at the original due date. Here at Pellon Autocentre in Halifax, we are now carrying out MOT Testing for many of our more responsible customers.

Of course, we must adhere to social spacing and Corona virus regulations. However, with a little thought from both our staff and our customers, this is doable. Happily, we have discovered that the customers prefer to leave their cars with us. Prior to the pandemic, most drivers wanted to remain with their cars after lockdown while the MOT test was carried out. So, as I have said! They now prefer to leave the vehicle with us, and we call them with the test results.

mot testing

Old favourites turn up for there regular test

Of course, we often see the same cars year after year. Many of these cars are classics and vintage cars. Although legally, these vehicles are no longer required to pass a test. Then the owners prefer to stay safe and have their precious cars tested. Of course, these cars are their owners’ pride and joy. Also they find that having an MOT test carried out reduces their insurance for the year.

Of course, having the cars tested ensures that they are roadworthy and safe to use on our busy roads. In fact, two of our old favourites turned up for a test on the same day. First came the wonderful vintage Bentley Roadster. I believe that this car may be worth a fortune. So, after lunch, a wonderful red Jaguar was left with us for testing in the afternoon. Amazingly, both these cars passed the test with flying colours! They always do! Their owners keep these vehicles in first-class condition, and it is very rare that the cars require any work to pass the MOT test.

MOT Testing Re-starts

Importantly, if you drive your car on the road, you should have the car tested when it is actually due. Please don’t rely on the government’s extension time. Because your insurance company would be furious if the vehicle you were driving had flaws that caused a collision!

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Insane MOT Test Proposals
Insane MOT Test Proposals

Insane MOT Test Proposals

Even more concerningly, nearly one in ten (8.49%) automobiles failed the test on at least one harmful item, which is close to a third of all vehicles that failed the MOT the first time. Up to 2.57 million automobiles and vans with potentially harmful flaws will be on the roads as a result of reducing the MOT testing period to every two years.

Vehicles frequently fail MOT testing on safety-relevant components.

According to DVSA data, 7% of vehicles fail due to brake issues, another 7% due to tyre defects, and 10% due to suspension defects.

“This might actually be hazardous for motorists, bikers, and pedestrians, and we might see cars on the roads with significant flaws. And this suggestion won’t make any difference in terms of the expense of living.

Less frequent vehicle maintenance is comparable to putting off going to the doctor. So, just like with medical problems, things can get much worse if you wait. Shopping around will, for the most part, save you from having to pay the whole £54.85, the maximum a MOT may cost, and you may be able to prevent a hefty payment by catching it early, according to Karen Rotberg.

Drivers should keep their cars up-to-date regarding parts failures- Insane MOT Test Proposals

Even though some of the more critical flaws could be very expensive to fix, extra costs could be avoided with early intervention. For instance, if brake discs are damaged by metal-on-metal contact,. While the brake pads are entirely worn down. So, the braking discs must also be changed (typically costing hundreds of pounds). Simply keep an eye on your brake pads!

Neglect can cause damage to many different parts of a car. In addition to the brakes,. Damaged suspension parts can cause uneven tyre wear and hasten the need to replace the tyres. Remember the pothole crisis! It hasn’t gone away. While tyres that are not properly inflated will use more petrol and diesel and have a shorter lifespan.

67% of drivers, according to research by Then, schedule servicing at the same time as their MOT. This also applies to us here at Pellon Autocentre in Halifax, UK. This means that there is a good likelihood that many car maintenance tasks will go uncompleted as well. Which could result in higher costs for drivers owing to accelerated engine wear and increased fuel consumption.

27% of drivers fail to check their tyres! Insane MOT Test Proposals

In addition, 27% of drivers do not check the condition of their tyres, and 58% do not check to see if their lights are functioning, according to a survey of 2,000 drivers.

“We are very much in favour of initiatives that relieve the expense of living; we recognise that there is true difficulty at the moment,” Rotberg stated. However, the government’s eye-catching measures hide the possibility that drivers may end up paying much more than necessary.

The best way to save money is to shop around for the best deals in your area. Additionally, a yearly MOT is essential for both safety and the expense of driving in the long run.

Insane MOT Test Proposals
Insane MOT Test Proposals

Plans to relax the frequency of MOT tests to help ease the cost-of-living crisis have met strong criticism from across the motor industry. The Independent Garage Association (IGA) warns that the “dangerous” plan would fail to

Source: Plans to reduce MOT frequency hit with criticism