Cars and Climate Change

Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell vehicle unveiled

Toyota Mirai

Toyota Mirai
© Can Stock Photo /

Toyota Mirai

The Toyota Mirai is an electric-drive, mid-size four-door sedan powered by hydrogen, with a range of up to 300 miles, refuel time of about f…

This is just another part of the big mix of fuels that will power the cars of the near future.

Hydrogen cells are also the favourite of some car manufacturers. Including Toyota now with the Toyota Mirai and BMW. In my opinion, Hydrogen will be available at many filling stations in the future.

Toyota Mirai is one of the leaders in Hydrogen cell fueled cars

It has come to my attention that there are at least three leading car manufacturers that are heading down the hydrogen fuel road with their cars. I am a keen follower of market trends and the direction that the green way forward is heading, and that includes the battle that is rising between EV vehicles, battery Tec technology, the Hydrogen cell technology.

Apart from Toyota with the Toyota Mirai  the other two players are Hyundai and Honda. Other car makers have also been involved with Hydrogen including the American giant GM. Apparently GM has been running a test fleet of them for a few years now, but it is the Far Eastern country’s car makers that are ahead of the field.

There are enemies of hydrogen as well as battery driven cars

But when the largest car company in the world looks interested in something, then it is time to sit up and take note. Toyota is a very experienced and successful manufacturer of cars and has made over 5,600 fuel cell-related patents available. Toyota has started off the motion for hydrogen-powered cars to make it to market at a faster pace.

The inclusion of the auto industry is of particular import to Japan.

Toyota, Honda, and Nissan are key contributors to Japan’s economy, and the industry together accounts for 10% of the national workforce and 20% of exports. To me it is a good thing that Japan is thinking about supporting the home industry, and developing these new products will bring stability to the home workforce.

It does have to make these technologies available to us all eventually to comply with European and American laws, but I think that the Japanese are thinking about this when they free off the patents for the new technology cars.

The scrap between battery power and hydrogen is on.

Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages. So, for instance, electric cars only require plug-in stations. Of course, to be re-charged. Significantly, the hydrogen cars will require a network of filling station locations. However, this will mean that they could just be added to the existing gas stations all over the world.

Both cars can claim to have zero emissions.

But the lithium-ion cars are re-charged by “dirty” coal-fired power stations. So are not as green as people think. Especially in countries like China! So, the hydrogen car only emits water, so until the power supplies are greener, the hydrogen car wins there.

At the time of writing this post. Both cars are getting about the same mileage! Subsequently, both types of cars are still very expensive to buy. Hydrogen cars can be re-fueled the same as a gas engine. While the battery car has to be charged up over a long period. Although scientists are working on a faster-charged battery all the time,.

Only time will tell which idea brings the most success, but you have to admit that it is interesting times that us auto guys live in.

Revolutionise Your Tyre Shopping Experience

Yokohama Tyres and Chelsea AFC: 2024 Update

Yokohama Tyres and Chelsea AFC

Yokohama Tyres and Chelsea AFC
Yokohama Tyres and Chelsea AFC

Yokohama Tyres and Chelsea AFC

I will attempt to bring this up to date as best I can

Chelsea AFC’s connection with Yokohama Tyres ended as of my last information update in January 2022. The partnership lasted several years; however, Yokohama Tyres had decided not to renew their sponsorship contract with the team by that point.

Now, in your typical nice and casual way, let’s dive into this topic, with some local tyre dealer emphasis:

It’s always intriguing to observe how football clubs and their sponsors work together, and occasionally how they don’t. In the case of Chelsea AFC and Yokohama Tyres, it’s a story about a partnership that had its time in the spotlight but eventually came to an end.

Chelsea Football Club and Yokohama Tyres were a formidable duo for many years. The Blues proudly donned the Yokohama badge on their shirts, which football fans all over the world recognised. It was almost like a love affair between football and tyres!

This union, like many excellent things in life, had its time. Yokohama Tyres and Chelsea AFC

By 2022, the collaboration had run its course, and the Yokohama logo said goodbye to Chelsea’s shirts. In some ways, it was the end of an era.

Let’s talk about the neighbourhood tyre shops now, shall we? Because Chelsea is such a well-known team, the sponsorship contract did put Yokohama Tyres on the map in the United Kingdom, and it had an influence. But, you know, it’s also important to remember our local tyre retailers right here in the United Kingdom.

I’m sure you have some wonderful tyre dealers in Halifax, including the famous ones, such as Pellon Tyres, who have been servicing the community for years. They may lack the sparkle and glamour of a football sponsorship, but they play an important part in keeping our wheels going.

So, while the Chelsea-Yokohama romance may have ended, let us not forget to support our local tyre retailers. They are the ones that keep our cars safe and our trips smooth in our neck of the woods.

The strange thing is that I have just finished a blog.

About the involvement of tyre companies with professional football clubs. Including the leagues across the world! Especially in Europe. Significantly, Yokohama and Chelsea Football Club have signed a sponsorship agreement. Importantly, that will enable the display and wear of the tyre company logo.

On the official football shirt. Yokohama Tyres UK branding is at the stadium and on the pitch side. Using the logo, players and coach of Chelsea FC to promote various tire-related advertising and

In my opinion, Yokohama Japan is already heavily involved in sport through their supply of tyres for the motorsport industry. The football scene is what all the tyre companies are competing for, and now the Japanese tyre company has joined the club, big style. This will undoubtedly raise brand awareness for Yokohama, simply because Chelsea and Manchester United are worldwide brands, and the  tyre products will be seen on televisions all over the globe, including faraway countries such as Australia and even China.

The agreement ends in 2020-Yokohama Tyres and Chelsea AFC

The agreement that has been signed will be for 5 years from this year (2015) and will put them up there with the big-tyre players. Incidentally, I have noticed that the big tyre companies, such as Goodyear and Michelin, have stayed clear of such large sponsorship deals (except, of course, Continental Tyres, who were one of the World Cup sponsors), with the battle being between the main mid-range tyre brands, such as Apollo Tyre and Hankook, and including Yokohama.

Chelsea FC is a prestigious football club situated in London and is currently in the top place of the English Premier League under the management of Jose Mourinho, a guy who speaks his mind and has great knowledge of the game, coaching many great teams in European football. The club has won the English Premier League as many as four times, and in the 2012–2013 football season, Chelsea won the Europa Cup.

It will be good to see the Yokohama ads on the TV screen- Yokohama Tyres and Chelsea AFC

So, I hope it improves in profile. Of course, and we sell more tyres at my garage here in Halifax, Yorkshire, UK. Knowing that Yokohama are a success at motorsport promotions. But I have thought all along that they are only playing to a small audience compared to the big attractions, such as this deal with Chelsea FC, and I know that it will give them greater exposure, but I hope that they do not drift away from their motorsport background.

I myself like to watch football on TV. Subsequently, I have noticed an increase in the TV exposure of tyre companies. Last night, I watched a UEFA Europa League match between Glasgow Celtic and Inter Milan of Italy. So, I could not help but notice the terrific amount of exposure that Hankook Tyres had with pitch-side advertising boards. Even though the Milan players have Pirelli as their shirt sponsor,. So it has to be a thing for the future.

Pellon Tyres is now a member of

New tyre labelling, bridgestone

New tyre labelling: Now introduced from May 2021

New tyre labelling

New tyre labelling

So, after much head scratching, we are finally accepting the reputation of the truth relating to the information that tyre manufacturers put on their tyre labels. Of course, in the beginning, we found that economy tyres were marked up to show them as being much better and therefore a better buy than many of the leading brands.

This set up many suspicion’s in my mind. However, after a few years, things appear to have levelled out! Let’s say that some of the figures that went on tyre labels were more  believable.

In fact, we now use these figures as a fairly level playing field when it comes to tyres performing on these labels. This attached article from “Garage Wire” explains the new labelling that will be introduced in May.

New tyre performance labels

“Advancing Towards Environmental Sustainability: The Efficacy of the 2021 Tyre Labelling System in Halifax, UK”

In Halifax, a dynamic community that combines innovation with tradition, the implementation of the Tyre Labelling System in 2021 has led to a notable transition towards a more environmentally friendly and secure future on the roadways. This approach has not only revolutionised tyre selection but has also been instrumental in promoting environmentally conscious habits in our area.

A Path Towards Transformation: New tyre labelling

Halifax, like several locations in the UK, has historically served as a centre for both car enthusiasts and individuals who often travel to work. The cars we possess are reliable companions that assist us in traversing the steep slopes and meandering pathways that give our town its distinctiveness. Nevertheless, due to the increasing emphasis on environmental sustainability, it became evident that a transformation was necessary.

Introducing the Tyre Labelling System, a revolutionary innovation in the tyre industry. Launched in 2021, this system offers consumers useful insights into the environmental footprint and performance of the tyres they select. It is akin to possessing a verdant navigational chart to steer our decisions regarding tyres.

Regional Consequences

The efficacy of this approach in Halifax is of utmost significance. It has significantly influenced our tyre selection process, connecting our personal beliefs with our driving behaviours. Halifax inhabitants have become more aware of the environmental consequences associated with their tyre selections, resulting in a substantial rise in the use of environmentally friendly tyre alternatives.

Minimising Carbon Emissions: New tyre labelling

Halifax has consistently boasted of its exquisite natural environment, encompassing undulating hills and abundant verdant foliage. Through the implementation of the Tyre Labelling System, we are actively working towards preserving these landscapes in their original and unspoiled state for future generations. Opting for environmentally-friendly tyre options not only decreases our carbon emissions but also promotes cleaner air and a more sustainable environment.

Prioritise Safety

However, our focus in Halifax extends beyond environmental awareness; ensuring safety remains a paramount concern for us. The Tyre Labelling System also offers vital data on tyre performance, such as wet traction and fuel economy. Consequently, we are able to make well-informed choices that give priority to safety while maintaining our dedication to sustainability.

Neighbourhood garages and commercial establishments

As the proprietor of an automotive repair facility in Halifax, I have personally observed the direct impact of this system on our local community. Local garages have adjusted their practices to accommodate the increasing need for environmentally-friendly tyre choices, while tyre shops have expanded their inventory to offer a greater variety of labelled tyres that align with our evolving preferences. It demonstrates how our town can readily accept and support beneficial transformations that are in line with our principles.

In conclusion: New tyre labelling

The introduction of the Tyre Labelling system in 2021 has greatly enhanced our dedication to a more environmentally friendly and secure future in Halifax. It has enabled us to make well-informed decisions that not only enhance our driving pleasure but also support the environment we cherish.

As we drive along the beautiful roads of Halifax, we can be confident that our tyre selections are playing a role in creating a more environmentally friendly and secure future for our town and beyond. This statement highlights the significant influence we may exert when we together strive for the same objective, even in the complex and unpredictable circumstances of our cherished Halifax.

However, like many things, the industry is getting used to the information that tyre manufacturers put on their labels. Here at Pellon Tyres, we often use the information to help sell a brand of tyres. Using the figures as a comparison to aid in the tyres sale.

Pellon Tyres is now a member of

A new tyre labelling system designed to help motorists understand how well tyres perform, especially for fuel efficiency and grip in the wet, is to be introduced on 1 May 2021. Tyre label ratings will be

Source: New tyre labelling to be introduced from May

Locking Wheel Nuts Lost

Locking Wheel Nuts Lost!

Locking Wheel Nuts Lost

Locking Wheel Nuts Lost
© Can Stock Photo / wslawa

Locking Wheel Nuts Lost

“Ensuring Wheel Security: The Significance of Locking Wheel Nuts for Motorists in Halifax, UK”

In the picturesque town of Halifax, where traditional cobblestone lanes intersect with contemporary roads, our automobiles serve as our reliable friends. Regardless of whether you are traversing the historical centre of town or venturing into the picturesque Yorkshire countryside, one aspect stays unchanging: the significance of ensuring the security of your vehicle’s wheels. Locking wheel nuts are essential for drivers in Halifax due to their critical role in vehicle security. Let’s explore the reasons for their importance.

Safeguarding Your Capital: Locking Wheel Nuts Lost

Your car serves as more than a mere means of transportation; it represents an investment in both autonomy and convenience. Therefore, it is inherent to have a desire to safeguard it, particularly in relation to those costly wheels and tyres. Locking wheel nuts serve as protective measures for your wheels, guaranteeing that they remain securely in place on your vehicle.

The topography of Halifax is diverse and varied.

The scenic landscapes of Halifax provide a wide variety of driving experiences. Our vehicles face a range of challenges, from the steep slopes of the metropolis to the twisting country roads of West Yorkshire. Locking wheel nuts offer enhanced security, particularly when driving on difficult terrain or when parking your vehicle alone in public spaces.

The act of deterring thieves: Locking Wheel Nuts Lost

Vehicle theft is a possibility in any location, including our close-knit town of Halifax. Locking wheel nuts serve as a barrier for potential thieves who take advantage of easy opportunities. These specialised nuts necessitate a distinct key for extraction, rendering it notably more arduous for potential wrongdoers to abscond with your wheels. It is akin to adding an additional security measure to protect the precious items in your car.

Ensuring Tranquilly for Motorists in Halifax

Being a proprietor of a garage in Halifax, I have witnessed numerous regrettable occurrences involving pilfered wheels. The tension and inconvenience it induces can be overpowering. Locking wheel nuts offer drivers in our area a sense of security, as they reduce the likelihood of their wheels being easily stolen.


Although you may perceive the addition of this additional security layer as inconvenient, there is no need to worry. Utilising locking wheel nuts is a straightforward process. Upon purchase, you will be provided with a distinctive key that securely slots onto a single wheel nut. Implementing this straightforward measure provides an additional level of protection for your car.

In conclusion :Locking Wheel Nuts Lost

In Halifax, our automobiles are not merely machines but rather important components of our everyday existence. Locking wheel nuts may appear insignificant, but they are crucial for protecting your vehicle and ensuring your peace of mind. Whether you’re exploring the picturesque streets of Halifax or travelling into the breathtaking Yorkshire environment, locking wheel nuts are essential for keeping your wheels securely attached to your car. If you have not done so already, I recommend investing in wheel protectors to ensure the safety and security of your driving experience in Halifax.

So, most people in the auto trade know about the “locking wheel nut problem.

” As a result, cars arrive at our garages and tyre shops with no way of removing the vehicles’ locking wheel nuts. In the beginning, most cars have a set of tools that enable us to remove the locking wheel nuts. These tools are fitted to secure the alloy wheels and prevent theft. Indeed, some alloy wheels are very expensive and an easy target for thieves.

Many modern vehicles are fitted with alloy wheels, and indeed, at one time, they were a selling point when garages sold a new car. In the early days of this, the wheels were often stolen. The alloys were probably sold as scrap and eventually melted down for other uses. Similar to the latest spate of “catalytic converter” thefts that we are having at the moment!

Alloy wheel thefts: what was the answer?

Importantly, the theft problem had to be solved! So, the answer would be the invention of the locking wheel nut. These came in a set of four (one for each wheel). A simple tool would fit on the locker, enabling the driver or garage to remove the locker when required. Over the years, the system has worked, except for a few hiccups!

Mainly, the car owner would lose the lockers, and when the car turns up for, say, a service and needs the wheel removed, “whoops,” there is no locker to remove the wheels. So, this happens time and time again. Fortunately, as an ingenious industry, we again solved the problem. Most garages now carry a special tool that enables us to get the locker nuts off without damaging the car’s valuable alloy wheels.

How not to remove with a saw!

So, I thought that I had seen it all until my staff sent me this image for our blog. One of our customers had attempted to cut out the locker with a hacksaw! This can clearly be seen in the images. What do you think? Have you ever seen anything like this? Please let me know.

Pellon Tyres is now a member of

Hybrid Car Ownership

Electric Classic Mini-British firm launches classic Mini electrification kit

Electric Classic Mini

Electric Classic Mini

So, as a guy who has owned three of these fabulous little cars in the past, this development excites me! I am a garage owner who has spent the past forty-odd years repairing and servicing conventional cars and vans. Then I am not a fan of Electrical car developments (EV’s). Because I think that the EV’s are going to be a threat to our very existence.

Certainly indeed! Embark on an exploration of the narrative surrounding the company’s eco-conscious conversion of the classic petrol-powered Mini into a contemporary electric vehicle (EV).

Imagine the renowned Mini,

an emblematic representation of British automotive legacy, navigating the thoroughfares of Halifax in an electric configuration. That is certainly a transformation deserving of discussion.

A company in the centre of the United Kingdom, where innovation and history frequently intersect, has given the classic Mini an eco-friendly redesign. Embracing the future while paying homage to the past distinguishes this automobile from others.

The standard petrol-powered Mini, renowned for its compact dimensions and enduring aesthetics, holds a special place in the affections of numerous individuals, including ourselves in Halifax. However, in light of the global transition towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable modes of transport, it was merely a matter of time before an individual attempted to electrify this iconic structure in Britain.

This incredible accomplishment -Electric Classic Mini

was accomplished by a regional organisation that recognises the allure of the Mini as well as the necessity for environmentally sustainable alternatives. The iconic Mini, which has gained widespread adoration, was transformed into a contemporary electric vehicle that embodies elegance and ecological consciousness.

Currently, one may inquire as to why Halifax, specifically, was selected for this undertaking. Our community, in fact, has a long history of innovation and adaptation. From the time of the industrial revolution until the present, considerable change has occurred. Moreover, this organisation, much like those early pioneers, recognised the potential to merge history and advancement.

The outcome is a Mini-Electric Classic Mini-

that operates on electricity and produces no emissions while meandering through our cobblestone pathways. This fusion of the classic Mini and electric prowess is a marvel to behold, featuring the iconic silhouette of the Mini while operating silently on electricity.

The transformation, however, continued beyond the engine. Additionally, they have upgraded its technology by installing contemporary features that enhance the driving experience. Featuring cutting-edge infotainment and regenerative braking, this electric Mini is both fashionable and intelligent.

Even better, this metamorphosis -Electric Classic Mini

is merely one illustration of the inventive spirit that flourishes throughout Halifax and the United Kingdom. It demonstrates that it is possible to support a sustainable future while preserving our heritage.

Consequently, while strolling through our town and observing the blend of old and new architecture, keep an eye out for these electric Minis. They consistently seek to improve the environmental condition of Halifax and the United Kingdom as a whole, showcasing the resourcefulness of local businesses.

One Mini at a time

The ultimate goal is to transform not only automobiles but also our way of thinking and our dedication to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. Salutations to Halifax and its inhabitants, who embody innovation!

However, I must admit that this little red classic mini looks great.

So, it will be an eye-opener for millions of older people who were previous owners. Also, the very thought of the power that this electric conversion will have gives my skin the bumps. However , it is still a rich man’s toy and beyond the means of most people. Including myself!

Although I might add that these people are selling an electrification kit, complete with a battery pack. This will inevitably bring down the price for the experienced DIY mechanics amongst us.

A complete electrification kit which will turn any classic Mini into an electric vehicle has been made available for enthusiasts, specialists and EV conversion businesses. Created in response to growing customer demand to electrify classic cars

Source: British firm launches classic Mini electrification kit – Garagewire

mot testing and car servicing

Good News for Garages: 2024

Good News for Garages

Good news for garages
© Can Stock Photo / XXLPhoto

Good news for garages

Just as I expected, the news is that consumers are keeping their vehicles longer at the moment. Importantly, I am old enough to know that this is always the case when any sort of crisis occurs! This time it is the “Covid 19” pandemic that we are having to face. So, in other years, we have had to suffer from financial downturns. However, this time, it’s a health issue.

“Why People in Halifax are Holding onto Their Petrol and Diesel Cars Longer Than Ever Before”

We have observed an intriguing pattern in recent times in the middle of Halifax, where the hilly terrain meets the busy streets. Locals appear to be more devoted to their tried-and-true petrol and diesel vehicles than in years past. Why is there a change in the way people own cars? Halifax locals and others throughout the country are choosing to hold on to their ICE cars for longer and longer periods of time for four distinct reasons.

Virus COVID-19 and Its Effects:Good news for garages

The worldwide pandemic had a significant impact on many other aspects of our lives, including our driving habits. Because of the unknowns caused by COVID-19, many are clinging to their petrol and diesel vehicles. Due to the numerous limitations and lockdowns, many of us opted to work from home or reduce our driving. Some others started to question whether they really needed a new automobile or if going electric was the right choice.

People in Halifax, where a strong sense of community is valued, questioned the usefulness of owning a car. More and more individuals started taking public transit or carpooling, and many found out they could extend the life of their current vehicles by cutting back on mileage.

The ebb and flow of electric cars:Good news for garages

The emergence of electric vehicles (EVs) promised a cleaner, more environmentally friendly future for transportation. The shift to EVs, however, has lagged below expectations. The incessant concern of where to plug in, limited charging infrastructure, and range anxiety were all issues that early EV adopters had to cope with.

Halifax residents have been cautiously welcoming the electric car revolution. Many locals are holding out hope that the electric vehicle sector will continue to develop, leading to better products at lower prices. Many people still have a soft spot for conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, particularly those that are dependable and easy to use.

Local History & Nostalgia:Good news for garages

Halifax is a city that loves its traditions and looks back on its legacy and history. Many locals have sentimental attachments to their classic petrol and diesel vehicles, which have been in the family for decades. As we travel through the Yorkshire countryside and the meandering roads of the Calder Valley, these cars become more than just a mode of transportation; they become members of the family.

An effective way to connect with readers and bolster the argument for retaining cherished ICE automobiles is to incorporate local history into your articles. For example, you could mention the old textile mills or the famous Halifax Piece Hall.

Finally, we must not forget the financial issue

which is an important consideration. Individuals are meticulously considering their spending habits during these uncertain times. A new vehicle, particularly an electric one, might represent a considerable financial commitment. For the time being, many locals are deciding that keeping their current petrol or diesel vehicles is the more economical option.

Incorporating local cost-of-living information and people’s frugal strategies to extend the life of their present vehicles would be great additions to your piece.

As a conclusion, there are a number of factors

contributing to the prolonged duration of petrol and diesel vehicle ownership in Halifax. Regardless of the reasons why, like economic concerns, a sense of nostalgia, the changing electric car scene, or the effects of COVID-19, the passion for internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles is strong in our picturesque part of the UK. As you meander around the picturesque streets of Halifax, you’ll surely come across numerous beloved vintage vehicles, each one preserving a piece of our community’s history.

When there is a crisis, do businesses and regular workers always pull in their horns?

It is not the time to go out and buy a new car. especially with people not knowing whether they will have a job at the end of it all. Drivers are choosing to keep their old vehicles under the premise that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” It’s better to spend a few hundred pounds on new tyres or a service than thousands on a new car.

This is welcome news to me as the owner of Pellon Tyre and Autocentre. Knowing that this pandemic will also slow down the rush to car electrification, MOT testing is expected to remain at a high level, and our customers are certainly buying lots of tyres here in Halifax, UK.

Nowadays, Brits maintain their personal vehicles for longer.

In fact, according to the most recent statistics, the age of vehicles on the road is almost 12. That is significantly older than historical averages. Some dealers could be unsure about whether the epidemic will have any further effects on this psychological trend

MOT tests the ever-improving vehicle technology that makes them last longer.

Some people like not having a car payment, so they aren’t in a rush to buy something brand new. But in the current economy, a growing number of people are saying no to trade-ins for a number of different reasons.

Given the recent wave of furloughs and fears about job security,. Some people might be reluctant to invest money in a new car. Some people may no longer need to drive because they are working from home on a longer-term basis.

Owners of vehicles can decide not to do any unneeded shopping for a lengthy period of time if they are worried about the threats to the public’s health. The current lack of new inventory is another factor.

People might be delaying their purchases of new vehicles until next year because there won’t be any inventory for 2020. Dealers would want to prepare for individuals retaining their automobiles much longer than previously if these factors are added to an upward growth trajectory.

Almost four million of the nation’s drivers have opted to keep their car for longer after spending money on repairs and maintenance, new research shows. The study for Kwik Fit, shows that the third of drivers

Source: Repair investment prompts 3.8 million owners to keep their car for longer – Garagewire

New Oil Change Regime

New Oil Change Regime

New Oil Change Regime

New Oil Change Regime
New Oil Change Regime

Certainly! Let’s incorporate a few more particular references to Pellon Autocentre in Halifax, UK, into the extended passage:

“All right, let’s talk about something important here: the evolution of the oil change business.”

No, I haven’t gone insane; it’s a genuine transition that has occurred over time. Think back to the ’80s and ’90s. Back then, our clients would come in 4 to 5 times a year for an oil change, which is still the case at Pellon Autocentre in Halifax. It was a usual and expected habit, like going down to the local for a pint. We knew our clients’ cars almost as well as they did, and frequent check-ins indicated strong consumer loyalty and retention.

It was common practice to have automobiles serviced for an oil change every three to four thousand miles back then.

But, let’s face it, things have changed, and our business model has evolved as well. Fast forward to today, and you’ll see that the customer’s perspective has shifted. Furthermore, as car technology has advanced, oil change intervals have become much longer. It’s not like it used to be that an oil change was as routine as clockwork. We’ve experienced this development firsthand at Pellon Autocentre.

Take a look at your current consumer base.

I’m not suggesting that you discontinue offering

How many of them exceed the recommended oil change miles on their vehicles? I’m sure there’s a lot. And how many people wait until the maintenance light or, God forbid, the engine oil light illuminates? It’s a whole other ballgame now. This is something we’ve noticed at Pellon Autocentre, where we’re continuously adapting to meet the changing needs of our customers.

oil changes. What I’m recommending is a different approach. It is our responsibility to educate clients who extend their oil change intervals on the necessity of preventive maintenance. Why not highlight the overall value of the vehicle’s scheduled maintenance service instead of only advertising an oil change? For example, a 15k or 45k service. It’s not a novel idea, but it’s just as necessary as a good cup of coffee in the morning. We’ve been focusing on this strategy at Pellon Autocentre in order to better serve our customers in Halifax and the surrounding areas.

We’re not only changing oil when we focus on offering a full maintenance service;

We’re also protecting our customers, ensuring vehicle safety, and extending the life of their vehicles. It’s about looking at the big picture—the long-term cost of car ownership—and how we can help minimise it, which is a core value at Pellon Autocentre.

And there’s a fantastic opportunity to educate our customers about the need for preventive maintenance during car delivery. Make it a point to discuss the next service interval with each customer and get it scheduled. It ultimately comes down to focusing on what is best for our customers.

Remember that every car that comes into your shop today will require some sort of servicing or repair in the future.

Make it clear to your customers that they can rely on you to handle the situation. ‘Every motor in your shop today will be back for more,’ I routinely tell other garage owners. ‘Make sure they come back to you and not the guy down the street.'”

mot testing and car servicing

Car Servicing Tips: Six Easy Steps

Car Servicing Tips

The foremost thing that you should do is follow the car manufacturer's maintenance schedule
The foremost thing that you should do is follow the car manufacturer’s maintenance schedule

Car Servicing Tips

Significantly, a visit to your local car repair shop can be even more stressful. say, than a trip to the dentist. Perhaps you won’t suffer physical pain. However, your car repair bill can sometimes skyrocket. Frighteningly, this can leave your wallet or purse feeling pretty empty. including leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth. 

The best way to try to avoid costly repairs – Car Servicing Tips

So, the best thing to do is practice preventative maintenance and follow car service tips to keep your car in the best possible condition.

The foremost thing that you should do is follow the car manufacturer’s maintenance schedule. Of course, that will be outlined in your owner’s manual. The best guidelines are always the ones that are recommended. Of course, by the manufacturer, and if those instructions are not followed.

Your warranty may be voided for future repairs.

Although we are here in Europe,. You are allowed to have your car repaired and serviced. As a result, by law, it must be performed by a reputable garage using original equipment service parts and oils. So, without breaking your warranty agreement, a reputable garage would be one that operates under the  MOT testing station scheme.

Always be sure to change fluids

regular servicing
Regular servicing is important

Naturally, things like brake fluid, filters, and spark plugs– Car Servicing Tips

(if equipped) should be what the manufacturer recommends. It is also a good idea to upgrade your motor oil to a higher-performance synthetic oil, which can help prevent certain problems and also improve your car’s overall performance. We keep several types of oil on hand for servicing, as specifications are changing all the time, but using synthetic oil is not a bad thing and will cover most modern engines.

Always be sure that your tyres are correctly inflated. Car Servicing Tips

This is especially important because tyres with too little or too much wear can result in excessive wear from bad handling and may cause a tyre to blow out. It is often recommended that you check your tyre pressure every time you go to the gas station. While this may seem excessive, you won’t be sorry that you have kept your tyres correctly inflated and therefore safer.

For reasons of both safety and the expense of new tyres, the extra effort is well worth it.

If you notice any unusual noises coming from your car, there may be engine problems! While driving along, check your owner’s manual for information. Quite often, noises are perfectly normal, and there is no need for concern. Your owner’s manual information section will let you know whether or not a visit to the auto centre is necessary.

Use a reputable garage for your car repairs

Part Worn Tyres

Waste car Tyres are being looked at

Waste car Tyres are being looked at

Waste car Tyres are being looked at
Part Worn tyres Guy Fined

Waste car Tyres are being looked at

The European Union is spending €4.5 million on an experiment to turn waste car tyres into an elastic material that can be put on road surfaces, particularly motorways, to reduce traffic noise. This experiment has, so far, hardly scratched the…

This idea is not new, but if implemented, it would use great amounts of our waste tyres.

Waste car tyre may be a problem of the future?

It could be possible that the waste car tyres  problem is resolved in our lifetimes, (I hope). I reported that waste tyre crumbs were being mixed with tarmac to improve the noise levels of the road surface as well as helping with general waste tyres problem.

Now we have some good news coming out of a European Union funded project called “PERSUADE”. The project kicked off in September 2009, and looks to me as though it is a different of substance to the mixture of tarmac with the rubber crumbs.

The new type of material

that is made from waste car tyres is being tested for its compatibility with other road surfaces such as tarmac and concrete, in a bid to reduce road noise. The new type of road material was invented in Sweden as far back as the 1970’s and is made of waste car tyres, that are shredded into granules, which are then covered with a synthetic resin, this is then mixed with stone chippings and chemicals that help the final product give a suitable grip to the traffic that drive on the surface.

The difference between this and normal tarmac as we know it ,is the fact that the mix does not contain bitumen, the Bitumen Products as we know comes from oil and oil waste and is not environmentally friendly more reading…

Persuade were given a budget of 4.5 Million Euros

Of course ,which includes many different countries and work by several universities. So, as well as companies with similar interests to the project.

I must admit that this project came as a surprise to me. Surprisingly, I did not realise that such projects were in operation. I have to admit that I am pleasantly surprised! Of course, that one day the tyre industry will not have to pay for tyre removal . Meaning that old tyres will be of good use.

After several test tracks.

Consequently, a full scale one was built in three EU countries Poland, Belgium and Sweden. These were built with an up to date mixture of the waste car tyres and other ingredients.

This was in 2014! So, up to now  has proved successful with favorable road noise results, but the trials will be ongoing and take into account the winter performance, skid resistance, durability and of course the road noise.

I know that other people in the tyre industry will be very pleased and even excited about these events, and I hope that the news will be as pleasing to them as it was to me, for more information about persuade…

As an update i have found out that the rubber and asphalt mix is approved and used in Canada .

Pellon Tyres is now a member of

Cars and Climate Change

Hybrid Car Servicing 2024

Hybrid Car Servicing 2024

Hybrid Car Servicing 2024
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Hybrid Car Servicing 2024

regular maintenance for my hybrid vehicle

Even if your car might benefit from the newest hybrid technology, it still makes sense to have annual maintenance performed on it. By doing so, you can make sure your hybrid is operating without a hitch and find any little faults before they turn into major ones. The mechanics working on your hybrid will do electrical and mechanical inspections to ensure that it is running as efficiently as possible and to help you get more mileage out of it.

let us discuss the distinctions in maintenance requirements between hybrid vehicles and conventional petrol or diesel engines, with a particular focus on the United Kingdom.

To begin with, the situation is analogous to contrasting apples and pears.

Both are automobiles, but their mechanisms differ. Similar to those opulent Prius models, a hybrid vehicle consists of both an electric propulsion system and a conventional internal combustion engine (diesel or petrol). So, with regard to conducting a thorough examination, there are a few additional components that warrant attention.

Batteries: This is the crucial one. Hybrid Car Servicing 2024

Hybrids are powered by enormous batteries that do not resemble those advertised on our websites, but are considerably more intricate. They contribute to the vehicle’s slight electric propulsion. It is imperative to conduct routine health checks on these batteries. It differs significantly from a standard 12-volt system found in combustion vehicles.

Brake Wear:Hybrid Car Servicing 2024

A small amount of positive news follows. By virtue of employing regenerative braking, hybrid vehicles are marginally more gentle on the brake pads and discs. This ingenious technology recharges the battery during braking. Thus, you may discover that you need to apply the brakes less frequently than with a conventional motor.

Engine Wear:Hybrid Car Servicing 2024

An unexpected turn of events. Because the electric motor in a hybrid performs a portion of the work, the petrol or diesel engine is not consistently operating at full capacity. This can result in reduced deterioration, comparable to opting for the bus rather than the daily walk to the pub.

Fluid Inspections:

The customary oil and coolant inspections remain available. However, bear in mind that some hybrids have a unique coolant for the battery pack; therefore, also monitor that.

Diagnostic Checks:

As the engine’s technology advances, you’ll be required to bring in a sophisticated device to ensure everything is in order. It resembles a visit to the doctor, but for automobiles.

Hybrid maintenance in Halifax or any other city in the United Kingdom is not incomparable to conventional maintenance, but it does have its peculiarities. It is similar to a traditional Yorkshire pudding, but with an innovative ingredient that keeps things intriguing while maintaining the pudding’s heartiness and familiarity.

If your hybrid is still covered by a warranty, you must follow the recommended maintenance schedule to maintain your coverage. A complete service history can also significantly raise the resale value of your hybrid car.

choices for servicing my hybrid vehicle at Pellon Auto Centre Halifax UK

A full hybrid servicing option is available from Pellon and may be added to our Bronze, Silver, or Gold servicing packages. An annual service serves as a health check to make sure the fundamentals and hybrid technology are in excellent condition. For a comprehensive package that provides peace of mind while driving and helps you save time and money, we can also add a cheap MOT.

In addition to a thorough diagnostic health check, our hybrid inspections also look for damage to cables and connectors, provide an inverter coolant report, and check for brake binding. The hybrid service component can enhance any of the following services:

Eric Roberts‘s insight:

Winter is on its way ?

This article is from the “Good Garage scheme” . Thus, pointing out to the motorist the severe weather conditions that could be imminent. Of course, that may lie ahead. Frighteningly, with the  effects that a severe winter could have on your car. Importantly, if you did not prepare for it by servicing your hybrid car before the winter arrives,.

So, helping the consumers- Hybrid Car Servicing 2024

by offering an MOT test and service for just about the £100 mark, all inclusive. This offer is for most small and medium-sized cars, and we will carry out your hybrid servicing.

Of course, on their cars for the winter ahead. This offer also includes a brake check and topping up your anti-freeze levels to the correct winter levels. So you won’t be the one with a frozen engine. We also give your battery a good check-over. For fear that, you will not be late to work because your cars battery has failed you.

Of course, it is now 2024