All Battery Information

All Battery Information

As the batteries become fully charged and are no longer able to accept any further electrical energy. Consequently, the battery voltage will rise. Of course, when the voltage reaches the regulation level (varies with battery type see below) So, starts to dump power the controller’s lights are a solid red. Naturally,this energy is dissipated as heat into the surrounding environment. Significantly,more or less power is diverted to the dump load. According to how much is being supplied to the battery from the turbine.

Lucas battery

063 Car battery Online

063 Car battery Online

063 Car battery Online
063 Car battery Online

063 Car battery Online

Just another reason why it is important to have your battery checked. Hence, at regular intervals such as service times. Including a check on your cars charging system. Of course a battery test is usually free of charge at your local independent garage Naturally, you can find your nearest centre online, by clicking the link.

By testing your 063 Car battery at regular intervals. So, you should avoid having a flat battery. Specially, when this always happens at perhaps a crucial time or an inconvenient place. Subsequently, your Car battery always goes flat where you don’t want it to. Perhaps, say in the supermarket car park. Particularly, when you have an appointment with the doctor. So a regular battery check should avoid all of this.

When buying a new 063 Car battery. 063 Car battery Online

Always importantly check out the specifications on the new battery that you require. Although, the part number may be the same !Then the number of amps may not be the same. For an example newer car models now have much more electrical components built into them.

Requiring much more power from the same size battery.

The 063 battery came out years ago and was sold with a capacity of 35 amps. As a result was fitted onto early Vauxhall Nova’s and Corsas as well as early “British Leyland” cars. Such as the BMC 1978 Mini that I used to ownReplacing the very common 038 battery which was very popular at that time. In brief, the 063 Car battery was made more compact. Fitting into the smaller car models of the day more easily.

However as time went on and emissions became an issue. Cars were increasingly fitted out with more electrics and emissions control computers (ECU’s) . So the amps were increased to 44 amps. Of course on on exactly the same battery casing size, the 063 Car battery.

063 car battery now up to 44 amps. 063 Car battery Online

The up to date 063 Car battery is still the most popular car battery on the market in the small to medium size car market, but the difference is in the power. The power output is now up to 44 amps almost twice the capacity of the earlier 35 amp battery. This is a very important point when buying an 063 battery! Make sure that you have ordered the right capacity of your battery.

All you have to do is to replace the battery with the exact same car battery. 063 Car battery Online

Of course the same one that you have on the car. So, do not let people kid you that they are all the same ? They are not. Modern cars now charge and dis-charge at a higher voltage. In short, it is important that you get the right battery for the job. The new higher capacity Varta 063 heavy duty 52 amp car battery is now available online .

So this post was writte by me in 2019. Going forward to 2024 this battery is still extremely popular.

varta battery

Varta Batteries Driven BMW

Varta Batteries Driven BMW

Varta Batteries Driven BMW
Varta Batteries Driven BMW

Varta Batteries Driven BMW

Varta Batteries Driven BMW-powered 1602e was BMW’s first EV and the granddaddy of the i8. Here’s its strange story

This was a surprise to me when i read about it? Varta Batteries Driven BMW

So, I knew that battery-driven cars were nothing new. But I have never heard of BMW getting involved and using Varta Batteries . Of course, scientists are now developing electric cars . Driven by a different type of battery. But BMW apparently used the only technology available! The good old lead acid battery and Varta ones to boot.

Electric cars driven by batteries are nothing new? Varta Batteries Driven BMW

Consequently, many car manufacturers have tried to produce the electric cars. Going back to the 1800’s. One of the efforts came from Ferdinand Porsche, the guy who started the Porsche car company.

So, he developed an electric car known as the P1 as far back as 1898. As a result, he also created a vehicle that could have been the first hybrid in history to use both a battery and a gasoline engine.

Thomas Edison also thought that electric cars were going to be the future and was always trying to improve the battery to drive cars. Edison teamed up with Henry Ford to try to create lower-cost electricity. But it was Ford who scuppered Edison’s plans by bringing out the model T, which would run on a petrol engine and not be battery-driven.

The cost of the cars driven by a gas engine was half the price of a battery-driven model.

The gas engine cars outsold the battery cars, and this was amplified even more when the starter motor was invented, and it became far easier to start a car by pressing a button than by hand cranking the engine to start the car.

Petrol has become more popular! As oil was discovered in more and more of the American States. This meant that the new roads had been built. Of course, there were petroleum filling stations everywhere in the United States to service them. All across the country! Giving the gas-powered engine an even bigger advantage for consumers. Who were buying these more affordable cars in droves. A new freedom had arisen ! People were wanting to explore the new road networks that were opening up all over America.

Petrol shortages spark interest in  electric vehicles driven by batteries,

Nothing much happened in battery development for years. Bringing me up to the time when I became interested in cars. I work as an apprentice mechanic.Of course, here in Yorkshire, UK, my home county,.

The Arab Oil Embargo (1973), which shook the world in the 1960s and 1970s. Which worried the USA about importing oil. So, in 1976, they passed a law authorising the development of battery-driven electric and hybrid vehicles. Specifically, nothing new here; what goes round comes round?

General motors developed an urban electric car in 1973

As a result, in 1975, the American Post Office began using an electric battery-driven jeep that the American Motor Company had developed. Of course, things were starting to move . But the problem of distance travelled on one charge was rearing its ugly head. The same old problem that we are getting in today’s Lithium-Ion battery power trains.

Interest in the electric car then slowed down. Significantly, there were no further developments to name. As a result, regarding battery-powered cars,. That was until the 1990’s came along and the desire for cleaner air and pollution controls increased interest once again about developing the battery-driven electric car.

Governments were introducing clean air acts and implementing emission controls on car manufacturers. Unknown to the public, including myself, governments were throwing billions of dollars in the surge to develop a better battery that would drive the electric vehicle of the near future. Oil prices were rising after the relatively cheap price of gasoline in the 1990s, and a similar scenario to the 1970’s is now emerging.

The world needed electric cars powered by batteries again

The race was on between the huge car companies in different parts of the world. Toyota of Japan was the first car maker to make big inroads. Into the electric car and hybrid car developments. In 1997, they introduced the Prius. Which became the first mass-produced hybrid car. So, a car with a petrol engine and a battery train. This, to me, is still a better option than the elusive all-battery-driven car. Toyota used a nickel-metal-hydride battery to power the Prius. So, as I stated earlier, gas prices were starting to rise, which made this car a very popular choice for consumers.

Honda had also produced their new hybrid in 1999

Clearly, the developments after that are another story. This article gives my readers a little insight of a period. Hence, before the development of the new technology, batteries. Such as the popular Lithium-Ion batteries that scientists are still trying to perfect to this day.

Please note that these are the words and opinions of the author (Eric Roberts) only. Neither the author nor the website can be held responsible for any errors or omissions. You should seek professional assistance if in doubt about your choice of battery. The article may contain a link to BatteriesOnTheWeb, where you can buy Varta Batteries products online.

caravan and motorhome batteries

Leisure battery LV22MF Numax

Leisure battery LV22MF Numax

Leisure battery LV22MF Numax
Leisure battery LV22MF Numax

Leisure battery LV22MF Numax

Batteries are amongst the best batteries available to the Caravan and Motorhome community, not forgetting the lucky people who own a river craft or a canal pleasure boat.

All these types of leisure vehicles require Leisure battery LV22MF Numax leisure. or a number of batteries to supply them with electricity. especially where there are no main power points. Usually in the middle of nowhere or at a remote canal boat mooring.

Numax are not necessarily cheap leisure batteries. But they are one of the more reliable battery products. Of course, for this market usage. In fact, I have only ever seen one faulty Numax battery. As a result, in the six years since I began selling them,

Numax leisure. Leisure battery LV22MF Numax

The Leisure Market battery products are always on display. Hence, at some of the country’s top leisure and outdoor shows Because of this, the Numax name has become very popular. Also because of the internet, the price of the Numax Caravan battery has actually come down. So, this is now one of our best-selling products that we offer online.

The most popular battery is the XV31MF battery. This is a 110-amp model and was our best seller at the time of writing this article. The LV26MF battery from Leisure Battery is a 100-ampere-hour battery.

The Leisure battery LV22MF is close behind. Numax leisure

This is a 75-amp battery and is used for the person who goes away at weekends and the occasional two-week holiday. When the first motorhome battery came out, the industry used the regular car battery; in fact, the 100-amp leisure battery was derived from the 250-amp car battery. The car battery was modified with thicker cables to hold more charge and was then known as the LV26MF battery for leisure use. The original 250 car battery was a starter battery and had to provide the power up front to start a car.

As the leisure market began to grow, Leisure battery LV22MF Numax

so did the size of the caravans and motorhomes. This meant that bigger batteries were needed because portable televisions and fridges could fit into the larger vehicles. In the early days, these came in the form of truck batteries, which were the largest batteries available. This led to the development of the XV31MF leisure battery, which once again had thicker plates to store more power as the truck battery was a starter battery and needed the power up front to start the vehicle.

LV22MF leisure battery. Leisure battery LV22MF Numax

One thing that has surprised me is that more people do not connect two LV22MF batteries together. These batteries are LV22MF Numax leisure batteries, and connected together in “parallel” will give you a 75 x 2 capacity, which is 150 amps, a much larger capacity than a XV31MF battery would have. The main criteria is that you use the two exact same leisure batteries and the same number of amps, the system will remain at 12 volts, and in my opinion, it would be worth looking into.

Vintage Car Batteries

Vintage Car Batteries: 1932 Austin Lichfield Pickup

Vintage Car Batteries

Vintage Car Batteries
Vintage Car Batteries

Vintage Car Batteries

Old Austin spotted while delivering batteries in the area.

 I was very surprised when I called into a local garden centre for a coffee at there coffee shop. I love old and vintage cars, and in fact, we sell the 6 volt hard rubber vintage car batteries that fit these old vehicles. To my amazement, I saw an old vintage car forming part of a sort of farm and country display in the corner of one of the glass houses selling household ware.

Luckily, I always keep my small camera with me. Therefore, we were able to take a couple of pictures for my blog . The car turned out to be a pick-up and was an Austin Lichfield Pick-up from 1932. Hence, the car is very rare. Thus, I was really pleased to come across such a wonderful old car.

 Morris Minor Vintage Car Batteries delivered

These Austin vans and pickups were known as “tillies,” according to the article from “Graces guide”. I successfully delivered the classic car batteries, which were for an old split screen Morris Minor 1000.

“A virtually new car was launched in 1939 with the body shell incorporating the floor to give a semi-unitary structure. The car was completely restyled by Argentine born Ricardo “Dick” Burzi who had joined Austin from Lancia in 1929.

In all during the war 53,000 of the saloons, pick-ups and vans, the last two unofficially known as “Tillies”, were made.With peace in 1945 a change was immediately made to civilian production but with the post-war financial crisis they were nearly all exported with the first one arriving in the United States in July 1945. So, 038 batteries are now used for many classic cars.

The van also re-appeared post-war with a slightly larger 1,237-cc engine”Read more on this old and very rare car at

Eric Roberts