
hydrogen cell cars

Toyota’s Prius EV

Toyota’s Prius EV

Toyota's Prius EV
Toyota’s Prius EV

Toyota’s Prius EV

Newsday: Toyota’s Prius EV refresh

hydrogen fuel cell car on tap for 2015 Newsday The next Prius, which is expected in 2015, will include improved batteries and smaller, more powerful electric motors and will be built on the company’s new global…

ricRoberts‘s insight:

This is great news about Toyota’s Prius EV Hydrogen Batteries

This news is good news for many motoring fans.Thus, who think that the future should be a mix of technologies. In the World of cars,. In the past twenty years alone, we have seen many new developments. Of course, In the battery World.

Apart from modifying the ever-present free-flow lead-acid batteries,. So we have seen the new battery types, such as AGM and GEL batteries crop up to serve as back up Varta batteries. Hence, for many industries, such as computer back up systems and even for the early computers that we all used,. All this new technology was introduced along with need for progress and the appetite from consumers and industry for better and faster electrical equipment.

Toyota’s Prius EV

This development has never stopped. Of late, we have developed many new types of batteries. As a result, governments and large corporations funded them. So, to satisfy the need of the ever-expanding electrical and engineering projects,. Whether they were large or small,.

The next generation of batteries was to be known as NiMH, Nickel metal hydride batteries. primarily for the ever-expanding miniaturisation of personnel computers. These were followed by the invention of the Lithium- Ion batteries . Invented in the 1990’s for use on Stealth aircraft in the USA. Also used in the space programme by NASA, the American space agency.

The latest surge in EV development. It came when there was an urgent need to save the Earth from greenhouse gases. The main culprit is pollution from fossil fuel-driven cars. So the Governments of the World. We got together and agreed that emissions had to be reduced. This caused a frantic rush. Thus, car makers must come up with an alternative fuel supply. Hence, to gasoline products. Of course, the answer would be an electric or hybrid car. At first, car makers came up with lithium-Ion batteries, which are still developing today.

Toyota’s Prius EV Looking for alternatives

However, because these cars will not travel far,. Of course, before the batteries require recharging,. Scientists are trying to come up with an alternative. One of the companies to do this is Toyota’s Prius EV from Japan. This new type of Toyota’s Prius EV battery is called the Hydrogen-cell battery and, in my opinion, will be the winner of this technology race in the future.

The car. Toyota’s Prius EV is expected to be on the market as early as 2015. Already, gas stations have prepared by adding hydrogen pumps to their forecourts. In my opinion, yet another step forward.

The EV Hybrid Market in 2024: A Look at What’s Driving the UK Forward

Hello everyone! Today, we’ll look at how electric and hybrid automobiles are shaping up in 2024. It’s an exciting time for everyone who wants to reduce pollution while still enjoying the ease of a traditional combustion engine. Whether you’re a motor aficionado or just thinking about leaving petrol, there’s a lot to catch up on, especially in the UK!

A surge in popularity.

First and foremost, it is apparent that the hybrid and electric vehicle (EV) market is more than a passing fad. It’s here to stay and is becoming stronger by the day. By 2024, hybrids and electric vehicles will be as common as rain on a bank holiday. People are more willing than ever to make the move as battery technology progresses and consumer awareness grows.

Sales are surging, and why not? With fuel costs as unpredictable as a British summer, electric and hybrid vehicles provide some security and significant long-term savings. Let’s not overlook the government incentives. They act as a gentle reminder to switch from your gas-guzzling vehicle to something more environmentally friendly.

What’s hot on the market?

This year, we’re seeing an excellent range of automobiles that combine power and efficiency. Tesla continues to push the boundaries with high-performance electric vehicles, while traditional manufacturers such as Ford and Vauxhall are upping their game with hybrid cars that fit seamlessly into the normal British lifestyle.

Hybrid automobiles are especially popular among those who aren’t ready to totally commit to an electric lifestyle. They provide the best of both worlds, allowing you to use electric power for daily commutes and gas for larger trips. There’s no need to worry about running out of juice in the middle of the Yorkshire Dales!

Charging ahead: Infrastructure Improvements

The lack of charging infrastructure has long been one of the most significant barriers to electric vehicle adoption. But, good news! The UK is making progress in 2024! Charging stations are cropping up quicker than daffodils in spring, everywhere from highway stops to small shops. This advancement is critical in making electric vehicles more accessible and viable for everyone, not just those who live in major cities.

A reference to the local scene.

Speaking of cities, don’t forget the local boost we’re experiencing in Halifax. Our own share of the pie includes efforts that encourage local businesses to include electric vehicles into their fleets. There is even talk of installing new charging stations in town centres to make it easier for everyone to keep their vehicles charged.

And, while we’re on the subject, did you know that Halifax was home to some of the first electric trams in the UK in the early twentieth century? We appear to have come full circle with our modern electric cars!

Looking forward

Looking at the future, it appears like the sky is the limit. With technology advancing, prices falling, and the government advocating for a greener society, the path ahead for EVs and hybrids is as obvious as a sunny day in Hebden Bridge.

Whether you’re contemplating an EV for environmental reasons, lower operating expenses, or simply to keep ahead of the technological curve, 2024 may be the perfect time to make the switch. And who knows. Perhaps your next vehicle purchase will be part of the exciting electric revolution!

So, whether you’re a tech enthusiast, an environmentalist, or simply a savvy buyer, the EV and hybrid market in 2024 will have something for everyone. Keep your eyes on the road ahead, and perhaps I will see you at the charging station!

Cheers for now, and remember that going electric is excellent not just for your money but also for our green and beautiful land!

See on

lead-acid batteries

Quality Car batteries- And other top tips for driving your CAR in the wet winter conditions

Quality Car batteries; driving the car in winter conditions

One of the most obvious but important parts of winter driving is to prepare  for the bad weather that will be certain to affect us. Every winter we are bombarded by bad weather. So, most of us will get caught out and unprepared for the journey back home from shopping or from work. This happens time and time again. Of course, to many motorists who get caught out in heavy rain. Especially, flooding similar to the weather this week, or a really fast and heavy snow storm. If you check your car out you will eliminate most of the worry of bad road conditions. Feeling, safer and glad that you were prepared.

  • It always pays to have your car checked at independent local garage for a pre winter check.
  • This takes the form of checking your levels for antifreeze. To make sure that it is the correct strength to withstand freezing temperatures. Also your screen wash and oil levels must be checked. The early dark nights also call for your lights checking. How many times do you see a car with only one head on, that looks like a motorbike from a distance ?.
  • The most important things to check are your tyres. I know that I harp on about it, but please buy a set of winter tyres. So, this alone will help you on wet and snow covered winter roads and give you much more confidence when traveling out to work or to the shops. Many more drivers are now switching to winter tyres and are spreading the news to their relations and friends, they really do make a massive difference when driving on roads in winter time.

Check the depth of the water before going through in your car

Other advice now relates to flooding. Flooding has now become a common scene here in the UK. When you approach a flood please take care not take your vehicle  in too deep. Try to avoid the flooded road if possible. Especially, if you must go across the water make sure you stop and check your brakes on the other side. Of course, a minor point is that water could damage your exhaust pipes and catalytic converter a few weeks later. Another part of the car that is neglected in winter is your car battery.

You can easily be caught stranded away from home if your battery lets you down. If your vehicle is over 5 years old it may be better for you to change the battery for a new one before your old battery lets you down. Remember it always happens when you are away from home and will cost you less to replace it , than expensive breakdown charges. if you do have to buy a new battery do make sure that you chose Quality Car batteries. They often come with a better warranty and will last longer

For more reading…

“ Quality Car batteries rarely last longer than five years so you may want to consider replacing your battery for the winter season. If you see any corrosion around the battery’s contact points, clean off with a wire brush to ensure a strong connection”…

And also…

“Winter has well and truly set in now, with flooding in some parts of the UK and snow and ice forecast. So what can you do to make sure getting from A to B is as safely as possible?”…

lead-acid batteries

Car Battery Handling-Take Care when you handle your “CAR BATTERIES”

Post Updated 23rd Dec 2013-30th Oct 2020

Take care when Car Battery Handling

Let me first say that in 40 years of selling car batteries. Both to the public also in my garage environment and now we sell batteries onlineFortunately, I have never (touch wood) seen a single accident. Of course, apart from the holes that appear in my staffs work wear. Long ago we did not wear any protective clothing when filling and charging batteries. Although we were aware of the problems that could have occurred.

These days with the advent of “health and safety”. Naturally, we take all precautions to protect our staff. I feel that I should point out a few things when Car Battery Handling. So, we wear full protective gowns with gloves. Including, goggles whenever we are charging batteries. Training all the staff in the procedures and first aid. This is important to us because we handle thousands of batteries a year.

Most people who have a 12 Volt car Battery delivered. Firstly will receive the new battery in a well packed box packed. Including, some kind of protective filling we at batteriesontheweb use polystyrene and cardboard box for this purpose , (after a few years of experimenting we find that this is the best medium to use).

When the battery is unpacked

So, you will find that it is protected with a polythene bag, sometimes when the weather is cold the plastic bag can be slightly wet this is only condensation and the battery will be fine after a wipe down with a damp old piece of cloth, just remove the bag carefully and check if the battery is the one you ordered.

Please do not smoke or have any naked flames anything near when Handling your Car Battery. Because Leisure Batteries give off a gas that is explosive and dangerous. When Handling Car Battery I would recommend that the unpacking is done outside or in your garage, if you must unpack in the house please put something down (old newspapers should be fine) to lift the battery onto the paper to protect your furnishings from any dried acid on the battery, lead acid will destroy clothing and furnishings and could burn the skin,(if possible wear latex gloves when handling) and certainly wash your hands thoroughly after handling. All these things are common sense just remember that the batteries need handling with care, please do not be alarmed by this advise as it is just common sense and as I have said earlier.

Car Battery Handling  can be very heavy ? Test the weight before you attempt

To lift.

Even the smaller car batteries are really heavy to handle. So,  please use your common sense. Batteriesontheweb handle hundreds of batteries a day and by using common sense and following simple rules get by without injury to our staff. Now stockists of  Trojan batteries click on the link bellow for your battery size references. We sell cheap batteries, online car batteries.