
Brakes Job on Ford Focus

Brakes Job on Ford Focus

Brakes Job on Ford Focus
Brakes Job on Ford Focus

Brakes Job on Ford Focus

The Story of How Alex Resurrected a Ford Focus at Our Halifax Garage

Eric Roberts Says

Hi there! You’re in for a treat if you enjoy motoring stories or are an enthusiast about cars. Allow me to take you behind the scenes of a recent project that happened in our beautiful Halifax, where the intricacies of car maintenance collide with the rich history of our community.

Since the loss of my dear wife Michelle, I have decided to become more proactive and spend a little more time visiting and blogging about my garage. Just the other day, I turned up with my mobile phone and took some pictures of my staff working on customer cars.

Alex is one of my long-term mechanics, and of course, he is a very experienced mechanic.Today Alex was working on a nice-looking red Ford Focus.

It began with a normal, breezy West Yorkshire morning.

Halifax’s streets were filled with people going about their daily business, and the air was clean. At that point, a Ford Focus drove into our garage. It was bright red and in good condition; indeed, it had the allure that Ford vehicles are known for. The owner, a man from the area, was eager to restore his car’s brakes to their former glory, and Alex is the perfect person to do so.

As some of you may know, Alex is somewhat of an automotive expert. His hands have worked on more customers vehicles than we’ve enjoyed hot dinners, and he has an excellent eye for detail. This Ford Focus required more than just a fast fix—a complete brake refurbishment. We’re talking about new discs and pads—the whole nine!

The procedure was quite careful. Brakes Job on Ford Focus

Alex began by evaluating the state of the old and perished brakes. It’s similar to archaeology; however, he was going through layers of deterioration rather than uncovering artefacts from the past. He discovered that the pads were completely worn out and the discs were far past their best due to years of use. It was obvious that this vehicle had seen some exciting times traversing Halifax’s hilly terrain.

Each of the new discs was spotless and shining. Brakes Job on Ford Focus

Alex fitted them with an accuracy that only came from years of practice. The pads followed, fitting snugly against the discs as though they had always been there. Seeing all the parts come together is a stunning sight, reminiscent of Halifax’s own Piece Hall makeover in that it takes something with history and breathes new life into it.

Now that the new brakes were installed, it was time for the crucial moment. Alex drove the Ford Focus to the end of Pellon Lane for a test drive. I wish you could have seen the smile that says, “It’s a job well done,” when he returned. With our tiny streets and steep inclines in Halifax, the car handled like a dream and stopped on a sixpence—exactly what you need.

Brakes Job on Ford Focus
Brakes Job on Ford Focus
There was more to this project than merely a car repair.

It was about giving someone in our community back a little bit of magic in their daily lives. This type of good workmanship fuels our enthusiasm for what we do at the garage. Every car that leaves our shop, whether it’s a Ford Focus or something else entirely, has a little piece of Halifax in it, which is a testament to the quality and care we stand for.

So keep in mind that Alex and our staff are prepared to work some garage magic on your cherished car the next time you hear a slight squeak or Noisy Car Brakes- from your car. Here in Halifax, we preserve the past by repairing cars one at a time. Be careful when driving!

car brakes problem

Brake Failure in Preston

Brake Failure in Preston

Brake Failure in Preston
Brake Failure in Preston

Brake Failure in Preston

Despite how crucial they are, vehicle owners frequently ignore brakes.

For my part, I was just as guilty of this when I was younger and a junior mechanic. Back in the sixties, when I was just starting out as a mechanic, my boss Peter let me use his car for the day. He gave his blessing, but stressed the importance of checking the brakes and oil before heading to the British seaside resort of Blackpool.

As a newly qualified driver, I was going the maximum allowed speed of 30 miles per hour through the town of Preston as we drove back from Blackpool. Back then there were very little motorways and the route home took us on the main highway and through the town of Preston. Cruising down the high street, I should have been able to stop easily when I got to the pedestrian crossing. As I tried to use the brakes, though, they slid straight to the floor, and I had a terrifying rush of fear, as the car failed to stop.

first ever drive out of Yorkshire. Brake Failure in Preston

I veered off the road and crashed onto the sidewalk to avoid hitting a pedestrian crossing the street. To slow the car, I pumped the brake pedal rapidly, creating enough resistance to bring the vehicle to a halt. Once my pals and I moved the car a hundred yards down the road to a mechanics shop, I lifted the hood and saw that the brake fluid level was at zero and a chill went down my spine.

Luckily, we were able to get topped up with Brake Fluid, so we replenished the reservoir and pumped the brakes till they worked again. Although it was a scary ordeal, we eventually made it back to Yorkshire. Having learned my lesson the hard way about the importance of working brakes, I swore never to let it happen again. Here are a few things you need to know about brake maintenance before setting out on a trip.

If you and your passengers value your lives, you should never go out on a long trip without first checking the brakes.

Here are six good reasons to inspect your brakes before every long trip:Brake Failure in Preston

  1. By performing routine inspections of the braking system, one can prevent brake failure by finding any issues before they become serious. Finding issues before setting off on a trip is preferable to discovering them mid-trip.
  2. To guarantee effective stopping, make sure: In order to stop your car, you must first apply the brakes. If they are in good working order, you won’t have to worry about being able to stop in time to avoid a collision.
  3. You can keep your brakes going for a lot longer if you perform routine maintenance on them. Such as checking for and replacing worn brake pads and shoes. In the long term, this can help you save money by reducing the need for costly brake repairs or replacements.
  4. Overheated brakes pose a serious threat to safety, especially while driving uphill or pulling a heavy trailer. If you give your brakes a once-over before you head out, you can keep them from overheating and still use them when you need them.
  5. Improving the vehicle’s overall performance is a side effect of maintaining healthy brakes.

Your car will be easier to manoeuvre and more stable to drive.

Brake Failure in Preston
Brake Failure in Preston

Checking your brakes before starting off on a lengthy trip is crucial for your peace of mind. Confidence and security when driving are greatly enhanced when you know your brakes are in good working order.

Brake inspections should be part of a driver’s routine maintenance .Brake Failure in Preston

because they literally have life-and-death implications. As specified by the VOSA MOT test, the British MOT test has contributed significantly to the improvement of road safety in the UK. Because they were traditionally located beneath the vehicle, unprotected from the elements, checking the brake pipes was a hassle. They have a special coating of wax, oil or even plain grease to keep the elements at bay.

Even with this safeguard, brake pipes can rust and leak braking fluid over time, causing the brakes to gradually fail. By performing routine checks on your brake pipes, you can prevent something similar to what happened to me in Preston.

mot testing and car servicing

Local Auto Centre

Local Auto Centre

Your Local Auto Centre will advise on timing belt change times

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Waterloo Record Some of the most important maintenance services to have regularly performed at Local Auto Centre on your car include tyre rotation, four wheel alignment, transmission service, differential service,…

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Car servicing

So. this is a great saying ! and of course it is correct:an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Of course, the moral of the story is all about having your car serviced at your Local Auto Centre. So, by doing so, you are taking a preventative measure to find future faults and possible failures.

Importantly, things like rotating your tyres, wheel alignment, checking brakes and steering before a more major fault appears will be checked out at your local service centre.

Of course, you should also be advised. Especially about the time that you should have your timing belt changed. Hence, this is very important . Because it could mean a massive bill . Of course, for a new engine fitting . Thus, should you fail to change your timing belt.

Especially at the correct time. Please make sure that you have a regular service carried out on your car at a Local Auto Centre, Here in the UK, I recommend that you go online to find a Local Car Care Centre in your local town or look out for tyre prices online.

Back after Corvid 19

So, like many other auto centres then we are back to full strength. We have suffered the same millions of other small businesses. However we are pleased to say that our service and tyre business is picking back up nicely.

I would like to thank all our loyal customers for their support both now and in the future.

So here at Pellon, we have a great tyre price portal called

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Car servicing

So. this is a great saying ! and of course it is correct”an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Of course the moral of the story is all about having your car serviced at your Local Auto Centre. So, and by doing so you are taking a preventative measure finding future faults and possible failures. Importantly, things like rotating your tyres, wheel alignment, checking brakes and steering before a more major fault appears, all these things will be checked out at your local service centre.

Of course, you should also be advised. Especially, about the time that you should have your timing belt changed. Hence, this is very important . Because it could mean a massive bill . Of course, for a new engine fitting . Thus, should you fail to change your timing belt . Especially, at the correct time. Please make sure that you have a regular service carried out on your car at a Local Auto Centre, here in the UK I recommend that you go online to find a Local Car Care Centre in your local town or look out for tyre prices online.

Back after Corvid 19

So, like many other auto centres then we are back to full strength. We have suffered the same millions of other small businesses. However we are pleased to say that our service and tyre business is picking back up nicely.

I would like to thank all our loyal customers for their support, both now and in the future.

So here at Pellon, we have a great tyre price portal called

See on

First Time Drivers Guide

Lockdown-Caring for Your Car During Lockdown

How to Care for Your Car During Lockdown

Between heading out and staying at home, the latter is the preferred choice these days, which means that you’re probably not doing a whole lot of driving. But just like your body needs exercise to stay healthy, your car isn’t designed for prolonged periods without movement.

The more time it spends in one place, the higher your risk of facing an unwelcome repair bill the next time you turn the key. The good news is that you don’t have to do much to keep your hatchback, van, or people carrier in shape. Below are some tips for caring for your car during lockdown. 

Keep it Charged

Without a regular boost from the engine, batteries are prone to running flat. The easiest way to prevent this is to go for a drive, but idling will also help. Batteries in older cars and those parked outside in cold or hot weather will drain the power faster. Hooking up your car to a trickle charger can keep it juiced up for longer periods of time.

Check the tyre Pressure

Staying in one place can cause your car’s tyres to develop flat spots, so it’s a good idea to go for a short drive every now and then, which is also important for maintaining the circulation of fluids among mechanical parts. Be sure to check your tyre pressure (including the spare) and make the necessary adjustments. 

Add a Personal Touch

You probably have some extra time on your hands as of late. And with less money going to fuel, perhaps a little more cash, too. Think about whether there are any personal touches that you’ve been wanting to add to your car. It can be something as simple as slipping on some new seat covers or a complete colour change with a wrap.

Another great option is to get your own custom number plate. A local company like Number 1 Plates makes it easy to create your own legal pressed number plates through their online builder. They sell high-quality metal registration plates with a range of customization options. Plus, your new pressed plates will be delivered right to your door. 

Avoid Using the Parking Brake

Cars parked in humid and coastal areas are particularly susceptible to corrosion, as are older models. One way to reduce your risk of rust is to avoid engaging the parking brake, since this can cause damage to the system over time. Of course, this only applies if your garage is on flat land.

Choose Your Parking

Another potential source of rust comes from parking on soft surfaces such as fields, as this can cause moisture to travel up the undercarriage of your car. If you can’t get on pavement, then gravel is your next best option. Consider the safety of your parking area. It’s always wise to remove any valuable items from your car when you’re not in it. 

Taking the above steps will go a long way towards keeping Your Car During Lockdown, in tip-top shape during lockdown. Don’t forget to give it a good wash when things go back to normal.

Come on everyone, gather around!

Let’s explore one of the COVID lockdown’s most surreal unintended consequences: the frenzied activity in my garage! You heard correctly! My modest garage has never been busier than it is now that the globe has hit the “pause” button.

So let’s get this nut open wide! Imagine this: When COVID strikes, a lockdown occurs, and the entire globe goes into a frenzy. Cars? Well, most of them are parked and gathering dust. But here’s the thing: much like people, cars don’t like to loiter around for too long!

Go back a few months.

Lockdown lifts, and presto! Everyone is excited to resume driving. But oh no! Several plans exist for these cars. Don’t even get me started on those annoying engine problems, like dead batteries and seized brakes. Of course, where do they all congregate? Of course, my reliable garage!

I’ll admit that the spike originally caught me off guard. It was complete mayhem, with cars lined up and phones buzzing nonstop. It was a challenge, but let me tell you: wow, did we rise to the situation beautifully!

But now for the surprise!

The momentum continued after Your Car During Lockdown. Oh no! Road excursions, weekend getaways, and the pure pleasure of a drive without a destination had all become popular once more. In a world still dealing with uncertainty, cars ceased to be only for commuting and instead evolved into freedom-giving machines.

What about my tiny garage?

It became a centre of activity as people fixed, tuned, and made sure all the cars were ready for the road! Not to mention how quickly word of mouth spreads in today’s internet environment! As one happy client led to another, our hands quickly became full!

Yet, despite how bleak it was, the COVID shutdown resulted in unforeseen booms in unexpected locations. Since then, we haven’t looked back, and my garage has become the go-to haven for many Halifax automobile enthusiast!

car during lockdown, the lockdown, keep your car, to maintain your car, after your car.

Maintain your momentum and never forget that every cloud (or epidemic) has a silver lining! I’ll see you on the road, and drive safely!

3 Critical Car Maintenance Tasks You Cant Afford To Skip

3 Critical Car Maintenance Tasks-You Cant Afford To Skip

3 Critical Car Maintenance Tasks

3 Critical Car Maintenance Tasks
3 Critical Car Maintenance Tasks

3 Critical Car Maintenance Tasks

Number Plate Maintenance

Regular car maintenance is crucial for your vehicle’s longevity, safety, and optimal performance. Just as our bodies need routine check-ups, cars require regular attention to prevent minor issues from becoming major, costly problems down the line.

In this article, we’ll discuss three critical maintenance tasks that you can’t afford to skip, from regular oil changes that keep your engine running smoothly to tyre checks that ensure your safety on the road. Uniquely, we’ll touch on the often-overlooked topic of number plate maintenance, which is vital for legality and identification purposes. 

Number Plate Maintenance

Maintaining the visibility of your number plates is crucial for legal and identification purposes. Dirty or obscured plates can lead to fines or penalties in many jurisdictions, as they hinder recognition by traffic enforcement cameras and law enforcement officials. Regular cleaning should ensure that your plates remain visible and legible.

There are situations where you might need to get new number plates. These could be due to damage, wear, or if they’re lost or stolen. Sometimes, existing plates may fade due to exposure to harsh weather conditions, making them difficult to read. In such cases, you should promptly order replacement number plates.

Getting new number plates also comes into play if you want to personalise your car with a unique registration number, which can be an expression of your personality or a way to make your vehicle more distinctive. Regardless, remember to always comply with the specifications and requirements set by local laws when replacing your number plates.

Regular Oil Changes

Changing your car’s oil regularly is one of the most important things you can do for your engine’s durability and efficiency. The engine oil lubricates the moving parts, reducing friction and wear, thereby preventing overheating and potential engine damage.

Over time, the oil becomes dirty and less effective due to the accumulation of dust, dirt, and other contaminants. This degraded oil can’t adequately protect the engine, leading to reduced performance and potentially severe engine damage. 

Regular oil changes ensure your engine runs with clean, effective oil. This keeps the engine healthier and enhances fuel efficiency, resulting in smoother rides and fewer frequent visits to the gas station. Regular oil changes are a small investment that pays off in the form of a longer-lasting, better-performing engine.

Tyre Checks

Maintaining correct tyre pressure, regular rotation, and alignment are vital aspects of car maintenance, significantly affecting safety, fuel efficiency, and tyre lifespan.

Correct tyre pressure ensures optimal contact between the tyres and the road. This provides better grip, reduces tyre wear, and enhances fuel efficiency. Under-inflated tyres can overheat and cause blowouts, while over-inflation reduces grip, affecting braking and handling. 

Regular tyre rotation, typically every 5,000 to 7,000 miles, balances tyre wear, helping all tyres to wear evenly and prolong their life. Alignment checks are also crucial, as misaligned tyres can lead to uneven wear, poor handling, and decreased fuel efficiency.

Driving on worn tyres is hazardous as it diminishes traction, increases stopping distances, and can lead to tyre failure. Regularly inspect tyres for tread depth and any signs of damage to ensure safe driving. Proper tyre maintenance saves money by extending tyre life, improving fuel economy, and ensuring safer journeys.

car maintenance checklist, types of car maintenance, car maintenance checklist pdf, car maintenance schedule, car maintenance schedule by mileage.