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Best Tyres Revisited

Best Tyres Revisited

Best Tyres Revisited
Tyres Online Halifax

Best Tyres Revisited

Incidentally, the majority of my customers really are very caring people. Consequently, really do make a huge effort to keep their car. Including the tyres in tip top order. We are also proud of our female Customer Experience. Many of whom that will call in to see us periodically. Asking us to check their tyres. Of course, for both wear and their pressures.

In many cases the women of the family is also the keeper of the purse strings and she always asks

“which is the Best Tyres prices for her car”. It is also an observation that the lady

drivers do not always want the cheap tyres, but very often will opt for a mid-range brands, in our case we offer them General tyres or GT Tyres as these are the ones that we major in at the moment.

The drivers who want the major brand Best Tyres

Usually, the older drivers have more tyre-buying experience and are male customers. Subsequently, this customer type also usually owns a Mercedes . Likewise, a better-quality upmarket Honda or Audi.

These are the guys that are the better off financially and do not worry about the cost, but just go for the Best Tyres that they care to choose. In most cases they will ask for a certain Michelin  or a Pirelli that matches the ones on the car, on the imported cars such as the Honda’s and Mazda’s the cars usually come out on the Bridgestone brand of tyres.

We always make sure that we give the customer the best price for all our products

So, the last thing that we want. Of course, is the person going home and checking the  Best Tyres price on some internet web site? Comparatively, only to find out that he was overcharged never to return to us again.

In fact, we would prefer the opposite to be the truth, so that they are confident in our pricing structure and satisfied that they have had a good deal. This type of customer is the one who will just order a tyre without asking for a price, but he will have an idea in his head as to what the price should be.

There has been many an occasion say just after a price rise. Of course, that a customer has queried a price since they last bought a new one. But a price rise is a good enough excuse. We also get the person who tries it on with a price match. They ask for a price for a certain size. So, then tell us that they can buy it for such and such on a certain web-site and can we match the price?

Best Tyres Revisited-Some people will try it on when buying their tyres-Best Tyres Revisited

 We are ahead of them now, and we always check the web site that they say they were quoted from. In some cases, the customer has looked at a lower speed rating or even the wrong size completely, but these are just genuine mistakes, and when we point this out, they are usually happy to admit that they have made a mistake and buy the Best Tyres Revisited from us.

The ones who are trying it on usually end up leaving with an egg on their face, knowing that their little scam backfired on them. In any case, we do not want these types of customers in the first place.

Best Tyres Revisited
Best Tyres Revisited

This also happens on the phone-Best Tyres Revisited

Customers will tell us that they can buy a set of winter tyres for so and so much at some other company or online. Our response to that is to check out the place to see if this is true, and the crux of the matter is that they are always telling fibs to try and drive down the price of their best tyres.

We are all wise to these little tricks, and as I said before, there is no magic place where these people can buy them at very cheap prices. There are variations, and sometimes we may have to lower our margins to compete, but we are ahead of the game now and check everything that these people claim to be able to buy tyres at.