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Sunbeam Rapier Cross Ply

Sunbeam Rapier Cross Ply Tyres

Sunbeam Rapier Cross Ply Tyres
Sunbeam Rapier Cross Ply Tyres

Sunbeam Rapier Cross Ply Tyres

One of the great things about my job. Hence, as MD of Pellon Tyres,. No two days are the same. Thus, the only unfortunate thing about this is that your time does fly when your having fun.

As expected, the other day I had a motorcycle battery to deliver (we offer next-day delivery). Because it was only a few miles away in Bradford, I decided to deliver the battery myself. I will very often provide batteries in the nearby towns in West Yorkshire. We try to give the best service to our customers through our tyre shop and websites.

However, I arrived at the house in Bradford. Sunbeam Rapier Cross Ply Tyres

So the customer was out. Therefore, I hid the battery under a bucket and left a note. Thereupon, on my way back to my van, I noticed an old car parked up in

r’s driveway. I love old cars and often write blogs about them. Hence, this was no exception.

The car was a Sunbeam Rapier. I was over the moon and took a couple of pictures. These cars reminded me of when I was a young mechanic: my friend Richard Ellis worked in Dewsbury at a Routes garage, and I worked at a BMC garage ( soon to become British Leyland).

We always shared stories about the good and bad points of the cars we worked on, including the Sunbeam Rapier. I do not remember seeing one until the other day in Bradford. I think the owner of the Sunbeam is a member of the Sunbeam Rapier Owners Club.

Sunbeam Rapier Cross Ply Tyres

The Rapier was an upmarket version of the Hillman Minx; the early ones only had a speed of 85mph. The Rapier was given tail fins and a new-style grille for the radiator, with the option of a convertible body, making the car look cool. As far as I can remember, they originally came out on cross ply tyres in the sizes 590×13 and then 600×13, but I stand corrected if you know better.

In 1961 the convertible came out and was a very sound car; it had whitewall tyres. Sunbeam Rapier Cross Ply Tyres

and was fitted with a walnut dash with two-tone paint, making the car look unique. The Rapier was out at the same time as the Vauxhall Cresta and the Ford Zodiac, all iconic cars of the time.

Lastly, I hope this blog brings back some memories, as it did to me. A story from a motorcycle battery delivery sunbeam with 590/600×13 tyres