
Auto-Air Conditioning

Air-Conditioning Time

Air-Conditioning Time

Air-Conditioning Time
Air-Conditioning Time

Keeping You Comfortable While Driving:

The Value of Using and Maintaining the Air Conditioning in Your Vehicle

Your level of comfort and the condition of your vehicle are directly correlated to how well you operate and maintain the air conditioning (AC) system in your vehicle. Let’s investigate the benefits that come from this aspect of car maintenance, which is frequently ignored.

An air conditioning system that has been properly maintained will keep the interior of the vehicle cool and comfortable, which is especially important during the sweltering months of summer (Air-Conditioning Time). Comfortable drivers are attentive drivers!
Better Air Quality: Performing maintenance on your air conditioner can help improve the air quality inside your vehicle. Filters should be cleaned or replaced on a regular basis as part of preventative maintenance to cut down on dust and allergens.

Defogging the Windows- Air-Conditioning Time

Your vehicle’s air conditioner is an essential component in the process of defrosting the windows as quickly as possible. This maintains clear visibility, which contributes to conditions that are safer for driving.

Having your air conditioner serviced on a regular basis can help you avoid having to pay for expensive repairs down the road. If you catch any problems early on, you can avoid having to pay for more expensive repairs later.
Protect the Value of Your Vehicle Having an air conditioning system that is fully operational helps to protect the value of your vehicle.

If you are thinking about selling your home, Air-Conditioning Time

Having a functioning air conditioner can be a major selling point.
Comfort for Passengers: Everyone in the vehicle will be able to travel in comfort if the air conditioner is in good working order, elevating the overall experience of taking long car rides or short trips to the grocery store.

Improve Your Car’s Fuel Efficiency Your car’s air conditioning system can use more fuel if it is not properly maintained. Regular maintenance keeps it operating at its peak performance, which contributes to improved fuel efficiency.
In conclusion, there are a variety of advantages that come from maintaining and making routine use of the air conditioning system in your vehicle.

It improves the comfort of driving, helps maintain the quality of the air around you, and even helps preserve the value of your vehicle.
Keep in mind that a cooler car is not just a comfort; rather, it is an investment in improved driving, improved health, and improved vehicle longevity. Keep your cool and drive safely!

Air-Conditioning Time: Air-Con was invented in 1939 in the USA

The weather here in the UK has now started to get warmer, and it is generally the Air-Conditioning Time of the year that motorists turn their air conditioning on and find that it isn’t

working as well as they would like. Sometimes it won’t be getting cold, and sometimes there will be a musty sort of smell coming from the inside of the car. It is just not the same as driving on a hot day with the windows wound down. You will probably find that your air conditioning needs to be re-gassed, or a more thorough service and inspection may be required.

was invented back in 1939 by Packard in America and was the first to be fitted in the factory in 1940. The first refrigerant used in air conditioning was thought to be  highly damaging to the atmosphere, and a safer gas was later used in the 1960s.

Most of our customers know that it is air conditioning time to choose again and choose to have their air conditioning serviced yearly.

This will clean out all the dirt and germs that have built up over time-Air-Conditioning Time

, and it will also recharge the gas as necessary. The other option would be to leave your air conditioning on until there is a drop in the air conditioning temperature and performance.

There is a risk of leaving your air-con until there is a problem. The problem may arise, resulting in a bigger repair and a bigger bill. Either way, in between summers, you do still need to think about your air conditioning system. We recommend that you leave the air-con on all through the autumn and winter; this stops the gas pressure from falling.

Many motorists are under the impression that Air-Conditioning Time is just for hot weather.

In fact, you will need to use it all year round; otherwise, it will be highly unlikely to work properly on the hot days we do have, (as we are experiencing at the moment) In the colder months of winter, you can use your air- con system to warm the car, and it will also remove moisture from the air so that windows do not get misted up. This is something that drivers do not know.

If your car is fitted with climate control, it is often tempting on really hot days to turn the cold button as far down as it will go, but unless you are on a long journey, the chances are the system won’t be able to achieve the low temperature that you are looking for. Then, when you exit the car, you feel like you’re stepping into a hot, steaming forest. Not very comfortable at all.

You are much better off aiming for an in-car temperature that is just a couple of degrees lower than the outside temperature.

You will feel more comfortable in the car, and it won’t be such a shock when you get out of the car (we have all been there; when we hire a car in, say, Spain and the inside of the car is nice and cool, then when we get out it’s like stepping into an oven). If you don’t have the inside temperature so cold, then your body won’t get such a shock when you hit the heat.

Any bad smells coming from your air-con system should be checked

out by a good auto-centre as soon as possible, particularly if you or any of your family has any breathing problems such as asthma. It indicates that there are bacteria in the car’s air-con system (often caused by leaves going mouldy and blocking up the exterior vents in Autumn, so do remove any that you see there!)

You can also smell the bad smell coming in from other cars, this is very common and nothing to worry about.

In the Halifax area of West Yorkshire, you can have your air-con serviced by experts.