mot testing and car servicing

Garages Card Scam targeted

Garages Card Scam targeted

Garages Card Scam targeted

Garages Card Scam targeted
Garages Card Scam targeted

Unfortunately, garages and car service centres have always been targets for different types of scams.

Including this particular scam by using stolen credit cards over the phone. So here at Pellon Tyre and Autocentre in Halifax we try to be as switched on as possible. Only recently did we receive a phone order for a set of four expensive tyres. Fortunately, we could “smell a rat”. The caller asked for a friend to collect the tyres.

spiciously, then we would not let tyres go anywhere. People are always trying this sort of thing and I am sure that they make a living out of it. Another type of fraud that is on the rise is the “chargeback scam”. People order goods usually online. The address used for delivery is usually some empty property in a city centre. The fraudsters hope that the couriers will leave the goods with a neighbour. So a few weeks later, they will inform the credit card company that they have not received the goods. A charge back is then issued to the out-of-pocket supplier.

Nearly taken for £2000 !Garages Card Scam targeted

In fact this almost happened to us a few months ago! Our web site received a very nice order for six very large Varta AGM truck  batteries. So, the order was just under the £2000 mark. Consequently, I decided that we should deliver these batteries on our own transport. Indeed I decided to delivery these very heavy truck batteries myself.

The address was in a district of Birmingham, Britains second city. So, I remember thinking whether or not there would be somebody at the other end to help me unload these very heavy batteries. It is important to realise that these batteries weigh as much as 65 kg ! It is very heavy for one man to lift.

The journey was a good one. However I was shocked to find that the address was to an empty semi detached house. In other words this delivery had the makings of a scam. So as to double check then I parked my van and had a walk up to the house. The property was empty with some old lace curtains up at the windows. For this reason, I decided to quickly turn around an headed back home.

A chargeback was issued. Garages Card Scam targeted

Luckily, I decided to deliver the batteries myself. Sometimes we will send out the batteries on a pallet. This could have ended up very expensive for us! Especially, if the pallet had been left at the premises. So, after calling my wife and explaining the situation I arrive back in Halifax with the batteries. Sure enough the scammers received a charge back from the card company.

In the past we have been victims of this type of fraud. Consequently we have learned important lessons and in this case we minimised our losses. The lesson is that if it is “too good to be true” then it probably will be and stay clear it will be a scam.

Scammers are continuing to target garages. Garages Card Scam targeted

With a widely-used ‘card not present’ method where tyres are purchased over the phone using stolen card details before being collected and payment reversed by the card company,

Source: Garages still being targeted by ‘card not present’ tyre scam, IGA warns – Garagewire

3 Critical Car Maintenance Tasks You Cant Afford To Skip

Pellon Tyres Battling On

Pellon Tyres Battling On

Pellon Tyres Battling On
© Can Stock Photo / XXLPhoto

Pellon Tyres Battling On

By 2022, we will still be making progress. The direction of the business world is towards massive conglomerates. The little guys are getting further and further behind.

Recently, the enormous Halfords acquired “National Tyres”, which have hundreds of locations.

No matter how challenging, we must continue to fight to maintain our market share for tyres. Of course, in the local Halifax, United Kingdom, area. We at Pellon Tyres have a strong local and national web presence. I think we are keeping up with the best of the rest as a result of this. Sales are brisk, and we might finally be in for a cold and snowy winter. Cold winters provide a good opportunity for a smaller tyre company to secure a winter tyre sale. I believe that we are quicker to respond to our customers’ needs.

Another advantage of the colder weather: Pellon Tyres Battling On

will be an increase in our battery sales. Battery sales will double as the temperature falls below freezing. This is where our customers benefit from buying from the big boys. We do not charge for installing a battery purchased from us. A certain large competitor actually charges a fee for fitting the battery! So you know where to come when you need a new battery ?

When it snows, the winter tyre market becomes active. Consequently, daily sales inquiries may treble with the forecasted snowfall. This is the situation as I am writing this post. The UK could be in for a white Christmas. This means winter tyre sales and a chance for us to make some extra sales. The British economy is currently suffering a great deal. The cost of gasoline and heating is over the top, and inflation is considerable. However, I believe that this is where we outperform our more powerful competitors.

We can make speedy, cost-saving decisions

So, as a small business, we can better control costs and make quick, accurate judgements regarding business costs thanks to our hands-on approach. Once we have a better handle on our costs, we can set fair prices for our customers who are short on cash. Heating and lighting costs have been steadily rising in the past few years. So, this gave me the chance to reduce our costs by making our electric system more efficient.

Conclusively, this meant  a total rewiring of the premises. I am convinced that the old system was leaking power and was expensive to run. At the same time as all our light fitting’s were replaced, we replaced all our lights with LED lighting. Thus helping to reduce any further rise in electric charges.

This is just a small part of running a small business! Pellon Tyres Battling On

It must be a constant battle against rising costs. So, not only when we hear the shocking news about how bad the economy is and how we must all tighten our belts to stay afloat, but as a business owner, this must be part of the job. Keeping up with and updating your machinery should also be a priority.

In normal economic times, the buyer has the upper hand. So if you want to replace an older piece of equipment, then you will have the upper hand in buying it at the right price. Don’t wait for a recession to see monthly price increases caused by inflation. Keep your machinery up-to-date, including office machines such  as computers and the latest software.

This advice is on how to keep your business fit and be ready for a battle with the bigger competitors in your niche. especially when there is an economic crisis to battle against. Costs are always under your control as a business owner.

Navigating the Skies: The Essence of Luton Airport Transfers

Navigating the Skies
© Can Stock Photo / elxeneize

Navigating the Skies

In the vast expanse of air travel, where the wings of anticipation meet the ground
In reality, there is a crucial element that often remains unsung:

Luton Airport

Transfers. Beyond the metal birds and the bustling terminals lies a symphony of
convenience and seamless transitions that make your journey truly memorable.

Unveiling Luton:

A Gateway to Wonders
Luton Air terminal, settled in the core of Britain, isn’t simply a centre for takeoffs
and appearances; it’s an entrance to new experiences. Imagine venturing onto the
runway, your heart reverberating with the commitment of investigation, and
There, standing ready, is the quiet legend—the Luton Air Terminal Exchange.

The Dance of Time, Punctuality in Motion

In a world that spins ceaselessly, time becomes both a companion and a challenge.
Luton Airport Transfers, orchestrated with precision, understand the heartbeat of
time. With drivers who move like shadows, your journey from the airport becomes
a dance with punctuality. No more anxious glances at the clock; Luton Airport
Transfers: make sure you’re in sync with the rhythm of your schedule.

Beyond Convenience, Luton’s Fleet of Comfort

As you step into the vehicle, the world outside changes. The rich seats support you,
and the murmur of the motor turns into a bedtime song. Luton Air terminal
Exchanges don’t simply move; they keep you in solace. The journey from the
airport becomes a poetic narrative where every mile is a verse and every turn is a

Luton’s Lullaby: Safe and Secure: Navigating the Skies

Safety is the silent guardian of every traveler’s soul. In the domain of Luton Air
terminal exchanges, security isn’t simply an element; it’s a commitment. Like a
children’s song, mindful driving and cautious route weave a defensive cover

around you. Your journey becomes an odyssey, where each mile signifies not just
distance, but a step into a sanctuary of safety.

Whispers of Luxury: Luton’s Hidden Elegance: Navigating the Skies

Amidst the practicalities of travel, Luton Airport Transfers unveils a hidden world
of luxury. The vehicles are not only methods of transport; they are chariots of
tastefulness. The unobtrusive murmurs of plushness reverberated in each calfskin
seat and cleaned surface, making your excursion in excess of a drive — its a
journey through refinement.

The Melody of Choices, Tailored for You: Navigating the Skies

In the symphony of Luton Airport Transfers, you are the conductor. Tailored to
your preferences, the services harmonise with your desires. From the choice of
vehicle to the route taken, every note is played according to your composition. This
A personalised experience elevates your journey from a mere transfer to a bespoke

A Tapestry of Stories and Conversations with the Driver

Embedded in the essence of Luton Airport Transfers are the stories that unfold
during the ride. Engaging conversations with the drivers become chapters in your
travel diary. Its not only an excursion from point A to point B; its a story of shared
encounters, making recollections that wait long after you’ve arrived at your

The Unseen Guides: Navigating Beyond Maps

In the world of Luton Airport Transfers, the drivers are not just navigators; they
are unseen guides. Beyond the maps and GPS, they hold the compass to local
secrets and hidden gems. Your journey becomes a treasure hunt with each ride
unearthing discoveries, transforming a routine transfer into an exploration of the

Echoes of Departure, Farewells and Promises

The departure gates beckon, yet Luton Airport Transfers leave behind a lingering
melody. The farewell is not just a parting; it’s a symphony of promises whispered
through the wind. As you bid adieu to the comforting embrace of the vehicle, the
The promise of a reunion echoes in the air. The departure becomes a temporal pause, a
stanza in the ballad of life, where goodbyes are not final notes but pause in an
eternal melody.

Trails of Memories, Every Mile a Memoir: Navigating the Skies

The wheels turn, and each passing mile becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of
memory. Luton Airport Transfers transform the mundane act of travel into an art
form. Every landmark becomes a memory etched in time, and every turn is a poetic
reflection of the journey. The vehicle carries not just passengers but dreams,
weaving a tapestry of moments that stay woven in the fabric of your being.

Arrival: A Homecoming Symphony

Arriving isn’t just reaching a destination; its a homecoming orchestrated by Luton
Airport Transfers. The wheels whisper stories of the road travelled, and as you step
onto the familiar ground, the echoes of the journey linger. The arrival is not just a
physical presence; its a reuniting of souls with the places they belong, and Luton
Airport transfers are the conductors of this poignant reunion.

Timeless Elegance, Luton's Legacy Lives On

Beyond the confines of arrivals and departures, Sehgal Cars Luton Airport
Transfers contribute to a legacy. The timeless elegance they exude isn’t confined to
the moments of travel, but transcends into a lasting imprint. The memory of the
journey becomes a keepsake, a cherished heirloom passed down through the
corridors of time, ensuring that the essence of Luton’s sophistication lives on.

Farewell to Luton, A Conclusion with Gratitude

As the wheels of the Luton Airport Transfer gently roll to a stop, your journey
transcends from an adventure to a memory. The airport fades into the backdrop.
and what remains is the imprint of a seamless transfer—a chapter concluded with

Luton Airport Transfers, with their reliability, luxury, and personalised
touch, redefine the art of arriving and departing, leaving you with not just a
destination, but an experience etched in the annals of travel history.

First Childs Car

First Childs Car

First Childs Car
First Childs Car

First Childs Car

How You Can Help Your Child With Their First Car

Embarking on the journey of your child’s first car is a significant milestone that comes with both
excitement and responsibility. A parent’s role extends beyond celebrating this achievement to
providing guidance and support in navigating the complexities of car ownership.

Choose A Safe And Reliable Vehicle

The first step in supporting your child’s journey into car ownership is helping them choose a safe and
reliable vehicle. Consider factors such as fuel efficiency, safety ratings, and maintenance costs. Instil
in your child the significance of regular car maintenance. Schedule routine check-ups, oil changes,
and tyre rotations to ensure the vehicle operates efficiently and safely. Encourage them to keep a
maintenance log and adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines for service intervals.

Help Them Find The Right Insurance: First Childs Car

Securing the right car insurance is a critical aspect of responsible car ownership. Emphasise the
importance of adequate coverage to protect both your child and their vehicle in case of accidents or
unforeseen events.
Work together to understand the various types of car insurance available. Comprehensive coverage,
third-party, fire and theft, and third-party only are common options.

Discuss the specific needs of your child and the level of coverage that best suits their circumstances. You might also want to
consider gap insurance, which covers the difference between the amount that you paid for the car
and what your insurance policy covers. Gap insurance comparison is crucial for finding a good deal.
Visit Protect Your Family to compare insurance on everything from your home to your business.

Foster Responsible Driving Habits: First Childs Car

You need to stress the importance of defensive driving skills. Encourage your child to take additional
courses to enhance their driving abilities. Defensive driving not only ensures their safety but can also
result in lower insurance premiums.
Stress the dangers of distracted driving, particularly the use of mobile phones. Establish a strict no-
phone-while-driving rule to promote safe and focused driving habits. Encourage the use of hands-
free devices if necessary.

Financial Responsibility And Budgeting

Openly discuss the financial responsibilities that come with car ownership. This includes fuel costs.
routine maintenance, and unexpected repairs. Help your child create a budget that accounts for
these expenses, fostering financial responsibility from the outset.
Teach your child fuel-efficient driving practices to optimise fuel consumption. Simple habits, such as
maintaining a steady speed, avoiding unnecessary idling, and keeping the vehicle well-maintained
contribute to fuel efficiency.

First Childs Car
Hydrogen Fuel cells

Emergency Preparedness And Roadside Assistance

As part of responsible car ownership, ensure your child’s vehicle is equipped with emergency
essentials. This includes a spare tyre, jack, jumper cables, and a basic toolkit. Additionally, stress the
importance of carrying essentials like a first aid kit and emergency contact information.
Investigate roadside assistance programmes offered by reputable organisations or insurance providers.
These services can be invaluable in the event of breakdowns or emergencies on the road. Discuss the
options available, and help your child choose a reliable roadside assistance plan.

Ensure your child understands the legal obligations associated with driving. This includes having a
valid driving licence, road tax, and compliance with MOT (Ministry of Transport) requirements.
Discuss the consequences of violating these regulations, emphasising the importance of responsible
and lawful driving.
Familiarise your child with local parking regulations to avoid fines or penalties. Discuss the
importance of parking in designated areas, adhering to time restrictions, and paying for parking
where required.

Hybrid Car Ownership

Electric Classic Mini-British firm launches classic Mini electrification kit

Electric Classic Mini

Electric Classic Mini

So, as a guy who has owned three of these fabulous little cars in the past, this development excites me! I am a garage owner who has spent the past forty-odd years repairing and servicing conventional cars and vans. Then I am not a fan of Electrical car developments (EV’s). Because I think that the EV’s are going to be a threat to our very existence.

Certainly indeed! Embark on an exploration of the narrative surrounding the company’s eco-conscious conversion of the classic petrol-powered Mini into a contemporary electric vehicle (EV).

Imagine the renowned Mini,

an emblematic representation of British automotive legacy, navigating the thoroughfares of Halifax in an electric configuration. That is certainly a transformation deserving of discussion.

A company in the centre of the United Kingdom, where innovation and history frequently intersect, has given the classic Mini an eco-friendly redesign. Embracing the future while paying homage to the past distinguishes this automobile from others.

The standard petrol-powered Mini, renowned for its compact dimensions and enduring aesthetics, holds a special place in the affections of numerous individuals, including ourselves in Halifax. However, in light of the global transition towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable modes of transport, it was merely a matter of time before an individual attempted to electrify this iconic structure in Britain.

This incredible accomplishment -Electric Classic Mini

was accomplished by a regional organisation that recognises the allure of the Mini as well as the necessity for environmentally sustainable alternatives. The iconic Mini, which has gained widespread adoration, was transformed into a contemporary electric vehicle that embodies elegance and ecological consciousness.

Currently, one may inquire as to why Halifax, specifically, was selected for this undertaking. Our community, in fact, has a long history of innovation and adaptation. From the time of the industrial revolution until the present, considerable change has occurred. Moreover, this organisation, much like those early pioneers, recognised the potential to merge history and advancement.

The outcome is a Mini-Electric Classic Mini-

that operates on electricity and produces no emissions while meandering through our cobblestone pathways. This fusion of the classic Mini and electric prowess is a marvel to behold, featuring the iconic silhouette of the Mini while operating silently on electricity.

The transformation, however, continued beyond the engine. Additionally, they have upgraded its technology by installing contemporary features that enhance the driving experience. Featuring cutting-edge infotainment and regenerative braking, this electric Mini is both fashionable and intelligent.

Even better, this metamorphosis -Electric Classic Mini

is merely one illustration of the inventive spirit that flourishes throughout Halifax and the United Kingdom. It demonstrates that it is possible to support a sustainable future while preserving our heritage.

Consequently, while strolling through our town and observing the blend of old and new architecture, keep an eye out for these electric Minis. They consistently seek to improve the environmental condition of Halifax and the United Kingdom as a whole, showcasing the resourcefulness of local businesses.

One Mini at a time

The ultimate goal is to transform not only automobiles but also our way of thinking and our dedication to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. Salutations to Halifax and its inhabitants, who embody innovation!

However, I must admit that this little red classic mini looks great.

So, it will be an eye-opener for millions of older people who were previous owners. Also, the very thought of the power that this electric conversion will have gives my skin the bumps. However , it is still a rich man’s toy and beyond the means of most people. Including myself!

Although I might add that these people are selling an electrification kit, complete with a battery pack. This will inevitably bring down the price for the experienced DIY mechanics amongst us.

A complete electrification kit which will turn any classic Mini into an electric vehicle has been made available for enthusiasts, specialists and EV conversion businesses. Created in response to growing customer demand to electrify classic cars

Source: British firm launches classic Mini electrification kit – Garagewire