
UPS Batteries Have Many Uses

New Type of Battery: For Storing Solar Power

New Type of Battery

New Type of Battery
New Type of Battery

New Type of Battery

Aquion manufactures New Type of Battery, long-lasting batteries for storing renewable energy. (Demo: #Aquion manufactures cheap, long-lasting batteries for storing renewable energy.

EricRoberts‘s insight:

Another New Type of  Battery for solar energy  Hits the Road

Mount Pleasant in Pennsylvania will be the site for the production of yet another new type of battery. The company will be known as Aquion Energy and will start producing a new type of battery. As a result, Professor J. Whitacre was the inventor of that. So, from the material science department of Carnegie Mellon University.

These new type of battery are expected to cost about the same to produce as lead-acid ones. Naturally, those are in common use today for a multitude of applications. But are expected to last twice as long. They  will be primarily used for the storage of the solar power generated .

Significantly, solar panels for electricity and turbines.

Offering a storage facility for homes in rural and isolated areas. That uses a solar-powered off-grid system knowingly. So, which  supplies require storage for night use and bad weather when the sun is not available. At the moment, these people use different types of lead-acid engines and fossil-fueled engines powered by diesel as standby supplies when the sun does not shine for whatever reasons.

For the reasons that I have explained, this new type of battery

So, is expected to be used in countries that do not have an electric grid, but are expected to get electricity in the near future and because this new type of battery will be available for storage, then these countries will save a huge amount of money by running diesel generators when the sun does not shine and at night. I am sure that Africa will be one of the first places to benefit from such inventions.

The new company have also used ingenious ways of saving money

during the manufacturing process of the new batteries, using machines that were originally used for making aspirin pills to make the thin plates used to make the positive and negative electrode materials. They also use parts from a sweet wrapping machine to pack the electrodes together to collect current.

The company expects to start full-scale production in early 2014 and hopes to make enough batteries to supply 150 solar-powered villages.

Up-to-date information about Aquion Energy

Aquion Energy was well-known for its sustainable saltwater batteries, which provided a cutting-edge method of solar energy storage. But as of my most recent update, Aquion Energy had halted operations and filed for bankruptcy in 2017. Before the company’s demise, the Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI) batteries were particularly well-known for being non-toxic, non-flammable, and made of readily available materials like cotton, manganese, carbon, and saltwater.

Because of their lengthy operational life and ability to withstand thousands of cycles, these AHI batteries were special and could be used for long-term energy storage applications like solar power. Their 100% recyclable nature and ability to function across a broad temperature range further enhanced their attractiveness for use in sustainable energy systems.

Since Aquion’s bankruptcy, other businesses may have obtained part of the technology or may be creating batteries that are comparable. If you’re looking for the newest advancements in saltwater or eco-friendly solar storage solutions, you may want to check out organisations that have kept up with this technology.

Visiting the most recent technological expos, industrial shows, or conferences on renewable energy may provide information about emerging and novel storage solutions. I can research any new developments or businesses that have stepped up to lead this field of technology if you’re interested.

Aquion Energy Now back in business

See on

leisure battery

Leisure Batteries Connected

Leisure Batteries Connected

Connecting two or more leisure batteries is entirely possible, but it should be undertaken with caution. To connect the batteries, you’ll have to have enough space in the caravan to house the multiple batteries safely, as well as …

Eric Roberts insight:

Certainly, let’s dive into the world of leisure batteries and the parallel wiring method to keep things at a cosy 12 volts.

Grab your cuppa and let’s chat about it in that friendly, British way! Unleashing the Power of Parallel Wiring for Your Leisure Batteries Alright, mate, imagine this: you’re planning a nice weekend getaway in your trusty caravan or campervan, and you’re thinking, “I need some extra juice to keep things running smoothly.”

That’s where leisure batteries come into play. These little powerhouses can keep your lights on, your fridge cool, and your

gadgets charged while you soak up the great British outdoors. But how do you get them to work together in harmony? Well, that’s where the parallel wiring method comes in.

The Lowdown on Leisure Batteries

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of parallel wiring, let’s quickly recap what leisure batteries are all about. These bad boys are designed to provide a steady source of 12 volts of electricity to power your camping adventures. Unlike your car battery, which is all about delivering a short burst of power to start your engine, leisure batteries are built for the long haul. They can handle multiple charge and discharge cycles without breaking a sweat.

Why go parallel? Leisure Batteries Connected

Now, let’s get to the crux of the matter: why should you consider connecting your leisure batteries in parallel? Well, it’s all about increasing your power capacity. When you wire your batteries in parallel, you’re essentially connecting the positive terminals together and the negative terminals together.

This setup maintains a 12-volt output but doubles (or triples, depending on how many batteries you have) your overall capacity. Imagine you have two 100-Ah leisure batteries. If you wire them in parallel, you’ll still have that lovely 12 volts, but now you’ve got a whopping 200 Ah of power at your disposal. That’s more time to watch TV, charge your devices, or run your favourite camping appliances without worrying about running out of juice.

A personal Touch: Leisure Batteries Connected

Keeping It British Now, let’s add a bit of local flavour to our discussion. Imagine being in the heart of the UK, surrounded by picturesque countryside and lush green fields. As you prepare your caravan for a weekend adventure, you can’t help but appreciate the rich history and natural beauty that’s all around you.

It’s this appreciation for the local environment that makes leisure batteries and parallel wiring so essential for modern-day nomads. You see, when you’re out exploring the UK’s beautiful landscapes, it’s crucial to have a reliable power source.

Whether you’re parked up in the Lake District

enjoying the tranquilly of the Scottish Highlands or soaking in the coastal charm of Cornwall, having parallel-wired leisure batteries means you can enjoy those creature comforts while staying connected to nature. The How-To of Parallel Wiring Alright, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of parallel wiring. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

Gather your Batteries:

Make sure you’ve got the right leisure batteries for your needs. They should be of the same type and capacity. Safety First: Always disconnect any power sources before working with your batteries. Safety goggles and gloves wouldn’t go amiss either.

Connect Positive to Positive: Leisure Batteries Connected

Take the positive terminal of one battery and connect it to the positive terminal of the other battery using a thick cable. This creates a positive connection between the two. Connect Negative to Negative: Do the same for the negative terminals, creating a negative connection. Check Your Work: Double-check all connections, ensuring they’re tight and secure.

Test your setup:

Before hitting the road, check that everything’s working as it should. You should still have a 12-volt output, but now with increased capacity. Conclusion:

Powering Your British Adventures

So, there you have it, my fellow adventurers. Parallel wiring your leisure batteries can be the key to unlocking a world of power and comfort during your UK getaways. With this setup, you can enjoy your favourite local brew, keep the lights on for a cosy evening in your caravan, and even charge your gadgets for those essential Instagram-worthy snaps of your travels. Remember safety first, and always use the right equipment for the job. Now, go out there and explore the beauty of the United Kingdom, armed with the knowledge of how to keep your batteries running smoothly. Happy camping, mate!

Connecting 2 or More Leisure Batteries-Leisure Batteries Connected

It is entirely possible to connect more than two leisure or solar power batteries. But it must be in parallel. Therefore, this means that you must retain the twelve volts that you require. Hence, you must connect the two positive terminals together. Naturally, and the two negative terminals together.

By connecting the batteries in this way. Thus, as I have said, you will retain the twelve volts that you will require. As a result, to power a twelve-volt system. For this reason, it is used on most cars and marine and leisure systems, it

will also double the amps for more power storage, which is why this is done in the first place. This method also means that your batteries will charge at the same rate.

It is also important to use the same type of batteries. the accompanying video will explain the different types of Leisure Batteries and the best for most applications are AGM batteries.

Leisure Batteries Connected-Leisure Batteries Connected

The Leisure Batteries that you connect together must also be of the same type and age, preferably new batteries. it will be of no use if you connect a new battery with one that is old and has less power.

This will only make the new battery fail at a later stage and not give you the full power that you are looking for. It is also possible to connect each battery to a fuse, which will stop the risk of a high current flowing from the good battery to the bad battery with a faulty cell causing it to short; this situation could be dangerous, with a risk of a fire or explosion. One of our most popular boat batteries is the LV31MF ApolloPower leisure battery.

For more reading…

Solar Storage Batteries

Solar Power-Night battery storage-Used for use With Battery Charging

Night battery storage

Night battery storage

Night battery storage

Night battery storage

The various towns and cities. They are the beating heart of humanity, teeming with life and bursting with the vitality of life’s potential. Most importantly, these locations have enormous untapped potential. The possibility of a change. In the name of the green revolution.

Night battery storage collection techniques and battery storage are of the utmost importance. In our fight against climate change, they are the unsung heroes who deserve praise.

Our bustling towns and cities are the unsung conductors of the dance of progress; they are the innovative foster parents of ecosystems that have the potential to and should enthusiastically welcome solar energy.

They are covered in rooftops, which offer vast unoccupied territories for the installation of solar panels. The sunshine that so generously bathes our cityscapes is a resource that never runs out and can always be replenished. There is a lot of it. It is free of dirt. It packs quite a punch.

Solar collection is more than just harnessing the sun’s rays.

It has to do with storing things. Night battery storage, comes into play at this point, making it possible to make sure that not even a sliver of sunlight is wasted. A safe and dependable reserve, which is especially important when the sun stealthily hides behind the clouds, so that the energy that sustains life can continue to meet our unending requirements.

Cities are engines of progress and transformation. They are at the forefront, boldly taking the initiative to lead the charge against the energy crises we are facing.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for each and every municipality, big or small, to thoroughly incorporate solar energy collection and Night battery storage. It’s not just a step in the right direction environmentally; it’s also a profound statement about our dedication to our planet and our future.

The pace of change is frequently slow. Nevertheless, the transformation that needs to take place within our urban spaces must be quick and absolutely unwavering. Our commitment to fostering a lifestyle powered by the sun should not, cannot, and under no circumstances should we waver in this endeavour. It is necessary in light of recent events. It is the responsibility that we share as a group.

The villages and larger cities.

They are not simply assemblages of brick and mortar, but rather dynamic entities that have a soul that is alive and well and breathing. And residing within this soul is the innate capacity to be bearers of sustainable change, to be torchbearers in the never-ending journey of environmental responsibility.

Our urban conglomerations, with their conglomeration of various structures, hold the promise of a solar-enriched future, heralding an era in which our relationship with energy is not just responsible but also harmoniously symbiotic.

This future holds the promise of a solar-enriched future. And it is precisely this dance of light and storage, which is so fluidly intertwined, that gives the green vision that we have steadfastly yearned for its breath of life.

In this journey towards a greener world, our towns and cities are not just important; they are absolutely necessary. Let’s give them the ability to create, to use, and to become the green havens of tomorrow, where solar rays and innovative storage walk hand in hand, painting a brighter and cleaner future for all of us.

The various towns and cities. They are the beating heart of humanity, teeming with life and bursting with the vitality of life’s potential. Most importantly, these locations have enormous untapped potential.

Night battery storage

The possibility of a change.

In the name of the green revolution. Solar energy collection techniques and battery storage are of the utmost importance. In our fight against climate change, they are the unsung heroes who deserve praise.

Our bustling towns and cities are the unsung conductors of the dance of progress; they are the innovative foster parents of ecosystems that have the potential to and should enthusiastically welcome solar energy.

They are covered in rooftops, which offer vast unoccupied territories for the installation of solar panels. The sunshine that so generously bathes our cityscapes is a resource that never runs out and can always be replenished. There is a lot of it. It is free of dirt. It packs quite a punch.

Solar collection is more than just harnessing the sun’s rays. It has to do with storing things. Battery storage comes into play at this point, making it possible to make sure that not even a sliver of sunlight is wasted

A safe and dependable reserve,

which is especially important when the sun stealthily hides behind the clouds, so that the energy that sustains life can continue to meet our unending requirements.

Cities are engines of progress and transformation. They are at the forefront, boldly taking the initiative to lead the charge against the energy crises we are facing.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for each and every municipality, big or small, to thoroughly incorporate solar energy collection and battery storage. It’s not just a step in the right direction environmentally; it’s also a profound statement about our dedication to our planet and our future.

The pace of change is frequently slow. Night battery storage

Nevertheless, the transformation that needs to take place within our urban spaces must be quick and absolutely unwavering.

Our commitment to fostering a lifestyle powered by the sun should not, cannot, and under no circumstances should we waver in this endeavour. It is necessary in light of recent events. It is the responsibility that we share as a group.

The villages and larger cities. They are not simply assemblages of brick and mortar, but rather dynamic entities that have a soul that is alive and well and breathing.

And residing within this soul is the innate capacity to be bearers of sustainable change, to be torchbearers in the never-ending journey of environmental responsibility.

Our urban conglomerations, with their conglomeration of various structures, hold the promise of a solar-enriched future, heralding an era in which our relationship with energy is not just responsible but also harmoniously symbiotic.

This future holds the promise of a solar-enriched future.

And it is precisely this dance of light and Night battery storage, which is so fluidly intertwined, that gives the green vision that we have steadfastly yearned for its breath of life.

In this journey towards a greener world, our towns and cities are not just important; they are absolutely necessary.

Let’s give them the ability to create, to use, and to become the green havens of tomorrow, where solar rays and innovative storage walk hand in hand, painting a brighter and cleaner future for all of us.

A Dutch company -Night battery storage

Of course, that has invented many types of solar power battery chargers and lights, mainly for developing countries that do not have a stable electric power system, has come up with a great product now named Waka-Waka-Power.

The WWP (WAKA-WAKA-POWER) has been designed with a joint venture from a team of microchip makers to make the WWP much slimmer and lighter than its predecessor, the WAKA-WAKA-LIGHT.

More Reading…

“Place Waka Waka Power in direct sunlight for a whole day and you will notice that the batteries will be completely full, even if you live in New York or Seattle (where the intensity of the sun is far less than in Texas).

The capacity of the battery is large enough to fully operate most mobile phone from completely depleted, to practically full. On top of this, you will have 10 or more hours of excellent reading light as well.

If you don’t charge your phone or tablet, as said before, you can have more than 40 hours of light.”…

New technology is used in developing countries.

So, in my opinion, this is a great breakthrough for solar energy. Both in developing countries and to contribute towards the rest of the world’s green energy and storage problems.

At the present time, the combined savings in energy costs must be phenomenal. Hence, if people used this charging device to charge up their mobile phones, Including the new-type phones from this sun-powered WWP solar charging machine.

This is truly a great invention by this Dutch company. So, in my opinion, the way forward will also eliminate the use of kerosene.

Give these points: the liquid fuel used by so many African families for their lighting at night causes so many burning accidents for the users.

Solar Power: More Reading…Night battery storage

“ You live in a place near the equator. The climate is nice and your bananas grow well, but due the latitude it gets dark at around 6pm/18.00 hrs. And pretty fast as well,

There is hardly any twilight, as many people who live at higher latitudes know. Here, it is like a light switch has been turned off: within a few minutes, it is dark. Pitch dark”…

The WWP company brought out the WWK Light to try eliminate the use of kerosene fluid for lighting. This new invention has taken the power of the equipment to use solar power and Night battery storage, to help these people and now the rest of the world in their quest for greener and safer energy.

Replacement car battery

Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries

Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries

Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries
Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries

Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries

Many people think that GEL and Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries are the same

Many people buying new golf batteries or mobility batteries. Therefore, believe that the two types of battery are the same. They are very similar.Hence, they have a deep cycle with a low discharge. Because they do not spill, they are classified as sealed. Therefore, may be mounted in any position. For this reason, are safe to use in a confined area. Naturally, and may be carried safely.

Absorbed Glass Mat batteries. Are filled with a type of fibreglass material. As expected, that is fitted inside the battery and then soaked with the electrolyte between the batteries plates. Therefore, this makes the battery leak proof. In other words, if the battery casing is broken. Accordingly, then no acid will leak out. This type of battery is also the most popular here in

In the UK (in my opinion, this is due to the price difference), these are usually much cheaper batteries, in particular with the golfing fraternity.

Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries

GEL batteries have filled a type of silica gel mixed with the electrolyte making a thick jelly that allows the electrons to flow through the plates. Once again as in the other kind, they do not leak when the casing is broken.

One of the most common reasons. Thus, for people using the Absorbed Glass Mat batteries,. Is it able to give out a high burst of amps if required to do so. Of course, they can also be charged with a standard battery charger.

So, and an alternator if necessary. Also, they have a longer life expectancy. Especially if these batteries are not fully discharged between discharges. In my opinion, this is a mistake that people make; they fully discharge their batteries too often, causing premature failure, I think that people should keep a backup battery as a spare so as to not allow their batteries to become too discharged.

 GEL batteries as stated before cost more than Absorbed Glass Mat Batteries

But offer better-working conditions. Especially in hotter climates. Although this does not affect us here in the UK,. The big problem with gel batteries is that they must be charged correctly. Hence, failure will follow. If you have a GEL charger, then stick to a GEL battery.

For this reason, they are designed especially for these types of battery. GEL  should not be charged with an alternator. Unless appropriate adjustments are made,. Another battery is starting to appear in the marketplace. Naturally, there is the Lithium-Ion battery. So, watch out for this one.

To conclude.

We think that the absorbed glass mat. Now has the upper hand and unless you only have your own charger on your golf buggy or mobility scooter you would be better off buying AGM.