car brakes problem

Garage Owners- Beware of the “Could You Just” Customers!

Garage Owners

Garage Owners

So, I suppose this lesson that I am about to teach you could be a lesson for all types of business and not just garages! This type of customer has always been a laughing point when the garage guys meet over a pint of beer! Subsequently, we vey often get onto the customer who calls into the garage a says ” could you just fit a set of front brake pads, or could you just fit me a “head light bulb”. Yes these are could you just customers you have to avoid!

The sign in the car window that I have used as the image for this post. Unquestionably, this says it all. Admitably, not all small jobs go wrong! However, your staff must be made of the customer who just pops in and they are tempted to fit the “small job” between customers that are already booked in.

So the number of times that these so called “small jobs” have backed fired would amaze you. Of course the latest and most common one is the “can you just fit a light bulb“. This is one that you need to watch out for! Some a relatively easy to fit. However many are also a nightmare requiring half the cars front end to be stripped down before the bulb can be fitted.

Another similar problem is the “can you fit my own brake pads “customer.

This is a temptation to a new garage owner. So a customer walks in with new set of usually cheap brake pads and asks you if you can just fit these! Tempting  as it may be we never fit customers own parts. Consequently, you will always find that its not just the pads thats gone. So, then you are in a dilemma. Probably one that you never needed. Garages and similar industries cant do “right for wrong”!

So we all know the other problems associated with the simple job of just fitting a set of brake pads. Anything can go wrong and believe me often will. My advice is to stay clear of these customers. Established garages will know all their good customers and will generally be too busy to accommodate the “can you just” brigade. My advice is to stay clear of these people and politely say that you are fully booked and in any case dont fit customers own parts.

After all as I say the image says it all.


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