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Timing Belts - What happens when they brake

Timing belts must be changed when recommended

When we carry out routine services we always check the changing times for timing belts, and inform the customer if the time to change will be coming up in the near future. Most of our customers will take notice of us and have their timing belts changed.

The reason for the need to change the belt is simply that the belt is made from rubber based material similar to the materials used on a conveyor belt or indeed your fan belt. The belt over time will start to perish and eventually break. To prevent this we at Pellon Auto Centre make a note on the customers service sheet of the time or mileage that thetiming belt requires replacing. When replacing the belt we always fit a full kit and not just the belt, this should eliminate any future problems after the replacement belt has been fitted.

The cam belt is a very accurate and precise part of your car. It is the part that allows all of the engine to work together. When the belt breaks the whole of the inside of the engine is thrown into turmoil. Some lucky people can get away with a timing belt breaking with no damage caused, but this is extremely rare and most motorists end up with bent valves and a cylinder head job.

Timing Belt Replacement >>

Ford Fiesta timing belt broke and shattered top half of engine

timing belt timing belt
Some of the damaged parts on Fiesta Cylinder head ready to be re-fitted

 This week we had a phone call from a distressed customer who just thought that his car had just stopped on his way back from Manchester. When the car was towed in we found that the timing belt had broke. After inspection by our Andy Mawdsley he discovered that the timing belt breaking had caused further damage to the engine. The valves were all bent and the cylinder head needed skimming, at a specialist engine company. We also have to supply all new gaskets (we only use Unipart gaskets) and complete timing belt kit and the whole job can be quit expensive. The moral of this story is that you must change your timing belt when recommended by your service centre. Also when you buy a car with no service history you should get the timing belt changed to be on the safe side, then you are not facing a much larger bill in the future.

For further information on timing belts see How Stuff Works.